SkyView - Dynon Avionics

SkyView - Dynon Avionics SkyView - Dynon Avionics
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Autopilot Servo Installation, Configuration, and CalibrationVerify preferred airspeed minimum and maximum values and default climb and descentvertical speedsPerform the following steps:1. Enter the Pitch Axis Menu (SETUP MENU > AUTOPILOT SETUP MENU > PITCH AXIS).2. Verify the DEFAULT CLIMB VERTICAL SPEED, DEFAULT DESCENT VERTICAL SPEED,MAXIMUM AIRSPEED, and MINIMUM AIRSPEED are set to values that are within yourcomfort limits.3. These values are configurable before, during, and after flight. Use the instructions foundin previous sections (i.e., the Default Climb Vertical Speed, Default Descent VerticalSpeed, Maximum Airspeed, and Minimum Airspeed sections) to adjust these values.Ensure the aircraft is in trimThis test procedure tunes the autopilot’s pitch axis control. It is critical to isolate this axis andthus, you should start the procedure when the aircraft is in neutral trim and maintain aconstant heading during the following steps.Engage the autopilot in altitude mode1. Enter the AP Menu (MAIN MENU > AP MENU).2. Press button 4 to engage the autopilot in altitude mode. The button label should changefrom to and the Top Bar autopilot status indicator should change to.3. Ensure that the autopilot roll axis is disengaged. If needed, press button 2 until its labellooks like .Allow a few minutes of stable flight under autopilot controlNote that the autopilot is flying in altitude hold mode, so you will need to control the aircraft inroll. Ensure that you are not affecting the autopilot’s control of the pitch axis, so you candetermine the autopilot’s altitude hold and change performance.Adjust pitch servo torque and/or sensitivity values as neededObserve the autopilot status on the Top Bar while the autopilot flies. If the pitch axis indicatorfrequently looks like, that is an indication that the pitch servo is slipping and thetorque needs to be increased. Occasional slips due to turbulence are acceptable.If necessary, adjust the torque percentage on the Pitch Axis Torque Adjust Page (SETUP MENU >AUTOPILOT SETUP > PITCH AXIS > TORQUE).If you have adjusted the roll servo torque to 100% and are still seeing frequentslips, you may need to try a higher strength servo (e.g., if you have an SV32installed, try swapping for an SV42).After verifying that the torque percentage is set appropriately, watch closely for autopilotwandering around the target altitude. The autopilot should keep the triangle of the altitude bug(shown in Cyan in Figure 62) closely aligned with the triangle of the numerical altitude indicator.10-26 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J

Autopilot Servo Installation, Configuration, and CalibrationFigure 62–Altimeter and Altitude BugIf excessive wandering is observed, increase the sensitivity level on the Pitch AxisSensitivity Adjust Page (SETUP MENU > AUTOPILOT SETUP > PITCH AXIS >SENSITIVITY). If the autopilot control seems twitchy or aggressive, decrease thesensitivity. All adjustments of sensitivity should be done in increments of 1 or 2,allowing you to notice subtle changes in control.After sensitivity is adjusted as well as it can be, PITCH GAIN may be graduallyincreased if the airplane does not settle on altitude.Initiate autopilot-controlled climbs and descentsChange the ALT bug to 500 feet above your current altitude.1. Configure a joystick to control the altitude bug as enumerated in the How to Enter theJoystick Function Menu Section of this guide. The label above the joystick should read(ALT).2. Turn the joystick either way until the altitude bug reads 500 feet above the currentaltitude.3. As soon as the altitude bug is changed, the autopilot begins changing the aircraft’saltitude to follow.4. Repeat this step, except set the altitude bug for 500 below the current altitude.Verify pitch torque and sensitivity settings during climbs and descentsDuring an autopilot-controlled climb, observe the autopilot status indicator on the Top Bar asyou did earlier. If excessive slipping is observed (i.e.,) then increase the pitchservo’s torque percentage. Repeat this verification in a descent.Repeat the autopilot-controlled climbs, descents, and torque adjustments until the pitch axisindicator on the Top Bar does not display a slip indication.Continue performing autopilot-controlled climbs and descents, and observe the overallbehavior of the aircraft. If the aircraft oscillates in holds or overshoots as it reaches targetaltitude, it is an indication that the pitch servo sensitivity needs to be increased. If, uponreaching the target altitude the stick twitches excessively, it is an indication that the pitch servosensitivity needs to be decreased.SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J 10-27

Autopilot Servo Installation, Configuration, and CalibrationVerify preferred airspeed minimum and maximum values and default climb and descentvertical speedsPerform the following steps:1. Enter the Pitch Axis Menu (SETUP MENU > AUTOPILOT SETUP MENU > PITCH AXIS).2. Verify the DEFAULT CLIMB VERTICAL SPEED, DEFAULT DESCENT VERTICAL SPEED,MAXIMUM AIRSPEED, and MINIMUM AIRSPEED are set to values that are within yourcomfort limits.3. These values are configurable before, during, and after flight. Use the instructions foundin previous sections (i.e., the Default Climb Vertical Speed, Default Descent VerticalSpeed, Maximum Airspeed, and Minimum Airspeed sections) to adjust these values.Ensure the aircraft is in trimThis test procedure tunes the autopilot’s pitch axis control. It is critical to isolate this axis andthus, you should start the procedure when the aircraft is in neutral trim and maintain aconstant heading during the following steps.Engage the autopilot in altitude mode1. Enter the AP Menu (MAIN MENU > AP MENU).2. Press button 4 to engage the autopilot in altitude mode. The button label should changefrom to and the Top Bar autopilot status indicator should change to.3. Ensure that the autopilot roll axis is disengaged. If needed, press button 2 until its labellooks like .Allow a few minutes of stable flight under autopilot controlNote that the autopilot is flying in altitude hold mode, so you will need to control the aircraft inroll. Ensure that you are not affecting the autopilot’s control of the pitch axis, so you candetermine the autopilot’s altitude hold and change performance.Adjust pitch servo torque and/or sensitivity values as neededObserve the autopilot status on the Top Bar while the autopilot flies. If the pitch axis indicatorfrequently looks like, that is an indication that the pitch servo is slipping and thetorque needs to be increased. Occasional slips due to turbulence are acceptable.If necessary, adjust the torque percentage on the Pitch Axis Torque Adjust Page (SETUP MENU >AUTOPILOT SETUP > PITCH AXIS > TORQUE).If you have adjusted the roll servo torque to 100% and are still seeing frequentslips, you may need to try a higher strength servo (e.g., if you have an SV32installed, try swapping for an SV42).After verifying that the torque percentage is set appropriately, watch closely for autopilotwandering around the target altitude. The autopilot should keep the triangle of the altitude bug(shown in Cyan in Figure 62) closely aligned with the triangle of the numerical altitude indicator.10-26 <strong>SkyView</strong> System Installation Guide - Revision J

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