PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero


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DAN COSTAApple, Take Note:My iPad Wish ListThere’s a point in the life ofevery rumor where it eitherbecomes reality or disappears.That’s where we arewith the upcoming Appletablet, a device which has been whisperedabout for months. At this point, I feel somewhatsafe in saying this tablet is going tohappen, probably late this year. But sincesuch a device has not been announced, Ithink this is the time to get a few last-minuterequests in with Apple.First, let’s talk about the keyboard. Thekeyboard is pretty essential to a laptop, butthere is no reason to tack it onto an iPodtouch or, say, your TV. Those two marvels ofdigital amusement are no poorer for lackinga QWERTY keyboard; in fact, they are muchricher for it. Lacking a keyboard doesn’tmake a tablet a lame device, just a lame <strong>PC</strong>.And this tablet will not be a <strong>PC</strong>.Why We Need TabletsWhy I am so bullish on tablets when the formfactor has failed so miserably in the past?The short answer is that things are differentnow. The longer answer is that tablet <strong>PC</strong>sweren’t a complete failure. They are quitepopular in vertical industries, but they areused mostly for data entry (filling in forms)or complex design applications (such asdesigning houses). Such applications are oflimited use to the average user, so tabletsthat delivered them were similarly limited inwhat they offered consumers.The problem is that tablet <strong>PC</strong>s were firstand foremost <strong>PC</strong>s. More than anything else,a new generation of devices (which willinclude the Apple tablet) will be screens—and we can never have too many screens.Screens are our gateway to popular cultureand windows to our digital lives. And asmuch as I love my Palm Pre, I don’t want towatch a movie on it or read an e-book on itstiny 3.1-inch display. This is where a touchsensitive,wirelessly connected tablet wouldcome in very handy.And if Apple, Arrington, or anyone elsebuilding a tablet device is reading this, I havea few other requests as well.46 <strong>PC</strong> MAGAZINE DIGITAL EDITION NOVEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

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