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ate <strong>of</strong> interest on Rs.500 crore.(PE0782011E0002)Against a DFO, N.C. HillsDivision, Haflong, an Ex-CEM,N.C. Hills Autonomous Counciland Proprietor <strong>of</strong> a private firm forentering into a criminal conspiracyand misappropriating an amount <strong>of</strong>Rs.12 crore, received from NHAIfor compensatory afforestation.(RC0202011A0001)A Preliminary Enquiry againstan <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>of</strong> R&AW for carryingseveral Top Secret files, incontravention to the instructionscontained in the Manual onOffice Procedure. Further, somefiles <strong>of</strong> classified nature werealso found lying insecured inthe chamber <strong>of</strong> one Officer <strong>of</strong>R&AW. It was revealed thatsome <strong>of</strong> the classified informationfrom the above Top Secret fileshave been leaked to the Press on28.11.2010 by some unknownpersons. (PE2162011A0001)Against a private person forintroducing a malicious script inBaggage Reconciliation System(BRCS) & Common UsePassenger Processing System(CUPPS) <strong>of</strong> T3 IGI NewDelhi Airport which rendedthe system unavailable for morethan 12 hrs causing a totalbreakdown in the system andinconvenience to the passengers.(RC2212011E005)Against a private person formisusing Debit cards issued byIndian Overseas Bank at 3692Point <strong>of</strong> Sale (POS) transactionin Australia for purchase <strong>of</strong>expensive items like ipods, high endLaptops, Cameras, Clothes andcausing loss <strong>of</strong> Rs.32.2 crore to theBank. (RC2212011E0002)2.2.2(e)SPECIAL CRIMESDIVISIONA case regarding murder <strong>of</strong> oneMadan Tamang, President <strong>of</strong>A.B.G.L. by the leaders/members<strong>of</strong> GJMM at Club Side MotorStand, Darjeeling on 21.5.2010.(RC0562011S0001)A case relating to the escape<strong>of</strong> accused Nicol Tamangfrom Police custody on22.08.2010, who was arrestedon 16.08.2010 in connectionwith the murder <strong>of</strong> MadanTamang, President <strong>of</strong> A.B.G.L.(RC0562011S0002)A case on the directions <strong>of</strong> TamilNadu Government relating tosuicidal death <strong>of</strong> Sadiq Batcha.(RC0582011S0004)A case on the orders <strong>of</strong>Hon’ble Supreme Court<strong>of</strong> India for investigation <strong>of</strong>Tulsiram Prajapati Encounter.(RC0572011S0002)A case on the orders <strong>of</strong>Hon’ble Supreme Court on thecircumstances and the mannerin which Cherukuri Rajkumar@Azad and HemchandraPandey met with death.(RC0352011S0014)A case on the orders <strong>of</strong> Hon’bleHigh Court <strong>of</strong> Lucknow againstunknown persons relating todeath <strong>of</strong> Dr. Yogendra SinghSachan, the then Deputy CMO(Family Welfare), Lucknow.(RC0532011S0004)A case against a Chief MedicalSuperintendent, State Governmentand private personsregarding alleged poisoning<strong>of</strong> Swami Nigmanand.(RC0072011S0010)Sixteen cases against privatepersons in relation to allegation<strong>of</strong> printing and sale <strong>of</strong> lotteries<strong>of</strong> Sikkim and Bhutan inKerala (Lottery Scam).(RC0332011S0011 toRC0332011S0025 andRC0332011S0030)A case on a reference receivedfrom Madhya PradeshGovernment against someunknown persons relating to themurder <strong>of</strong> Ms. Shehla Masood.(RC0082011S0012)A case on the orders <strong>of</strong> Hon’bleSupreme Court <strong>of</strong> India,New Delhi against a MLAand others relating to rape <strong>of</strong>Ms. Sheelu <strong>of</strong> District Banda.(RC0532011S0007)A case against privatepersons relating to abduction<strong>of</strong> Smt. Bhanwari Devi w/oShri Amar Chand Nutt.(RC0482011S0007)A Preliminary Enquiry againstunknown <strong>of</strong>ficers and unknownprivate persons on the orders <strong>of</strong> theHon’ble High Court <strong>of</strong> Judicatureat Allahabad, Lucknow Benchin the matter <strong>of</strong> execution andimplementation <strong>of</strong> the NRHMand utilization <strong>of</strong> funds at variouslevels during such implementationin the entire State <strong>of</strong> UttarPradesh. (PE0532011S0004)A case on the orders <strong>of</strong> Hon’bleHigh Court <strong>of</strong> Gujarat againstOfficers <strong>of</strong> Gujarat Police regardingfake encounter <strong>of</strong> Israt Jahan and3 others. (RC0572011S0005)Crime <strong>Investigation</strong> Work | Industry, Impartiality and Integrity 19

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