SkyView - Dynon Avionics

SkyView - Dynon Avionics SkyView - Dynon Avionics
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SV-ADAHRS-20X Installation and ConfigurationYou must adjust these values to work with your aircraft for any colors to show up on the IAStape and also to be able to calibrate the autopilot servos.Vertical Speed ScaleSet the vertical speed scale on the Vertical Speed Scale Page (SETUP MENU > PFD SETUP >VERTICAL SPEED SCALE).G MeterGo to this page (SETUP MENU > PFD SETUP > VERTICAL SPEED SCALE ) to configure the G meter.The pop-up thresholds are G values that, when exceeded, will cause the G meter to displayautomatically. The G meter replaces the HSI when it is displayed. In addition to popping upautomatically, the G meter can be manually toggled on and off using the PFD > G METERbutton. If you do not want the G meter to ever be displayed automatically, set the positive popupthreshold value very high and the negative pop-up threshold value very low.You can also set yellow and red cautionary ranges of the G meter here, and whether or not themax/min recorded Gs are reset at each SkyView boot-up.Synthetic Vision LicenseSkyView displays can be purchased with or without a license pre-installed that allows SyntheticVision to be shown. In order to display Synthetic Vision, each SkyView display must beindividually licensed to display it.To check whether a display is licensed to display Synthetic Vision, go to SETUP MENU > LOCALDISPLAY SETUP > LICENSE, and look at the status of the SYNTHETIC VISION line. If it is licensed,Synthetic Vision will be displayed as long as SkyView has a valid GPS position signal and has theappropriate high resolution terrain database installed for the region of the world that you areflying in. See the Terrain Data section of this manual for information about obtaining andloading terrain data to SkyView (high resolution terrain data is available for free from DynonAvionics.)To enable Synthetic Vision on displays that do not have it pre-installed, a license that allows asingle display to display Synthetic Vision can be purchased in one of two ways:1. Call Dynon Avionics directly at 425-402-0433 with your SkyView display model (SV-D100or SV-D700) and serial number (as displayed on the case sticker, or in SETUP MENU >LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP > DISPLAY HARDWARE INFORMATION). A License Code can bepurchased for the particular display you wish to enable Synthetic Vision on. This sixcharacter License Code is then entered in SETUP MENU > LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP >LICENSE > LICENSE CODE.2. A SkyView Synthetic Vision Certificate may be purchased from Dynon Avionics or anyauthorized Dynon Avionics retailer. This certificate can be redeemed for a license codethat can be entered in SETUP MENU > LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP > LICENSE > LICENSE CODEto enable Synthetic Vision. To redeem a certificate simply follow the instructions on thecertificate itself. Similar to the above, you will need to redeem your certificate by5-8 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J

SV-ADAHRS-20X Installation and Configurationvisiting with your SkyView display model and serial numberready. Alternatively, you can call Dynon Avionics directly at 425-402-0433 to redeem acertificate.Other ADAHRS CalibrationsAOA/Pitot Probe CalibrationIf the Dynon AOA/Pitot probe is installed, familiarize yourself with the AOA calibrationprocedure before flight by reading through the instructions in the AOA Calibration Wizard(SETUP MENU > HARDWARE CALIBRATION > ADAHRS CALIBRATION > AOA CALIBRATION).Once you are flying straight and level at a safe altitude for stalls, go into the AOA CalibrationWizard (IN FLIGHT SETUP MENU > AOA CALIBRATION…) and follow the onscreen instructions tocalibrate angle of attack while in flight.More information about the physical installation of the AOA/Pitot probe can be found in theAngle of Attack Pitot Probe Installation and Configuration section of this manual.Altitude AdjustThere is a single point altitude adjustment, located in SETUP MENU > HARDWARE CALIBRATION> ADAHRS CALIBRATION > ALTITUDE ADJUST that adjusts SkyView’s barometric altimeter. Thisadjustment affects both the displayed altitude and the encoded altitude that is sent to otherdevices. It should only be adjusted if altitude is found to be incorrect (by comparing it against aknown source or field elevation, AFTER the BARO setting has been set to correctly to knownatmospheric conditions) after SkyView has fully warmed up.SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J 5-9

SV-ADAHRS-20X Installation and Configurationvisiting with your <strong>SkyView</strong> display model and serial numberready. Alternatively, you can call <strong>Dynon</strong> <strong>Avionics</strong> directly at 425-402-0433 to redeem acertificate.Other ADAHRS CalibrationsAOA/Pitot Probe CalibrationIf the <strong>Dynon</strong> AOA/Pitot probe is installed, familiarize yourself with the AOA calibrationprocedure before flight by reading through the instructions in the AOA Calibration Wizard(SETUP MENU > HARDWARE CALIBRATION > ADAHRS CALIBRATION > AOA CALIBRATION).Once you are flying straight and level at a safe altitude for stalls, go into the AOA CalibrationWizard (IN FLIGHT SETUP MENU > AOA CALIBRATION…) and follow the onscreen instructions tocalibrate angle of attack while in flight.More information about the physical installation of the AOA/Pitot probe can be found in theAngle of Attack Pitot Probe Installation and Configuration section of this manual.Altitude AdjustThere is a single point altitude adjustment, located in SETUP MENU > HARDWARE CALIBRATION> ADAHRS CALIBRATION > ALTITUDE ADJUST that adjusts <strong>SkyView</strong>’s barometric altimeter. Thisadjustment affects both the displayed altitude and the encoded altitude that is sent to otherdevices. It should only be adjusted if altitude is found to be incorrect (by comparing it against aknown source or field elevation, AFTER the BARO setting has been set to correctly to knownatmospheric conditions) after <strong>SkyView</strong> has fully warmed up.<strong>SkyView</strong> System Installation Guide - Revision J 5-9

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