essianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment - TFI Online

essianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment - TFI Online essianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment - TFI Online
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Now, imagine God wanting to announce the arrivalof His own Son to earth. How would you go aboutannouncing the life of the mostimportant man to ever live?What did God do?God inspired His prophetsto announce the comingof His Son, Jesus Christ,many hundreds of yearsprior to Jesus’ birth. Theseannouncements, and theirfulfillment through Jesus,have become known as“messianic prophecies.”“Messiah”comes fromthe Hebrewword for“anointedone.” Overtime it cameto mean “theexpected kingand delivererof the Jews.”(

The Old Testament containsapproximately 300messianic prophecies thatwere fulfilled by Jesus inthe New Testament, all ofwhich were given by Godto many different prophetshundreds of years beforeJesus was born. Whilethere were others whoclaimed to be the Messiahthat the Old Testamentheralded, none of themcould fulfill all of theprophecies that had beengiven! This is an astoundingexample of how thewritings in the Bible aredivinely inspired.In this two-part series,we’ll take a closer look ata few of these amazingOld Testament propheciesthat were fulfilled in Jesus’birth, life, and death.

Now, imagine God wanting to announce the arrivalof His own Son to earth. How would you go aboutannouncing the life of the mostimportant man to ever live?What did God do?God inspired His prophetsto announce the comingof His Son, Jesus Christ,many hundreds of yearsprior to Jesus’ birth. Theseannouncements, <strong>and</strong> theirfulfillment through Jesus,have become known as“m<strong>essianic</strong> prophecies.”“Messiah”comes fromthe Hebrewword for“anointedone.” Overtime it cameto mean “theexpected king<strong>and</strong> delivererof the Jews.”(

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