How To Install - CCS & TSC - Terma

How To Install - CCS & TSC - Terma How To Install - CCS & TSC - Terma


DownloadGo tohttp://ccs.terma.comClick "Download TSC" in the menu to the right.There are different choices on this page, you can choose a download depending on your needs forgetting "latest" or "tested" version or the one recommended by Terma as applicable to your project.(up to 100MB download, you may want to keep the result and give to colleagues)The resulting executable is a Windows self - installer.Results have been checked on Windows 7 and on Windows 8Install TSCThe install process is as usual with a self-installer, you may get Windows or browser generatedsecurity queries.Depending on version TSC can appear on your menus as Synopter (earlier versions) or TestConsole (later versions)Run the installer. Allow the application to install.If you are upgrading or replacing an old installation, it is recommended to uninstall the oldversion before installing.Depending on your corporate security settings, installation should be done as a user withAdministrator privileges.Run through the installer, just hit OK or Next for each step. Before Finish you are asked if you wantto run a Demo. Say yes/no as you wish. If you run the SYN demo, then exit SYN at the end). Youshould now have a SYN and TSC icon on your desktop.Click TSC on the desktopA TSC window appears.With either SYN or TSC first run you will be asked• whether the application should be allowed to listen on an IP port. Say Yes.• to create a new session (results) directory. Say YesInstall Notepad++We recommend installing notepad++ , because we will be editing test sequences and a nice editor ispreferred to the very basic one built-in to TSC.Notepad++ is what we use in most projects• notepad++ installer is very similar to the one from TSCIf you already had notepad++ installed before running the project wizard, then project wizard willdo the following steps for you automatically. If you installed notepad after running the projectwizard, then please do the following quick steps by hand:After installing notepad++, go to the TSC menu Settings -> Edit...

DownloadGo tohttp://ccs.terma.comClick "Download <strong>TSC</strong>" in the menu to the right.There are different choices on this page, you can choose a download depending on your needs forgetting "latest" or "tested" version or the one recommended by <strong>Terma</strong> as applicable to your project.(up to 100MB download, you may want to keep the result and give to colleagues)The resulting executable is a Windows self - installer.Results have been checked on Windows 7 and on Windows 8<strong>Install</strong> <strong>TSC</strong>The install process is as usual with a self-installer, you may get Windows or browser generatedsecurity queries.Depending on version <strong>TSC</strong> can appear on your menus as Synopter (earlier versions) or TestConsole (later versions)Run the installer. Allow the application to install.If you are upgrading or replacing an old installation, it is recommended to uninstall the oldversion before installing.Depending on your corporate security settings, installation should be done as a user withAdministrator privileges.Run through the installer, just hit OK or Next for each step. Before Finish you are asked if you wantto run a Demo. Say yes/no as you wish. If you run the SYN demo, then exit SYN at the end). Youshould now have a SYN and <strong>TSC</strong> icon on your desktop.Click <strong>TSC</strong> on the desktopA <strong>TSC</strong> window appears.With either SYN or <strong>TSC</strong> first run you will be asked• whether the application should be allowed to listen on an IP port. Say Yes.• to create a new session (results) directory. Say Yes<strong>Install</strong> Notepad++We recommend installing notepad++ , because we will be editing test sequences and a nice editor ispreferred to the very basic one built-in to <strong>TSC</strong>.Notepad++ is what we use in most projects• notepad++ installer is very similar to the one from <strong>TSC</strong>If you already had notepad++ installed before running the project wizard, then project wizard willdo the following steps for you automatically. If you installed notepad after running the projectwizard, then please do the following quick steps by hand:After installing notepad++, go to the <strong>TSC</strong> menu Settings -> Edit...

