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IEEE PES Task Force on Benchmark Systems forStability ControlsReport on the EMTP-RV 9-bus system(Anderson Reduced Model)Version 1 - July 12 th , 2013Luc Gérin-LajoieThe present report refers to a stability study carried over the "AndersonFarmer9bus network"based on figure 8.2 with series compensation in the middle of the lines. See the one line diagram inat the end of this report.This report has the objective to show how the simulation of this system must be done using thispackage in order to get results that are comparable and exhibit a good match with respect to theelectromechanical modes.‣ Models and parameters;‣ Load Flow ;‣ Time Domain Simulation;To use the EMTP-RV software, a GUI (EMTPWorks) is requiring to entering data. All componentsas line, transformer, load, machine and AVR have them own data forms.

IEEE PES Task Force on Benchmark Systems forStability ControlsReport on the <strong>EMTP</strong>-<strong>RV</strong> 9-bus system(Anderson Reduced Model)Version 1 - July 12 th , 2013Luc Gérin-LajoieThe present report refers to a stability study carried over the "AndersonFarmer9bus network"based on figure 8.2 with series compensation in the middle of the lines. See the one line diagram inat the end of this report.This report has the objective to show how the simulation of this system must be done using thispackage in order to get results that are comparable and exhibit a good match with respect to theelectromechanical modes.‣ Models and parameters;‣ Load Flow ;‣ Time Domain Simulation;To use the <strong>EMTP</strong>-<strong>RV</strong> software, a GUI (<strong>EMTP</strong>Works) is requiring to entering data. All componentsas line, transformer, load, machine and AVR have them own data forms.

4 Appendixes1.4 GeneratorsThe 9-bus system is composed by 4 generators, and all of them are represented by asynchronous machine (SM). The help document of this component is given in Appendix. Theconnection in the drawing between the LF-device, SM and theirs AVR is as bellow. The DampingD is set to 0.P=1200MWV=21kVRMSLLSM:G2G2_AVRAVR-e xc. st1a-pss1a-tgov1G2LF1.05/_13.0G2SM?m20kV1300MVAPVbus:G2DSR=2pu * 1300E6/377**22 1-30500/208.58%@1300MVAFigure 1- Connection in <strong>EMTP</strong>Works for LF-device, SM/AVR and transformerTable 3: Generator parametersUnit No.RatedPower H R a x d x q x' d x' q x'' d x'' q T' do T' qo T'' do T'' qo x lG1 60000 2.318 0.005 2.110 2.020 0.280 0.490 ..215 0.215 4.200 0.565 0.032 0.062 0.155G2 1300 2.642 0.002 2.183 2.157 0.413 1.285 0.339 0.332 5.690 1.500 0.041 0.144 0.174G3 4400 3.960 0.003 1.700 1.640 0.245 0.380 0.185 0.185 5.900 0.700 0.033 0.076 0.110G4 70000 3.930 0.001 1.790 1.715 0.220 0.400 0.180 0.215 4.300 0.565 0.032 0.062 0.1351.5 ControllersAll generators in this system are equipped with automatic voltage regulators [2], power systemstabilizers [2] and governor [3]. The governor doesn’t change the mechanical power Pm duringfault and after. They will work only if perturbation is a load or generator disconnection. Thesegenerators use the same controller model, only altering the corresponding parameter valuesaccording to the specifications given in the website.[2] IEEE Standard 421.5, 1982.[3] HYDRAULIC TURBINE AND TURBINE CONTROL MODELS FOR SYSTEM PYNAMIC STUDIES. WorkingGroup on Prime Mover and Energy Supply. Models for System Dynamic Performance Studies. Transactions on PowerSystems, Vol. 7, NO. 1, February 1992

Appendixes 51.5.1 AVR/GOV parametersThe parameters are documented in Appendix 1.2. Results2.1 Load FlowThe load flow of the 9-bus system was calculated using the <strong>EMTP</strong>-<strong>RV</strong> software. The electricalnetwork equations are solved using complex phasors. The active (source) devices are only theLoad-Flow devices (LF-devices). They could be Slack, PQ or PV. A load device is used to enter PQload constraint equations, np and nq could be set between 0 and 2. For the present case, np=nq=0(constant power).2.1.1 GeneratorTable 4: Results of the load flow calculation for the generatorsUnit No. P(MW) V(kVRMSLL) Q(MVAR)1 41000.0 20.600 11100.02 1200.0 21.000 206.03 3780.0 20.640 307.04 (slack) 49110.0 20.400 15400.0The results obtained by this load flow calculation can be analyzed from 2. It is shows on thedrawing too. When comparing these results to the ones provided in the website, it is possible toobserve a poor match between them; the explanation is may be the series compensation. Note the30° differences caused by the Yd transformers.BusTable 5: Results of the load flow calculation for the bus.ReferenceCaseV [PU]Angle[deg]<strong>EMTP</strong>V1 [PU]Angle[deg]5 1.012 4.31 1.010 40.606 1.040 2.76 1.040 38.807 1.021 -7.86 1.030 24.808 1.025 13.84 1.030 32.409 1.000 -3.95 1.000 26.10

