
DQ8-villin-IL-15tg DQ8-villin-IL-15tg


6NSp=0.0031DQ8-D d -villin-IL-15tg mice fed glutendevelop villous atrophy543NS2DQ8-D d -IL-15tgDQ8-villin-IL-15tgDQ8-villin-D d -IL-15tgControl(sham)GliadinBrdU

In absence of DQ8D d -villin-IL-15tg mice fed gliadindo not expand IE-CTL with activating NK receptorsdo not develop villous atrophyDQ8-D d -villin-IL-15tgD d -villin-IL-15tgShamGliadin

In absence of <strong>DQ8</strong>D d -<strong>villin</strong>-<strong>IL</strong>-<strong>15tg</strong> mice fed gliadindo not expand IE-CTL with activating NK receptorsdo not develop villous atrophy<strong>DQ8</strong>-D d -<strong>villin</strong>-<strong>IL</strong>-<strong>15tg</strong>D d -<strong>villin</strong>-<strong>IL</strong>-<strong>15tg</strong>ShamGliadin

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