A settings editor appears. The first entry in the settings shows Editor and a blank value. Click on theValue and a little "..." button appears. Click on this "..." button and a file selection box appearsSelect the notepad++ appliction: e.g.C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exeIt could be in Program Files or Program Files (x86) depending on your platform and choice of 32 or64 bit installationHaving selected this file, the property value for "Editor" shows notepad++ executable pathHit OK. The blank area in the middle of <strong>TSC</strong> should disappear, if not, restart <strong>TSC</strong>.Set up Test EnvironmentThe test environment you will use is stored in your personal files, e.g.. "My Documents" orequivalent for your Windows version (e.g. could be simply "Documents"). On first starting, youshould see "TESTENV" with some sub-directories (empty) in this directory.The <strong>TSC</strong> application is now installed and running, but your test environment is empty. Beginnersoften need help to get some test environment material to work with, this can be set up by differentmethods:1. a "Project Wizard", for standard Test Packs like "Self Test" or "Training" OR2. manually copied into place (your own project) OR3. check out from <strong>Terma</strong> SVN server (or your own ) specific project Test PackIf you are switching between projects it is recommended to first clear settings (see Settings menu)otherwise your new settings will be a merge of the new project and the old project.Project WizardThis tool is used to copy a TESTENV from the installation directories to your home directory andautomatically configure them for use. Since the list of test packs has been growing a lot, ProjectWizard now only includes training and self test packs. Specific projects need to be checked outfrom SVN or installed by hand.Click on the tool-bar button, "Project Wizard" (has an "evil eye" icon)A ProjectWizard window pops up.Confirm that you have closed the test environment that you are going to move to backup (otherwiseWindows will raise errors, it cannot move a directory that is in use)Hit <strong>Install</strong>. You should see some log messages, and shortly the project will have been copied intoyour test environment.The example test sequences and database are now in your test environment (TESTENV) and anyprevious TESTENV has been copied to a backup.Project Wizard will automatically try to run the test sequence "InitSettings.tcl" to set up yourspecific project settings, if it exists.It is recommended to restart <strong>TSC</strong> after these stepsManual CopyYou can of course do all the above yourself, by hand. You might have a set of files specifically foryour project. Just move TESTENV into a backup, and copy your own test environment into the

TESTENV directory. Under TESTENV you should see the standard directory structure (TSEQ,data)Typically you will also have to run the "InitSettings" test sequence if it exists, and update the TCLindexes from the <strong>TSC</strong> MMI (instructions below). In this approach, you are not using project wizardso you will have to do it manually. Don't worry it is only a few steps, described below.Check out from SVNIf you have installed <strong>To</strong>rtoiseSVN you can check out the test environment from configurationcontrol under SVN. These instructions are applicable to the <strong>Terma</strong> SVN server, of course you canalso set up your own SVN server, or your specific project or contract may already include one.The URL of the <strong>Terma</strong> SVN server is here: can use a read-only user to browse and check out a Test Pack:user: TestPackspassword: TestPacksThere you will see a variety of test packs.Check the selected TestPack out into your "My Documents" directory, Important : the checkoutshould be into a single directory with subdirectories, e.g. , under which you should see TSEQ, data,etc. If your checkout directory is the name of the TestPack, then rename this to TESTENV (SVNhas no problem if you rename the base directory).Re-indexing TCL directoriesWhen you have a test pack in place, you will almost certainly have to "reindex" the TCL directories.The Project Wizard does this automatically, but if you got your TESTENV from SVN or copied itinto place by hand, you have to do this by hand. (this is relates to the TCL auto-loading mechanismexplained in the manual, for now just follow these simple steps) :1. Click on the Test Sequence Files tab (you will probably see that the directories containingtest sequences are shown in blue or red)2. Click and hold the button "Check Tcl Indices" (a menu pops up, - it is important to wait forthis menu to appear!)3. On the popup menu select "Index All" (any red or blue directories should now go black).Run InitSettings.tclInitSettings is a script that configures settings for a specific project or test pack.The Project Wizard does this automatically, but if you got your TESTENV from SVN or copied itinto place by hand, you have to do this by hand.<strong>To</strong> run InitSettings.tcl,1. click on the Test Sequence Files tab2. right click on the file InitSettings.tcl (you may have to scroll down first)3. in the popup menu, hit ExecYou may not see much happening: the script may run very quickly, and for simple test packs, it doesnot have any MMI. Don't be worried by this; after the script has run, the project-specific settings

have been confiured.After running InitSettings.tcl you should restart <strong>TSC</strong> so that the new settings take effect.In some test packs, InitSettings has configured a script to run automatically on startup of <strong>TSC</strong>. Thismay mean that when you restart <strong>TSC</strong>, things start to happen automatically. Exactly what this will bedepends on the test pack!DocumentationThe Training documentation is usually delivered in advance of the training course.It is also available at the websitehttp://ccs.terma.comOnline help is available from the menus (or hit "F1").The same documents are available in the installation directory as PDF$env(SYN_INSTALL) /help /SynopticEditorTestConsoleNote that SYN_INSTALL could be in Program Files or Program Files (x86) depending on yourplatform and choice of 32 or 64 bit installation. The program name could be Synopter (older) orTestConsole (newer)

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