
DQ8-villin-IL-15tg DQ8-villin-IL-15tg


IL-15 promotes a weak T H 17 anti-gluten T cell responseafter oral ingestion of gliadinCeliac DiseaseCrohn’s diseaseHunt, K. A. et al. Nat. Genet., 2008Franke A. et al., Nat. Genet., 2010

Perspectives: Blocking IL-15 signaling prevents theinduction of inflammatory T cell responses to fed antigenDQ8/ DQ8-D d -IL-15tg miceanti-IL-15TMβ-1 (anti-IL-2Rβ)anti-IL-12i.p.PBS (sham)gliadini.g.10 daysRe-stimulation of Lp and MLN cellsW/gliadinAnalysis of IFN-γ production

<strong>IL</strong>-15 promotes a weak T H 17 anti-gluten T cell responseafter oral ingestion of gliadinCeliac DiseaseCrohn’s diseaseHunt, K. A. et al. Nat. Genet., 2008Franke A. et al., Nat. Genet., 2010

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