SkyView - Dynon Avionics

SkyView - Dynon Avionics SkyView - Dynon Avionics
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SV-XPNDR-26X Installation, Configuration, and TestingSQUAT SWITCH: The Squat switch input allows the transponder to automatically switchbetween Airborne and Ground modes. Set as appropriate if you have connected aphysical squat switch to the SV-XPNDR-26X per the above instructions.AIRCRAFT CATEGORY: To assist ATC tracking of aircraft, an aircraft category can betransmitted by Mode S transponders. Set as appropriate for your aircraft.AIRCRAFT LENGTH: Your aircraft’s length in your current distance/speed units (meters orfeet)AIRCRAFT WIDTH: Your aircraft’s width in your current distance/speed units (meters orfeet)TRANSMIT TEST SQUITTERS: Because of limitations in the ATC radar computer systems,in US airspace the FAA require ADS-B equipped aircraft to periodically transmit theirMode A squawk code in an ADS-B squitter message. This allows the computer system toreconcile conventional radar traces with ADS-B information in a mixed surveillanceenvironment. Because the Mode A code does not form part of the base ADS-B messageset, the code is sent in a “TEST” message.Because different regulatory authorities have not agreed on the behavior of the TESTmessage, the installer must select the local preferred behavior. For aircraft registered inthe USA, the TEST message should always be transmitted. For other airworthinessapproval authorities, the preferred behavior is to apply a geographical filter so thatthese messages are only sent when the aircraft is visible to US radar systems. Because ithas a GPS position input, the transponder already knows the geographic position of theaircraft, and therefore in this case, the recommended option setting for these messagesis “Only in America”.MAXIMUM CRUISE SPEED: Mode S transponders can transmit their maximum airspeedcharacteristics to aircraft equipped with TCAS. This information is used to help identifythreats and to plan avoiding action by the TCAS equipped aircraft. The airspeeds aregrouped in ranges. Set as appropriate for your aircraft.TIS TRAFFIC: Enables the display of TIS traffic on the SkyView Map page when in an areaserved by a TIS-enabled radar. Note that TIS is a Mode S uplink service that is providedby some US approach radars. TIS coverage is limited to the coverage areas of thoseradars; there is no TIS provision outside the USA. If another traffic device is connected toSkyView and is set up correctly, its traffic information will trump the TIS traffic from theSV-XPNDR-26X, regardless of this setting.GPS DATA: Future software updates will allow the SV-XPNDR-26X to receive datadirectly from a GPS that is capable of meeting the FAA’s 2020 ADS-B Out requirements.Since the SV-XPNDR-26X will need an update to support TSO C166b, this setting shouldcurrently always be set to SKYVIEW. See the Serial GPS Position Input section above foradditional details.GPS STATUS: Displays whether the SV-XPNDR-26X is receiving valid GPS data.11-14 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J

