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Secretary (Telecom), Department<strong>of</strong> Telecommunications, the thenDDG (VAS)/DoT, three privateCellular Companies based atNew Delhi & Mumbai andothers for entering into a criminalconspiracy and committing grossirregularities in the matter <strong>of</strong> grant<strong>of</strong> Additional 2-G Spectrum,thereby causing a loss to thetune <strong>of</strong> Rs.508 crore (approx.)during the period 2001-2007.(RC0032011A0024)A Preliminary Enquiry against aVice-Chancellor, Indira GandhiNational Centre for committinggross misconduct in grantingpermission/approval to SikkimManipal University, Sikkim andPunjab Technical University,Jalandhar to run variousprogrammes under DistanceEducation Scheme bypassingthe Joint Action Committee <strong>of</strong>University Grants Commission(UGC), All India Council forTechnical Education (AICTE)and Distance EducationCouncil (DEC) <strong>of</strong> IGNOU.(PE2162011A0008)A Preliminary Enquiry against an<strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> Indian Economic Serviceworking as CEO, IndustrialFinance Corporation <strong>of</strong> India(IFCI) on the allegation that hehad taken voluntary retirement in2007 and applied for the post <strong>of</strong>Director, IFCI without followingRule 10 <strong>of</strong> the CCS (Pension)Rules and had not taken priorapproval <strong>of</strong> Government.(PE2182011A0005)A Regular Case has beenregistered on the directions <strong>of</strong>Hon’ble High Court <strong>of</strong> A.P.,against an Member <strong>of</strong> Parliamentand others for misuse <strong>of</strong> powerby his father under his influencein respect <strong>of</strong> allotment <strong>of</strong> lands,mines, and granting <strong>of</strong> licenses.(RC0352011A0019)Against the then Director,Department <strong>of</strong> Railways,the then OS, Department <strong>of</strong>Railways and other unknown<strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>Central</strong> Excise, MidnaDivision, and unknown privatepersons for entering into acriminal conspiracy and cheatingthe Railway Department and<strong>Central</strong> Excise and CustomsDepartment by fraudulentlytransporting huge quantity <strong>of</strong> ironore under Priority ‘C’ Categoryand at the concessional freightrates meant only for “DomesticConsumption” and using the saidtransported iron ore for “otherthan domestic use” and for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> export by submitting/using fake/forged monthlyexcise returns to the Railways,thereby causing a wrongful loss<strong>of</strong> about Rs.355 crore to S.E.Railways with correspondingwrongful gain to themselves.(RC0102011A0035)2.2.2(d)ECONOMICOFFENCES DIVISIONAgainst Bank <strong>of</strong>ficials, Directors <strong>of</strong>a Company and others for havingcheated State Bank <strong>of</strong> Mysore tothe tune <strong>of</strong> Rs.45.16 crore in thematter <strong>of</strong> negotiating forged foreignbills submitted by the company.(RC0742011E0001)Against Bank <strong>of</strong>ficial andprivate persons for havingcheated State Bank <strong>of</strong> Mysore<strong>of</strong> Rs.64.03 crore in the matter<strong>of</strong> negotiating forged foreignbills submitted by the company.(RC0742011E0002)Against two Directors <strong>of</strong> a privatefirm and unknown <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> StateTrading Corporation <strong>of</strong> IndiaLimited (STC) for entering intoa criminal conspiracy and causingundue pecuniary advantage tothe private firm in the matter <strong>of</strong>availing Foreign Bill DiscountingFacility, thereby causing wrongfulloss to the tune <strong>of</strong> Rs. 339.83crore to the Bank <strong>of</strong> India.(RC0772011E0004)Against a private firm andunknown <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> State Bank<strong>of</strong> Hyderabad and others forentering into a criminal conspiracyand causing undue pecuniaryadvantage to the private firm byabusing their <strong>of</strong>ficial positionsin the matter <strong>of</strong> availing ExportPacking Credit, Working CapitalDemand Loan and Letter <strong>of</strong>Credit, thereby causing a wrongfulloss to the tune <strong>of</strong> Rs. 47.71 croreto the State Bank <strong>of</strong> Hyderabad.(RC0772011E0005)A Preliminary Enquiry againsta Managing Director and anExecutive Chairman <strong>of</strong> a privatefirm and unknown <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong>Bank <strong>of</strong> India for committinggross misconduct in the matter <strong>of</strong>sanction and disbursal <strong>of</strong> Rs.79crore as PC limit to the privatefirm despite knowing that export <strong>of</strong>Bauxite from the ports <strong>of</strong> Gujaratwould run into trouble due tothe sanctions imposed by theGovernment <strong>of</strong> Gujarat, therebyresulting into a wrongful loss to thetune <strong>of</strong> Rs. 126 crore to the Bank<strong>of</strong> India. (PE0772011E0001)Against 92 persons regardingmanipulation in the result <strong>of</strong>Entrance Exam for AIPVT (AllIndia Pre-Veterinary Test), 2011.(RC2192011E0006)Crime <strong>Investigation</strong> Work | Industry, Impartiality and Integrity 17

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