PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero


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sOLutionsTipsUseful tidbits from <strong>PC</strong>Mag editorial staff, Labs analysts, and readersvANIshing email If you thinkyour e-mail messages are disappearing,they may just behidden.E-MAILDisappearing E-mailIf you’re finding e-mails from your WindowsMail or Outlook Express inbox go missingright after you’ve read them, closed the program,then reopened it, don’t panic. Mostlikely, the messages are perfectly safe, andyou just managed to accidentally changea setting in Windows Mail that hides messagesonce you’ve read them. It’s easyenough to fix. From the menu, select View| Current View; you’ll see that Hide ReadMessages is checked. Click Show All Messagesand the problem is solved.Both OE and Windows Mail can optionallydisplay a toolbar whose sole purpose isto manage hiding or showing already-readmessages, but that seems a bit unnecessaryfor a setting that’s rarely changed. —Neil J.RubenkingiPHONEFind Wi-Fi Networks on your iPhoneIf you have an iPhone, you don’t need a separatedongle to find an open wireless connectionfor your laptop. Simply take outyour iPhone, tap Settings, select WiFi, thenopen Choose a network to see which Wi-Fi networks are available wherever you are.This trick is perfect for checking to see if it’sworth hauling out and booting up your laptopin your local library or coffee shop, or forchecking whether your home network is visiblefrom that corner of the garage or basementwhere you’re considering moving yourdesktop.74 <strong>PC</strong> MAGAZINE DIGITAL EDITION NOVEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

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