6 Appendixes2.2 Time–domain solutionSteady-state solution. The electrical network equations are solved using complex phasors. Alldevices are given a lumped circuit model. This option can be used in the stand-alone mode or forinitializing the time-domain solution. The control system devices are disconnected and not solved.Some nonlinear devices are linearized or disconnected. All devices have a specific steady statemodel.Time-domain solution. The electrical network and control system equations are solved using anumerical integration technique. All nonlinear devices are solved simultaneously with networkequations. A Newton method is used when nonlinear devices exist. The solution can optionally startfrom the steady-state solution for initializing the network variables and achieving quick steady-stateconditions in time-domain waveforms. The steady-state conditions provide the solution for thetime-point t=0. The user can also optionally manually initialize state-variables. The first timedomainsolution is found at t = Δt or t = Δt / 2 depending on the selected numerical integrationmethod explained below.The time-domain solution in <strong>EMTP</strong>-<strong>RV</strong> is performed after the Load-flow solution and theSteady-State Solution. That give a perfect three phases solution at 0+. The total simulation time was10 s and the integration step was 50 ms.2.2.1 PerturbationThe applied perturbation was a three-phase-to-ground fault at bus6, on t = 1.0 s, with a faultimpedance of 0.0Ω and a duration of 0,066 s.2.2.2 Output requestThe angle of generator 4 was taken as a reference for angle differences. Electric power (Pe),Field voltage (Efd), the output of PSS (Vaux) and Omega are also showed.

Appendixes 7Figure 2 - Rotor angles of generators 1 to 4 respectively, referenced to generator 4.

8 AppendixesFigure 3 - Rotor speed.

Appendixes 9Figure 4 – Total electric powerFigure 5 – Field voltage (on d-axis) and the output of the PSS.

10 Appendixes3. ConclusionsA benchmark of the 9bus system in <strong>EMTP</strong>-<strong>RV</strong> was developing for this TF. The resultsseem very close to the originals dynamics results.This benchmark in <strong>EMTP</strong>-<strong>RV</strong> / <strong>EMTP</strong>Works merges this need:- Drawing, what you see is what you get.- Power device- Control device- Load-Flow- Stability with the three sequence admittance- Short-circuit analysis- SSR analysis

Appendixes 11Appendix 1 – AVR parametersMachine no1.st1_Tr=0.04;st1_Ta=0.4;st1_Tc=1;st1_Tb=3;st1_Tf=1;st1_Kf=0;st1_Ka=100;st1_Vimin=-0.08;st1_Vimax=0.08;st1_Vrmax=10;st1_Vrmin=-10;st1_Kc=0;pss1a_InputSelec=3;pss1a_T1=0.12;pss1a_T2=1.1;pss1a_T3=0;pss1a_T4=0;pss1a_T5=1.1;pss1a_T6=0.08;pss1a_Vstmax=0.1;pss1a_Vstmin=-0.1;pss1a_Ks=0;pss1a_A1=0;pss1a_A2=0;tgov1_R=0.04;tgov1_T1=20;tgov1_VMAX=1;tgov1_VMIN=0;tgov1_T2=0;tgov1_T3=0;tgov1_Dturb=0;

12 AppendixesMachine no.2st1_Tr=0;st1_Ta=0;st1_Tc=1;st1_Tb=4;st1_Tf=1;st1_Kf=0;st1_Ka=200;st1_Vimin=-0.08;st1_Vimax=0.08;st1_Vrmax=4;st1_Vrmin=-4;st1_Kc=0;pss1a_InputSelec=1;pss1a_T1=0.1;pss1a_T2=0.01;pss1a_T3=0.12;pss1a_T4=0.01;pss1a_T5=10;pss1a_T6=0;pss1a_Vstmax=0.1;pss1a_Vstmin=-0.1;pss1a_Ks=15;pss1a_A1=0;pss1a_A2=0;tgov1_R=0.04;tgov1_T1=20;tgov1_VMAX=1;tgov1_VMIN=0;tgov1_T2=0;tgov1_T3=0;tgov1_Dturb=0;

Appendixes 13Machine no.3st1_Tr=0;st1_Ta=0;st1_Tc=1;st1_Tb=4;st1_Tf=1;st1_Kf=0;st1_Ka=200;st1_Vimin=-0.08;st1_Vimax=0.08;st1_Vrmax=4;st1_Vrmin=-4;st1_Kc=0;pss1a_InputSelec=1;pss1a_T1=0.1;pss1a_T2=0.01;pss1a_T3=0.12;pss1a_T4=0.01;pss1a_T5=10;pss1a_T6=0;pss1a_Vstmax=0.1;pss1a_Vstmin=-0.1;pss1a_Ks=15;pss1a_A1=0;pss1a_A2=0;tgov1_R=0.04;tgov1_T1=20;tgov1_VMAX=1;tgov1_VMIN=0;tgov1_T2=0;tgov1_T3=0;tgov1_Dturb=0;

14 AppendixesMachine no4st1_Tr=0.04;st1_Ta=0.4;st1_Tc=1;st1_Tb=3;st1_Tf=1;st1_Kf=0;st1_Ka=100;st1_Vimin=-0.08;st1_Vimax=0.08;st1_Vrmax=10;st1_Vrmin=-10;st1_Kc=0;pss1a_InputSelec=1;pss1a_T1=0.1;pss1a_T2=0.01;pss1a_T3=0.12;pss1a_T4=0.01;pss1a_T5=10;pss1a_T6=0;pss1a_Vstmax=0.1;pss1a_Vstmin=-0.1;pss1a_Ks=0;pss1a_A1=0;pss1a_A2=0;tgov1_R=0.04;tgov1_T1=20;tgov1_VMAX=1;tgov1_VMIN=0;tgov1_T2=0;tgov1_T3=0;tgov1_Dturb=0;

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