PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero


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A tablet needs to be able to work with all formsof digital content—including the written word.Wi-Fi and EV-DOWi-Fi is an amazing technology that offersfast, easy connectivity, usually for free.Unfortunately, in my experience, Wi-Fi isremarkably abundant, except when youreally need it. The next generation of tabletswill need built-in 3G modems to take off.Wireless downloading helped the Kindleresurrect the e-book reader business. Tabletmakers should follow the same path if theywant to make a true digital companion.Enhanced Web CachingEven with Wi-Fi and EV-DO, tablets need tobe able to work offline. That’s no problemfor local documents, MP3s, and video files,but there must be a better way to downloadand cache your favorite sites. Techiescan do this already, but for the average user,it should be built into iTunes. Part of whatmakes the Kindle so appealing is that TheNew York Times follows you undergroundor on a plane. A tablet should offer the samefunctionality—but with color pictures!E-book SupportThe Kindle 2 shows there is a demand fore-books, and there is no reason a tabletshouldn’t be able to read them. I’ve alwaysgotten the sense that Apple has lookeddown its nose at books in favor of dominatingthe digital music, TV, and movie business.But a tablet needs to be able to work with allforms of digital content—including the plainold written word. (I love e-ink as much as thenext geek, but truth be told, color screensare better than black and white, and muchbetter than the gray Kindle screen.)USB PortIt may seem obvious to include a USB port,but Apple has skimped on ports in the past(e.g., the MacBook Air). Any tablet shouldhave a USB port that lets you add storageand, yes, connect a keyboard. I don’t thinkthat will be the primary way of using thedevice, but it is a nice option.Some analysts say there is no place fora tablet, because it is another attempt tobridge the gap between a smartphone anda laptop. I disagree. Having a 10- or 11-inchscreen to view Web pages, watch videos,play music, or tap some notes on would bepretty darn useful.When President Obama defended hishealth care policies in New Hampshire, itwas streamed online in dozens of locationsand broadcast on TV. At the time, I waslost in a vineyard in Russian River. I wouldhave liked to watch it, but that meant sittingdown at a laptop or desktop. All I reallyneed is a screen and a wireless connection.All I really need is a tablet.And next year, whether it’s called aCrunchPad, iPad, iTab, Touch Pod, or Mac-Touch Pro Tab, I will have one.TALK back to Dan E-mail your thoughts todan_costa@pcmag.com.NOVEMBER <strong>2009</strong> <strong>PC</strong> MAGAZINE DIGITAL EDITION 47

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