PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 11.pdf - Libertad Zero


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FIRst looks business3M Pocket Projector MPro120A StylishPico ProjectorPico projectors—defined assmall enough to fit comfortablyin a shirt pocket—don’tqualify as new anymore, butthey’re still rare. Just try usingone in a public space—connecting it toa camera to show a friend some photos,say—and see what happens. You’ll quicklyfind that it’s high on the list of gadgets thatencourage total strangers to come over andstart conversations. That’s particularly trueof the MPro120, which offers a sleek design,a screw-on tripod with flexible legs, and reasonableimage quality that works for bothvideo and data.The MPro120 is about the size and heft ofan electric razor, measuring 1 by 2.4 by 4.7inches (HWD) and weighing 5.6 ounces. Thesolid matte black finish and rounded edgesgive it a decidedly sleek look and feel. Setupis easy, and in addition to the standard VGA/RCA cable, you can buy an optional componentvideo cable (with a cable for iPods andiPhones coming soon).The MPro120 has a VGA native resolutionof 640 by 480 and an LED that’s ratedfor 20,000 hours. However, 3M has madea fundamental change in the engine. Thefirst-generation engine used a white LEDas a light source, while this new engine uses3M Pocket Projector MPro120$350 streetL l l l mPros Fits in a shirt pocket. Connects to computersand video sources. Rechargeable battery.Cons Although brighter than the first-generationversion, it’s still not very bright. Audio isbarely loud enough to be usable.red, green, and blue LEDs in sequence. Thesequential approach is intended to displayricher colors, but it also results in a slightrainbow effect, which means the light areasof a moving image can break up into littlered-green-blue rainbows. Also, the audioquality and volume limit was lackluster.But you do get good battery life, lasting4 hours in Normal mode. All told, the Mpro120 is an attractive choice as both a hard-toresistgadget and a potentially useful tool.—M. David Stone>>CLICK HERE FOR MORE40 <strong>PC</strong> MAGAZINE DIGITAL EDITION NOVEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

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