PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero


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BUILD A NEW LIBRAryCreate a new location bydragging an item into thelibrary.the resulting submenu. You can also createa new library by dragging a folder (nota file) to the Libraries heading itself, whereWin 7 will prompt you to create the newlibrary.MANAGE YOUR LIBRARIES Use the Library Locationsdialog to make changes to your libraries.Finally, the various locations can be modifiedby clicking the link beside the Includeslabel, which appears at the top right of theExplorer window when you have selecteda library. The result is the Library Locationsdialog, from which you can Add or Removeadditional items.In my case, by the time I added all of myold Outlook folders to the Archived Emaillibrary, I had a list of nine directories containingseveral subdirectories, all containingone or more PST files. Suddenly, all myold e-mail was accessible to me, should Iwant to search it or revisit old discussions.Of course, using libraries to track musicfiles, document files, or all your variousPhotoshop files might be more helpful formost users, but for me the Libraries featureworked superbly to give me control over avery specific data type. nNOVEMBER <strong>2009</strong> <strong>PC</strong> MAGAZINE DIGITAL EDITION 73

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