SkyView - Dynon Avionics

SkyView - Dynon Avionics SkyView - Dynon Avionics
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SV-EMS-220 Installation and Configurationammeter shunt. Strip the wire and crimp on the ring terminals. Using a Phillips screwdriver,remove the two large screws (one on either end of the shunt), slip the ring terminals on, andscrew them back into the base.We highly recommend that you fuse both the connections between the shunt and the SkyViewas shown in Figure 36 below. There are two methods for accomplishing this. You may simplyconnect two 1 amp fuses in-line between the shunt and the SkyView. Or, you may use buttsplices to connect 1” to 2” sections of 26 AWG wire between the shunt and each of the Ampsleads connecting to the SkyView. These fusible links are a simple and cost-effective way toprotect against short-circuits (fusible links in LSA installations may not be ASTM-compliant).Figure 36- Amps Shunt Fuse / Wire Connection DiagramNext, crimp the two supplied #8 ring terminals onto the wires using the fusing method chosenabove. Connect the other ends of the fuses to the Amps High and Amps Low leads (pins 24 and25) on the EMS 37-pin Main Sensor Harness. Unscrew the two smaller screws on the ammetershunt. Slide the ring terminals onto them and screw them back into the base. Connect the“Amps High” lead to the side of the shunt marked by “H” in Figure 35; connect the “Amps Low”lead to the side marked by “L”.If you find that the current reading on the SkyView is the opposite polarity of what you want,swap the two signal inputs (Amps High and Amps Low) to obtain the desired result.It is extremely important that you secure all loose wires and ensure that exposedterminals cannot touch or short out to other objects in the plane. All metal on theshunt is at the same voltage as–and carries the same risks as–the positive terminalon the battery. Improperly installing the ammeter shunt can result in high currentflow, electrical system failure, or fire.7-36 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J

SV-EMS-220 Installation and ConfigurationGRT CS-01 Hall Effect Current SensorDynon does not supply this sensor. It is available from GRT Avionics, and can be used as analternative to the Dynon-supplied amps shunt for measuring currentNote: The GRT CS-01 sensor does not connect to Pin 24/25 (Amps Shunt +/- Input). If you areconverting from a Dynon EMS, you will have to change your wiring per the instructions below).Route the main power cable through the CS-01 "donut". Connect the three CS-01 Wires to theSV-EMS-220 37-pin connector:FunctionCS-01WireColorDynon SV-EMS-220 pinDynon Harness WireColorGround Black Any of 3,5,13,16,17,30 BlackPower Blue 18 (+5V) White/RedSignal Green Any of 8,22,31 VariesFigure 37 - GRT CS-01 EMS ConnectionsThe CS-01 has some special considerations during setup. Configure the CS-01 using thefollowing instructions: Go to SETUP MENU >EMS SETUP > SENSOR INPUT MAPPING. Choose one of Pin 8, 22, or31, as is physically connected above. For the “FUNCTION” column selection, choose “AMP” For the “SENSOR” column selection, choose one of the AMMETER HALL EFF (offsetvalue) (GRT CS-01), where offset value is chosen per the following:o Because each individual CS-01 varies somewhat, configuring the CS-01 typicallyrequires an amps "offset" value to be utilized. SkyView provides 17 differentoffsets via different choices in the SENSOR column. These contain offsets thatrange from "-8" (offset of -8A) through "+8" (offset of +8A). If you wish the CS-01value on your SkyView EMS to display most accurately at zero current, choosethe offset that displays "0A" when zero current is flowing through system. Thiscan be done by turning off all avionics power and operating SkyView on itsbackup battery. If you wish the current to display most accurately at normalcurrent draw, choose whichever of the 17 offset values provides the mostaccurate current reading. (This will require some experimentation.) Set the name column to “AMPS” (default) or create a custom name.Carburetor Temperature SensorThe carburetor temperature sensor may be connected to any general purpose input pin on theSV-EMS-220’s DB37, however, we recommend that it be connected to pin 23 on this connector.Install the carburetor temperature sensor in the venturi area at the point where ice first beginsto form. This is located after the main nozzle, before the throttle valve. You must remove theSkyView System Installation Guide - Revision J 7-37

SV-EMS-220 Installation and ConfigurationGRT CS-01 Hall Effect Current Sensor<strong>Dynon</strong> does not supply this sensor. It is available from GRT <strong>Avionics</strong>, and can be used as analternative to the <strong>Dynon</strong>-supplied amps shunt for measuring currentNote: The GRT CS-01 sensor does not connect to Pin 24/25 (Amps Shunt +/- Input). If you areconverting from a <strong>Dynon</strong> EMS, you will have to change your wiring per the instructions below).Route the main power cable through the CS-01 "donut". Connect the three CS-01 Wires to theSV-EMS-220 37-pin connector:FunctionCS-01WireColor<strong>Dynon</strong> SV-EMS-220 pin<strong>Dynon</strong> Harness WireColorGround Black Any of 3,5,13,16,17,30 BlackPower Blue 18 (+5V) White/RedSignal Green Any of 8,22,31 VariesFigure 37 - GRT CS-01 EMS ConnectionsThe CS-01 has some special considerations during setup. Configure the CS-01 using thefollowing instructions: Go to SETUP MENU >EMS SETUP > SENSOR INPUT MAPPING. Choose one of Pin 8, 22, or31, as is physically connected above. For the “FUNCTION” column selection, choose “AMP” For the “SENSOR” column selection, choose one of the AMMETER HALL EFF (offsetvalue) (GRT CS-01), where offset value is chosen per the following:o Because each individual CS-01 varies somewhat, configuring the CS-01 typicallyrequires an amps "offset" value to be utilized. <strong>SkyView</strong> provides 17 differentoffsets via different choices in the SENSOR column. These contain offsets thatrange from "-8" (offset of -8A) through "+8" (offset of +8A). If you wish the CS-01value on your <strong>SkyView</strong> EMS to display most accurately at zero current, choosethe offset that displays "0A" when zero current is flowing through system. Thiscan be done by turning off all avionics power and operating <strong>SkyView</strong> on itsbackup battery. If you wish the current to display most accurately at normalcurrent draw, choose whichever of the 17 offset values provides the mostaccurate current reading. (This will require some experimentation.) Set the name column to “AMPS” (default) or create a custom name.Carburetor Temperature SensorThe carburetor temperature sensor may be connected to any general purpose input pin on theSV-EMS-220’s DB37, however, we recommend that it be connected to pin 23 on this connector.Install the carburetor temperature sensor in the venturi area at the point where ice first beginsto form. This is located after the main nozzle, before the throttle valve. You must remove the<strong>SkyView</strong> System Installation Guide - Revision J 7-37

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