Altitude Encoder CalibrationSV-XPNDR-26X Installation, Configuration, and TestingIn most transponder systems, a calibration is normally carried out every 24 months, as part ofthe altimeter checks on the aircraft. The maximum allowed difference between the primaryaltimeter and the altitude encoder is 125 feet in ETSO C88a and TSO C88b. The primaryaltimeter in SkyView and the altitude encoder are one and the same device. It is thereforeimpossible for the encoder and the primary altimeter to exceed 125 feet of altitude difference.They will always be exactly the same as each other, thereby meeting the TSO requirements.Therefore, no altitude encoder calibration is possible or necessary.At times it may be useful to know the altitude that is being reported to the transponder. SinceSkyView sends pressure altitude to the SV-XPNDR-26X, setting BARO to 29.92 will display thepressure altitude being transmitted to the transponder in the normal SkyView altitude displayon the right side of the PFD page.However, do note that there is a single point altitude adjustment, located in SETUP MENU >HARDWARE CALIBRATION > ADAHRS CALIBRATION > ALTITUDE ADJUST that adjusts SkyView’sbarometric altimeter. This adjustment affects both the displayed altitude and the encodedaltitude that is sent to other devices.Post Installation ChecksPost installation checks should be carried out in accordance with your certificationrequirements. These checks should include:Mode S interrogations to verify correct address programming.Verification of the reported altitude using a static tester.Where installed, verification of correct squat switch ground/airborne indications. In anaircraft with a squat switch, setting the Mode switch to ALT when the aircraft is on theground should leave the transponder in GND mode; when the aircraft becomesairborne, the mode should switch automatically to ALT.Interrogations to verify the receiver sensitivity. A Mode S transponder should have aminimum triggering level (MTL) of between -77 dBm and -71 dBm. Failure to meet thisrequirement usually indicates antenna or coaxial cable problems.Interrogations to verify the transmitted power. A Class 1 installation should have no lessthan 125 Watts at the antenna (and no more than 500 Watts). A Class 2 installationshould have no less than 71 Watts at the antenna (and no more than 500 Watts).Failure to meet this requirement is also generally due to antenna or wiring issues.Where installed, verification of the GPS position source and ADS-B outputs. Whenever avalid position is received by the transponder and the transponder is in any mode otherthan Standby, ADS-B Extended Squitters should be observed on the transponder testset.Ensure all regulatory requirements are met. In the United States, the transponder mustSkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J 11-15

SV-XPNDR-26X Installation, Configuration, and TestingSQUAT SWITCH: The Squat switch input allows the transponder to automatically switchbetween Airborne and Ground modes. Set as appropriate if you have connected aphysical squat switch to the SV-XPNDR-26X per the above instructions.AIRCRAFT CATEGORY: To assist ATC tracking of aircraft, an aircraft category can betransmitted by Mode S transponders. Set as appropriate for your aircraft.AIRCRAFT LENGTH: Your aircraft’s length in your current distance/speed units (meters orfeet)AIRCRAFT WIDTH: Your aircraft’s width in your current distance/speed units (meters orfeet)TRANSMIT TEST SQUITTERS: Because of limitations in the ATC radar computer systems,in US airspace the FAA require ADS-B equipped aircraft to periodically transmit theirMode A squawk code in an ADS-B squitter message. This allows the computer system toreconcile conventional radar traces with ADS-B information in a mixed surveillanceenvironment. Because the Mode A code does not form part of the base ADS-B messageset, the code is sent in a “TEST” message.Because different regulatory authorities have not agreed on the behavior of the TESTmessage, the installer must select the local preferred behavior. For aircraft registered inthe USA, the TEST message should always be transmitted. For other airworthinessapproval authorities, the preferred behavior is to apply a geographical filter so thatthese messages are only sent when the aircraft is visible to US radar systems. Because ithas a GPS position input, the transponder already knows the geographic position of theaircraft, and therefore in this case, the recommended option setting for these messagesis “Only in America”.MAXIMUM CRUISE SPEED: Mode S transponders can transmit their maximum airspeedcharacteristics to aircraft equipped with TCAS. This information is used to help identifythreats and to plan avoiding action by the TCAS equipped aircraft. The airspeeds aregrouped in ranges. Set as appropriate for your aircraft.TIS TRAFFIC: Enables the display of TIS traffic on the <strong>SkyView</strong> Map page when in an areaserved by a TIS-enabled radar. Note that TIS is a Mode S uplink service that is providedby some US approach radars. TIS coverage is limited to the coverage areas of thoseradars; there is no TIS provision outside the USA. If another traffic device is connected to<strong>SkyView</strong> and is set up correctly, its traffic information will trump the TIS traffic from theSV-XPNDR-26X, regardless of this setting.GPS DATA: Future software updates will allow the SV-XPNDR-26X to receive datadirectly from a GPS that is capable of meeting the FAA’s 2020 ADS-B Out requirements.Since the SV-XPNDR-26X will need an update to support TSO C166b, this setting shouldcurrently always be set to SKYVIEW. See the Serial GPS Position Input section above foradditional details.GPS STATUS: Displays whether the SV-XPNDR-26X is receiving valid GPS data.11-14 <strong>SkyView</strong> System Installation Guide - Revision J

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