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T A U P O I N T E R M E D I A T E S C H O O LStriving for ExcellenceKotare Street, <strong>TAUPO</strong> 3330 Telephone: (07) 378 8097 Fax: (07) 378 8618 Email: admin@taupointermediate.co.nzKia ora koutou te whanau o tenei kura, Newsletter Number: 6te kura Waenga o Taupo Date: 22 nd March 2013Greetings to all of our families‘In My Opinion’I wish to start by apologising for not getting a newsletter out last Friday as I was away with Baz Haydon, JonnyClapcott, Jess Vincent and our students at the Leadership Camp at Papamoa, which involved working with Year12 Students from Taupo Nui a Tia College.These students, as part of their NCEA, have to undertake tasks that involve developing leadership skills, and theopportunity came about for them working with our ‘potential school leaders’. They set up a number of tasksincluding physical challenges and problem solving exercises. We even provided our resident expert surfing guru,who helped set up the surf board riding challenge, ably assisted by the Taupo Nui a Tia students, who helpedthem stand up and surf within an hour.This whole exercise was an excellent idea of collaboration, cooperation, with some fun and laughter. I can onlycongratulate and thank the teachers and students from Taupo Nui who undertook their tasks with all seriousness,and well deserve to succeed in their NCEA assessment. It was so good to work alongside some of our ex-pupilsand see them interact so positively with our students.Congratulations and thank you to the 57 students who went to the camp and also performed brilliantly. Our taskalong with the Taupo Nui group, will be selecting the top 20 who will go to Gisborne for the next LeadershipCamp.WINTER SPORTSThese past two weeks we have tried to fit in our Touch Rugby Interclass competition, and our Netball andHockey trials, selecting teams for this season. I spoke to all the girls who were wanting to trial for our Netballteams and explained that the trials will be held and a Year 7 and Year 8 ‘A and B’ team will be selected from allthose who want to trial. The thing to remember is that what ever happened last year has gone and we aregiving everyone an opportunity to trial. Even if you were in an ‘A or B’ team will not guarantee you a place inthese teams for 2013. We have students in the Year 7 trials from 8 different schools, and we also have newstudents who have enrolled in the Year 7 and 8 trials – plus for the Year 8 ‘A’ team we held a fitness test as aguide for selectors. This is not an easy task for the selectors and the students, so your support in this processwould be appreciated.One of my big concerns is that we have a number of netball uniforms which did not get returned after the lastseason, so if you could check your linen cupboards or your child’s wardrobe for any Taupo Intermediate sportuniforms – I would be grateful. We are now looking at ordering skirts to make up sets missing at a cost directlyto our school.The selection of the hockey teams is slightly different because we will not be selecting an ‘A’ team for the hockeyat this stage of the year. All our teams should be evenly selected across the board.As with all selections it is often down to the wire and ends up with some people missing out on what theythought should happen, and after all it is only one person’s opinion.We will be trying to ensure that we have a staff member to coach or manage a team, but we will need parentalassistance throughout the season, so if you think you can help, please contact the school directly - for Netball;Morgan Morrow and Hockey; Baz Haydon.Football, Rugby, and Rugby League registrations and teams are all outside our school organisation, so you willneed to keep an eye on the newspapers for times and dates of registration.Thank you to all those students who are looking for something so positive to do and representing the family andour school as well.Have a great weekend and thank you once again for your continued support and may the team yousupport do well – Go the MIGHTY BLUES!!W.D. ClarkePrincipal

New Zealand Triathlon Championships: - held in Christchurch Thursday 21 st – 22 nd March 2013A group of students and parents went from Taupo to the Championships and came away with some impressive results.Individual results: Talia Pook – 9 th Emily Irvine – 10 th Hugo Hine 19 th – Sam Smith 29 thTEAM: Tahlia Pook swimmer / Jessica Clarke Cycling / Emily Irvine Runner – NEW ZEALAND CHAMPIONSIn the 1 km Swim Tahlia Pook - 2 nd / Emily Irvine 11 th / Sam Smith 19 th / Hugo Hine 18 thOur grateful thanks to Jan and Sam Pook, Jane Irvine, Sonia Hine, and Steve Smith parents who haveorganised and supported their children at this prestigious event.Cultural Exchange -2013This year, Taupo Intermediate and Jean Mariotti College in Nouméa, are hoping to extend the