LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Katarzyna Kijania-Placek

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Katarzyna Kijania-Placek LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Katarzyna Kijania-Placek
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LIST OF PUBLICATIONSKatarzyna Kijania-PlacekFIVE MOSTIMPORTANT200x Descriptive indexicals and the referential/attributive distinction,in: Logica Yearbook 2009, College Publications, London (accepted).2009 Nonclassical Conceptions of Truth in Polish Philosophy at theBeginning of the 20 th Century, in: S. Lapointe, M. Marion, W. Miskiewicz,J. Woleński (ed.), The Golden Age Of Polish Philosophy. Twardowski’sPhilosophical Legacy, Springer Verlag, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unityof Science Series, pp. 191-202.2009 Anaforyczna interpretacja deskryptywnych użyć wyrażeńokazjonalnych, Filozofia Nauki 1(65), 31-39.2002 What difference does it make: three truth values or two plus gaps?,Erkenntnis 56(1), 83-98.2000 Prawda i konsensus. Logiczne podstawy konsensualnego kryteriumprawdy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków, 2000.BOOK2000 Prawda i konsensus. Logiczne podstawy konsensualnego kryteriumprawdy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków, 2000.PAPERS200x Descriptive indexicals and the referential/attributive distinction,in: Logica Yearbook 2009, College Publications, London (accepted).2009 Nonclassical Conceptions of Truth in Polish Philosophy at theBeginning of the 20 th Century, in: S. Lapointe, M. Marion, W. Miskiewicz,J. Woleński (ed.), The Golden Age Of Polish Philosophy. Twardowski’sPhilosophical Legacy, Springer Verlag, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unityof Science Series, pp. 191-202.2009 Anaforyczna interpretacja deskryptywnych użyć wyrażeńokazjonalnych, Filozofia Nauki 1(65), 31-39.2007 On circular acceptance, in: O. Tomala, R. Honzik (ed.), The LogicaYearbook 2006, Filosofia, Praga, pp. 117-126.2005 Descriptions Revisited, in: L. Behounek, M. Bilkova (ed.), The LogicaYearbook 2004, Filosofia, Praga, pp. 201-211.2003 Can majority be supervalued?, in: J. Hintikka, T. Czarnecki, K. Kijania-Placek, T. Placek, A. Rojszczak (ed.): Philosophy and Logic. In Search ofthe Polish Tradition (Essays in honour of Jan Woleński on the occasion ofhis 60 th birthday), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 67-75.2002 What difference does it make: three truth values or two plus gaps?,Erkenntnis 56(1), 83-98.2000 O pojȩciu możliwości obustronnej u Łukasiewicza, in: J. Hartman(ed.) Logika i filozofia. W stronȩ Jana Woleńskiego, Aureus, Kraków,pp. 139-145.2000 Problem sensu zdań okazjonalnych u G. Fregego, in: A. Pietruszczak,J. Perzanowski (ed.), Logika & filozofia logiczna, WydawnictwoUniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, pp. 307-312.1998 Truth as Consensus. A Logical Analysis, in: K. Kijania-Placek,J. Woleński (ed.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy,1

