SkyView - Dynon Avionics

SkyView - Dynon Avionics SkyView - Dynon Avionics
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SV-D700 / SV-D1000 Installation and ConfigurationCurrent Brightness Target–This is a percentage ranging from 0% to 100% that representsthe calculated target backlight level based on the sensed ambient light level and thepercent brightness voltage map. Note that this is a calculated value and is not set by theuser. The actual brightness never drops below 20% when the Brightness Setup Page isdisplayed, even though the target value may be below 20%.% Brightness Voltage–There are four percent brightness values: 25%, 50%, 75% and100%. These percentages are correlated to a brightness voltage, which are to the rightof the percent value. These percentages along with the minimum brightness voltage(explained below) form the calibration points for the backlight management profile.When the current brightness voltage matches one of these points, the target backlightlevel is adjusted to that percentage. When the current brightness voltage is in betweenthese points, the display interpolates between the points and calculates an appropriatetarget backlight level. These voltages must be set by the user.Minimum Brightness Voltage–This is a voltage that represents the external controlsignal’s minimum voltage level. This must be set by the user.Minimum Brightness–This is an integer value ranging from 0 to 9 that represents thelowest backlight setting when the minimum brightness sensor voltage is present. Thismust be set by the user.Press BACK to save the settings and return to the LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP Menu or press EXIT toreturn to the Main Menu.Top Bar SetupThe top bar is the strip across the top of the screen. It displays textual information such as theclock and autopilot status. Future software updates will use this space for information such asradio status.Enter the Top Bar Setup Page to configure the top bar (SETUP MENU > LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP >TOP BAR SETUP).Aircraft InformationUse the Aircraft Information Page (SETUP MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > AIRCRAFT INFORMATION)to record important information about your aircraft.The tail number must be present for SkyView network configuration and operation.If you have more than one display in your SkyView system, the tail number onlyneeds to be set on the display that you initially perform the Network Configurationon. At network configuration time, all other displays that are set to the default tailnumber of DYNON will automatically have their settings and tail numbersynchronized with the display the configuration is performed from. Afterconfiguration, all displays’ tail numbers and settings will be synchronized, andfurther setup tasks can be performed from any display.4-20 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J

5. SV-ADAHRS-20X Installation and ConfigurationThe SkyView ADAHRS module uses MEMS sensor technology to accurately measure inertial,magnetic, and air data. To ensure accuracy in its readings, it is very important that you installthe module correctly and perform the specified calibration steps. This chapter guides youthrough that process.Dynon sells a primary ADAHRS model (SV-ADAHRS-200) and a backup model (SV-ADAHRS-201).Throughout the guide, these models are collectively referred to as “SV-ADAHRS-20X.” Theprimary and backup models are identical in functionality.Read and understand the System Planning Chapter before installing the ADAHRS.If you have more than one ADAHR in your SkyView system, all ADAHRS calibrationsare applied to all ADAHRS simultaneously. In other words, you generally only needto go these steps once per system, provided all ADAHRS are calibrated, installedand are connected via SkyView Network. However, if an additional SV-ADAHRS-20X is installed and configured at a time after the original installation andcalibrations in this chapter have been performed, all setup and calibration steps inthis section of the SkyView Installation manual should be performed as if theADAHRS is being installed for the first time.SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J 5-1

5. SV-ADAHRS-20X Installation and ConfigurationThe <strong>SkyView</strong> ADAHRS module uses MEMS sensor technology to accurately measure inertial,magnetic, and air data. To ensure accuracy in its readings, it is very important that you installthe module correctly and perform the specified calibration steps. This chapter guides youthrough that process.<strong>Dynon</strong> sells a primary ADAHRS model (SV-ADAHRS-200) and a backup model (SV-ADAHRS-201).Throughout the guide, these models are collectively referred to as “SV-ADAHRS-20X.” Theprimary and backup models are identical in functionality.Read and understand the System Planning Chapter before installing the ADAHRS.If you have more than one ADAHR in your <strong>SkyView</strong> system, all ADAHRS calibrationsare applied to all ADAHRS simultaneously. In other words, you generally only needto go these steps once per system, provided all ADAHRS are calibrated, installedand are connected via <strong>SkyView</strong> Network. However, if an additional SV-ADAHRS-20X is installed and configured at a time after the original installation andcalibrations in this chapter have been performed, all setup and calibration steps inthis section of the <strong>SkyView</strong> Installation manual should be performed as if theADAHRS is being installed for the first time.<strong>SkyView</strong> System Installation Guide - Revision J 5-1

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