parameters of our annualcultural exchange. We are looking for two students who would go over with Taupo Intermediate School’s main group toNouméa at the end of August 2013.When Taupo Intermediate returns to New Zealand two of our Year 8 students would stay on for another two weeks live witha French speaking family – attend Jean Mariotti College and then return home.Jean Mariotti College will leave two students here when they return to Nouméa after their visit to us in October andreciprocate the things that our students had to do.If you and your child are interested in this venture, please contact Mr Clarke or Mrs Westerman at school.Hockey: We have had over 80 students register forour school hockey teams, with trials taking place atpresent to help set an even distribution of playersacross the six or seven teams we enter.Unfortunately from the entries received we hadonly 2 people offer to coach, which may leavesome teams starting with a manager but not acoach. If anyone is thinking about coaching eitherHockey or other winter sports codes please contactthe school. There is a hockey coaching clinic onMonday the 15th of April from 5.30 to 8.30pm,which we will pay entry for those offering to coachone of our teams.Taupo Harrier Club – Starlight 5kmSeries: Thanks to the many TaupoIntermediate students who competed insome or all of the races in this series.The students gained good times, FynnRaven establishing a new club recordand the team winning $200 for theschool. Hopefully several of ourstudents will compete in the Kiwanisfun run from Acacia Bay on Sunday.HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO;Briar Burnett-Grant – Room 22, whocompeted at the Horse of the Year Show lastweek in front of 30,000 spectators and cameaway with the top prize: Pony of the YearWinner. At the age of 12 she was the youngestcompetitor in the class which was open to ridersup to the age of 17 years. She also won thePony Championship Stakes 1.25 metre on oneof her ponies and finished up with a 4th in theSpeed Pony of the year on her other pony.Holiday Programme DayCost - $40 per child for the dayBook Now info@addi.co.nz phone - 07 37 65027www.addi.co.nz With Easter coming up, and allschools closed on Tuesday 2 nd April Kool Zone isoffering a Holiday Programme day for workingparents. 8.00am until 5.30pmICAS Tests:Entries are at present beingtaken for the ‘InternationalCompetitions and Assessmentsfor Schools’ tests run by theUniversity of N.S.W. Studentscompleting the PrincipalsAcademic Award can use acredit or above in a test as oneof their goals. Entry forms areavailable from the school officeand must be returned by Fridaythe 5 th of April.BOP Primary and Intermediate Golf Champs: JackLogan, Jacob Jensen, Shaneece Brunning, DylanBagley, Louie Love-Parata andPoppy Brown all travelled to Katikati last week tocompete in the Gross and Stableford Competition. Allhad good rounds with Poppy coming 1 st in the girlsStableford Comp (49) and Shaneece 2 nd (37). Poppythen went on and won the Society Day Stableford inRotorua last weekend, her handicap will probably dropquite quickly now!!Waikato/BOP IndividualTriathlon Champs:On Tuesday the 12 th of March wetook 18 students to Lake Karapirowhere they competed individually,swimming 150m, cycling 8km thenrunning 1.6km. All students racedwell with top results attained by:Megan Lockett 1 st Year 7 girl,Hugo Hine 1 st Year 8 boy, EmilyIrvine 2 nd Year 8 girl, Joep Lenoir3 rd Year 7 boy and Julia Davis 3 rdYear 8 girl.1km Lake Swim:Students who missed theAcross the Lake Swimand have been trainingfor a 1km Open WaterSwim will get anopportunity to completethis Bevan DochertyAward goal next week.Lake Whakamaru Christian Camp: 22 nd – 26 th AprilLake Taupo Christian Camp: 29 th April – 3 rd MayAge: 7 – 13 years Cost: $155We provide a week of fun and entertainment in a safeand secure environment. Flyers and Registrationforms are available at the school office. Children thatattend our camps benefit from the time they spend withus, as we provide them with a positive experience.If you need any more information, please feel free tocontact us on 073867967 or check out our website,www.ltcc.org.nz or www.lwcamp.comTRUSTEESHIP AT <strong>TAUPO</strong> <strong>INTERMEDIATE</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong>Every state integrated school in New Zealand is currentlyundergoing a Trustee Election process. At our school we are lookingfor five parent trustees - you do not need to be a parent of our schoolto stand for election. If you would like to know more about ‘Whatbeing a Trustee’ involves please do not hesitate to contact thePrincipal Bill Clarke or BoT Chairperson Marguerite Morris at theschool. Nominations open Monday 15 th April and must bereceived by 16 th May. Election day being 30 th May.

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