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong><strong>Katarzyna</strong> <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong>FIVE MOSTIMPORTANT200x Descriptive indexicals and the referential/attributive distinction,in: Logica Yearbook 2009, College Publications, London (accepted).2009 Nonclassical Conceptions of Truth in Polish Philosophy at theBeginning of the 20 th Century, in: S. Lapointe, M. Marion, W. Miskiewicz,J. Woleński (ed.), The Golden Age Of Polish Philosophy. Twardowski’sPhilosophical Legacy, Springer Verlag, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unityof Science Series, pp. 191-202.2009 Anaforyczna interpretacja deskryptywnych użyć wyrażeńokazjonalnych, Filozofia Nauki 1(65), 31-39.2002 What difference does it make: three truth values or two plus gaps?,Erkenntnis 56(1), 83-98.2000 Prawda i konsensus. Logiczne podstawy konsensualnego kryteriumprawdy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków, 2000.BOOK2000 Prawda i konsensus. Logiczne podstawy konsensualnego kryteriumprawdy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków, 2000.PAPERS200x Descriptive indexicals and the referential/attributive distinction,in: Logica Yearbook 2009, College Publications, London (accepted).2009 Nonclassical Conceptions of Truth in Polish Philosophy at theBeginning of the 20 th Century, in: S. Lapointe, M. Marion, W. Miskiewicz,J. Woleński (ed.), The Golden Age Of Polish Philosophy. Twardowski’sPhilosophical Legacy, Springer Verlag, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unityof Science Series, pp. 191-202.2009 Anaforyczna interpretacja deskryptywnych użyć wyrażeńokazjonalnych, Filozofia Nauki 1(65), 31-39.2007 On circular acceptance, in: O. Tomala, R. Honzik (ed.), The LogicaYearbook 2006, Filosofia, Praga, pp. 117-126.2005 Descriptions Revisited, in: L. Behounek, M. Bilkova (ed.), The LogicaYearbook 2004, Filosofia, Praga, pp. 201-211.2003 Can majority be supervalued?, in: J. Hintikka, T. Czarnecki, K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong>, T. <strong>Placek</strong>, A. Rojszczak (ed.): Philosophy and Logic. In Search ofthe Polish Tradition (Essays in honour of Jan Woleński on the occasion ofhis 60 th birthday), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 67-75.2002 What difference does it make: three truth values or two plus gaps?,Erkenntnis 56(1), 83-98.2000 O pojȩciu możliwości obustronnej u Łukasiewicza, in: J. Hartman(ed.) Logika i filozofia. W stronȩ Jana Woleńskiego, Aureus, Kraków,pp. 139-145.2000 Problem sensu zdań okazjonalnych u G. Fregego, in: A. Pietruszczak,J. Perzanowski (ed.), Logika & filozofia logiczna, WydawnictwoUniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, pp. 307-312.1998 Truth as Consensus. A Logical Analysis, in: K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong>,J. Woleński (ed.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy,1

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 343-353.1997 Partial models for consensus, in: P. Weingartner, G. Schurz, G. Dorn(ed.), The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy. Contributionsof the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg, pp. 461-466.EDITED VOLUMES200y T. Czarnecki, K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong>, V. Kukushkina, J. Woleński (ed.): TheAnalytical Way. Proceedings of the 6 th European Congress of AnalyticPhilosophy, College Publications, London (in press).2003 J. Hintikka, T. Czarnecki, K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong>, T. <strong>Placek</strong>, A. Rojszczak(ed.): Philosophy and Logic. In Search of the Polish Tradition (Essays inhonour of Jan Woleński on the occasion of his 60 th birthday), KluwerAcademic Publishers, Synthese Library.2002 P. Gärdenfors, J. Woleński, K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong> (ed.): In the Scope ofLogic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Proceedings of the 11 thInternational Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Cracow 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Synthese Library, Dordrecht.1999 J. Cachro, K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong> (ed.): Volume of Abstracts from the 11 thInternational Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Krakow, 1999.1998 K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong>, J. Woleński (ed.): The Lvov-Warsaw School andContemporary Philosophy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Synthese Library,Dordrecht.1997 K. <strong>Kijania</strong>-<strong>Placek</strong>, J. Woleński (ed.): The Lvov-Warsaw School andContemporary Philosophy; Part II, Axiomathes 3.SOME REFEREEDABSTRACTS2008 Anaphoric interpretation of descriptive indexicals, in: Volume ofAbstracts from the 6 th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Krakow.2007 Desciptive indexicals, in: Volume of Abstracts from the 13 thInternational Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Beijing.2005 On singular propositions, in: Volume of Abstracts from the 5 thEuropean Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Lisbon.1999 Do we need finite models?, in: Volume of Abstracts from the 11 thInternational Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Krakow.1995 Do Indexicals Have Fregean Sense?, in: Volume of Abstracts from the10 th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophyof Science; Florence.REVIEW1995 Sybil Wolfram: Philosophical Logic; An Introduction, Studia Logica 54(2),258-261.TRANSLATION1995 N. Lillegard: Sztuczna inteligencja a Biblia (No Good News from Data),Znak 9, 42-58.2

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