PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero


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FeedFeedLETTErsThe Nano is No CamcorderIn response to Tim Bajarin’s column “TheiPod nano: The New Family Video Camera,”I’ve seen the comparison of videos shot bythe iPod nano versus other devices, includingthe Pure Digital Flip camera. The nanosuffers in comparison.I don’t understand Bajarin’s statement,“I am still a big advocate of still images andcontinue to see their value.” The Flip MinoHD takes 720p videos, as well as lets youcapture individual frames from those videos,which look better than the images frommy digital camera. The photos are widescreen,too, but if you don’t like that, crop itas you like to a standard photo perspective.You enjoy your nano, Mr. Bajarin. I’ll enjoymy much-better Flip Mino HD and ZuneHD.—J. BernardiDon’t Forget the AdapterWhy is it that when I read an article suchas your guide “How to Buy a Wi-Fi Router,”there is never a mention of the correct wirelessadapter that goes with each router? Donot assume customers know enough to getone. Yes, if they have a wireless card already,it will probably work. However, if anyone isreplacing the router for speed and rangeissues, he or she will need to get the correspondingcard/adapter to get close to thedesired performance.—“Codaman12”You Spoke Too ZuneIn Wendy Sheehan Donnell’s piece, “ZuneHD Reviewed: Can’t Touch the iPod Touch,”she doesn’t realize that Microsoft hascaught up to the iPod touch. The Zune HD,which I actually own, is excellent. Insteadof just bashing the competitor, I have triedthe touch myself, and found the interfacecounterintuitive. So I waited for an alternative—andthe Zune is it. The apps will comeas they are developed. If the free games andapps Microsoft already has released are anyindication, the Zune is very exciting. Did youexpect 100,000 apps out of the box? Theupdated Zune Marketplace is perfect. Sure,there are not many apps yet, but all of theother media content is there, and there isplenty of it: TV shows in HD, plenty of podcasts,and thousands of albums, videos, andso on.As for the Zune player itself, it works perfectly.The HD radio is amazing, and thescreen is perfect—better than the touch.how to contact us We welcome your comments and suggestions. When sending e-mail toFeedback, please state in the subject line which article or column prompted your response.E-mail pcmag@pcmag.com. All letters become the property of <strong>PC</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> and are subject toediting. We regret that we cannot answer letters individually.NOVEMBER <strong>2009</strong> <strong>PC</strong> MAGAZINE DIGITAL EDITION

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