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to undergo RI for one year witha fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.25,000 and sixprivate persons have also beenconvicted and sentenced toundergo RI for one year with afine <strong>of</strong> Rs.20,000/- for enteringinto criminal conspiracy andby abusing his <strong>of</strong>ficial positionsanctioning various loans byflouting the norms <strong>of</strong> the Bank.(RC0372005A0020).An Assistant Commissioner,Income Tax has been convictedand sentenced to undergo RIfor three years with a fine <strong>of</strong>Rs.1.50 lac for demanding andaccepting a bribe <strong>of</strong> Rs.2 lacfrom a complainant for passing afavourable order in his assessmentmatter. (RC0372009A0001)A Senior Medical Officer,Department <strong>of</strong> Health has beenconvicted and sentenced toundergo RI for one year and sixmonths with a fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.5,000/-for demanding and acceptinga bribe <strong>of</strong> Rs.5,000/- from acomplainant for allowing himto run his business <strong>of</strong> mineralwater without obtaining thelicence from Health Department.(RC0052008A0024)An Executive Engineer hasbeen convicted and sentencedto undergo RI for one yearwith a fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.8,000/- fordemanding and accepting abribe <strong>of</strong> Rs. Rs.2,500/- froma complainant for helping himin processing his pending bills.(RC0241998A0016)An Assistant General Managerand a Branch Manager, CanaraBank have been convicted andsentenced to undergo RI for twoyears with a fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.20,000/-each and three private persons havealso been convicted and sentencedto undergo RI for two years witha fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.15,000/- each forentering into criminal conspiracyand sanctioning/disbursingvarious credit facilities in favour<strong>of</strong> the private accused personsby mortgaging property, which isalready mortgaged to other bankthereby causing wrongful lossto the tune <strong>of</strong> Rs.174.44 lac.(RC0372007A0010)A Branch Manager, StateBank <strong>of</strong> Hyderabad has beenconvicted and sentenced toundergo RI for two yearswith a fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.20,000/- forcommitting serious irregularitiesin the matter <strong>of</strong> sanctioningand disbursing loans/advances.(RC0362007A0004)An Inspector, Income Tax hasbeen convicted and sentenced toundergo RI for four years with afine <strong>of</strong> Rs.4 lac and private personalso convicted and sentenced toundergo RI for two years witha fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.2 lac for possession<strong>of</strong> disproportionate assets.(RC0032007A0019)A District Manager and AssistantManager, Food Corporation<strong>of</strong> India have been convictedto undergo RI for two yearswith a fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.7,000/- eachfor demanding and accepting abribe <strong>of</strong> Rs.20,000/- from thecomplainant for cancellation <strong>of</strong> histransfer. (RC0052004A0009)A Deputy Chief PersonnelOfficer, Department <strong>of</strong> Railwayshas been convicted and sentencedto undergo RI for two years with afine <strong>of</strong> Rs.10,000/- for demandingand accepting a bribe <strong>of</strong>Rs.50,000/- from the complainantfor showing favour in arrangingrevocation <strong>of</strong> the terminationorder. (RC0092007A0005)A Station Engineer, Doordarshanhas been convicted and sentencedto undergo RI for two years& three months with a fine <strong>of</strong>Rs.3,500, and a Lower DivisionClerk, Doordarshan has alsobeen convicted and sentenced toundergo RI for two years & threemonths with a fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.8,000/-for entering into criminalconspiracy and by abusing his<strong>of</strong>ficial position dishonestly/fraudulently for making purchases<strong>of</strong> items at exorbitant rates andmisappropriated the same.(RC0312000A0006)A Sub-Postmaster, Department<strong>of</strong> Posts has been convicted andsentenced to undergo RI forthree years & two months with afine <strong>of</strong> Rs.4,000/- for preparingforged documents fraudulently,dishonestly and unauthorisedlymaking withdrawals <strong>of</strong>Rs. 54,000/- from an RDaccount. (RC0312006A0007)A Branch Manager, AndhraBank and a private person havebeen convicted and sentenced toundergo RI for one year with afine <strong>of</strong> Rs.25,000/- each, and fourprivate persons also convicted andsentenced to undergo RI for oneyear with a fine <strong>of</strong> Rs.20,000/-each for entering into a criminalconspiracy and extending packingcredit limit <strong>of</strong> Rs.19.91 lac toprivate firms on the basis <strong>of</strong> falseLCs and thereby causing illegalpecuniary advantage to themselvesand corresponding loss to thebank. (RC0321997A0015)Prosecution | Industry, Impartiality and Integrity 35

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