
DQ8-villin-IL-15tg DQ8-villin-IL-15tg


The celiac icebergVillous atrophy+/- clinical manifestations?Potential CDAnti-TTG and normal histology

Effector intraepithelial CTL killstressed epithelial cellsCTLCTLgliadinαβ TCRαβ TCRInduction of activatingnatural killer receptorsInduction of ligands foractivating natural killerIECgliadinIECstressDirect recognitionof gliadin peptidesIndirect gluten“stress-mediated” response

Effector intraepithelial CTL killstressed epithelial cellsCTLCTLgliadinαβ TCRαβ TCRInduction of activatingnatural killer receptorsInduction of ligands foractivating natural killerIECgliadinIECstressDirect recognitionof gliadin peptidesIndirect gluten“stress-mediated” response

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