Audit Committee Minutes - 8 May 2012 - District Council of Elliston

Audit Committee Minutes - 8 May 2012 - District Council of Elliston

Audit Committee Minutes - 8 May 2012 - District Council of Elliston


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DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ELLISTONAUDIT COMMITTEE MINUTESTuesday, 8 th <strong>May</strong> <strong>2012</strong>12:30pm1. PRESENT<strong>Committee</strong> Members: Cr Peter Hitchcock (Chairman), Cr Creagh McGlasson, Mr Allen Bolaffi(Independent Member)Staff in attendance: Mary Deakin (CEO), Nikki Meredith (Senior Finance Officer)<strong>Council</strong>lors in attendance: (No Voting Right): Cr P Clark, Cr K Callaghan.2. APOLOGIESCr Tim Schlink, and Jo-Ann Tanti (Independent Member – CSM DC Streaky Bay)3. WELCOMEThe Chairman presided over the meeting and declared the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> Meeting open at12.40pm and welcomed <strong>Committee</strong> members and observer elected members to the meeting.4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGResolution:That the <strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> meeting held on 14 th February <strong>2012</strong>, as circulated andtabled in the minute book be taken as read and confirmed.5. ANNUAL BUSINESS PLAN AND BUDGETPage 1Cr Creagh McGlasson / Mr Allen BolaffiCARRIED5.1. Annual Business Plan Working Document was tabled for discussion.The major changes to the format from the 2011 / <strong>2012</strong> Annual Business Plan and Budgetwere explained and discussed.Differential rating according to land use zones was discussed.It was decided that further analysis on the <strong>Council</strong>’s Rating Methodology was required andalso to investigate the methodology used by other councils in order to ascertain whether thecurrent rating system was in line with current practices.Further to that, the impacts <strong>of</strong> differential rating on zones be investigated.

Mr Bolaffi raised the requirement within the Business Plan and Budget to address theapproach that <strong>Council</strong> will be taking in considering the impact <strong>of</strong> Carbon Tax on the Budgetand <strong>Council</strong>s approach to its effect on revenue and expenditure.The proposed changes to charges for water supply to Port Kenny were discussed. It wasagreed to in principle to recommend to <strong>Council</strong> and noted that public consultation wasrequired for any changes to the rating methodologies.5.2. Local Government Act 1999 Extract was provided for information.5.3. Annual Business Plan and Budget Schedule<strong>2012</strong> / 2013 Business Plan & Budget – Consultation Strategy was tabled and discussed.Resolutions:1. That the Draft Annual Business Plan be recommended to <strong>Council</strong> for consideration. Itwas noted that the budget document has yet to be tabled2. That <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> endorse the Annual Business Plan and Budget – ConsultationStrategy and that it be recommend to <strong>Council</strong> for consideration.6. ANNUAL BUSINESS PLAN AND BUDGET POLICYCr Creagh McGlasson / Mr Allen BolaffiCARRIED6.1. The Annual Business Plan and Budget Policy was presented to the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>members for consideration. In accordance with Part 2 <strong>of</strong> the Local Government Act 1999,and the Local Government Financial Management Regulations, <strong>Council</strong> must adopt a policyon budget preparation, regular budget reviews and reporting annual financial outcomes.Resolution:1. That the Annual Business Plan and Budget Policy be recommended to <strong>Council</strong> foradoption.Cr Creagh McGlasson / Mr Allen BolaffiCARRIED7. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT TOOL7.1. The results <strong>of</strong> a Good Governance <strong>Audit</strong> and a Continuous Improvement <strong>Audit</strong>, undertakenby Trevor and Sandie Starr through the Local Government Association <strong>of</strong> Australia, waspresented to and discussed by the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>.The negative results were due to the staff changes and other matters.The current administration with the guidance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> will progress thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> the improvement plan and monitor the progress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Resolution:1. That the corrective action plan / register will be developed by senior staff to address thenon-compliances in order <strong>of</strong> priorities and consideration <strong>of</strong> the organisational risks.2. That the register will be provided to the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> for information and a progressreport will be provided within six months.Cr Creagh McGlasson / Mr Allen BolaffiCARRIEDPage 2

8. COMMUNITY SUPORT POLICY8.1. Community Support Policy was presented for discussion to the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>. <strong>Audit</strong><strong>Committee</strong> reviewed the Policy to ensure that within <strong>Council</strong> Policy there was sufficientaccountability and governance on the organisations that were receiving support from<strong>Council</strong> by way <strong>of</strong> loans or grants and addressed various issues that may present risk to the<strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> non payment <strong>of</strong> loans.Resolution:1. That the Community Grants Policy and application form be reviewed at the <strong>Council</strong>Workshop prior to being presented to <strong>Council</strong>.9. INFORMATION PAPERSCr Creagh McGlasson / Mr Allen BolaffiCARRIED9.1. Financial Sustainability Information Paper 3 – <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>s was presented to <strong>Audit</strong><strong>Committee</strong> for discussion and consideration.The Information Paper included the following attachments which can be used by <strong>Council</strong>sas a model:Attachment 1: Model Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference for an <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>Attachment 2: Model Work Program for a <strong>Council</strong>’s <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>Attachment 3: Model <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> Annual Report to <strong>Council</strong>The <strong>Committee</strong> discussed <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> membership and the suggestion <strong>of</strong> thenomination <strong>of</strong> an elected member as a proxy for the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> elected members inthe event that an elected member as a member <strong>of</strong> the committee is unavailable.Resolution:1. That the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> adopt the model LGA work program and that it be used as abasis for the development <strong>of</strong> the <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Elliston</strong>’s <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> workprogram for <strong>2012</strong>/13.2. That the Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference for the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> be reviewed by management andthe model LGA Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference be used as a guide.3. That the reviewed Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference be presented to a future meeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Audit</strong><strong>Committee</strong> for recommendation to <strong>Council</strong>.4. That the Model <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> Annual Report to <strong>Council</strong> be used for development <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>s Annual Report for presentation to <strong>Council</strong> in November <strong>2012</strong>.Cr Creagh McGlasson / Mr Allen BolaffiCARRIEDPage 3

9.2. Financial Sustainability Information Paper 27 – Prudential ManagementThe Information Paper 27 – Prudential Management which was developed by the LGA wasdiscussed by the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>.Recommendation:1. That management prepare a Prudential Management Policy based on the LGA modelPrudential Policy and that it be presented at a future meeting.Cr Creagh McGlasson / Mr Allen BolaffiCARRIED9.3. <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference was presented and discussed with recommendedchanges to be made. Refer to discussion in item 9.19.4. Valuation Commentary <strong>2012</strong> / 2013 DC <strong>Elliston</strong>Valuation information provided by the Valuer Generals Office was provided for informationto the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>. This was also included in the Business Plan and Budget document.10. OTHER BUSINESS10.1. Register <strong>of</strong> Resolutions – it was requested by Cr Hitchcock that a register <strong>of</strong>resolutions be developed and made available to <strong>Council</strong>.10.2. Allen Bolaffi raised the issue <strong>of</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> internal control documentationfor financial controls in the <strong>Council</strong>. This was a requirement <strong>of</strong> larger city councils andwould be a focus in the future for country councils. He recommended that <strong>Council</strong> plan forthe implementation now and show leadership in the region.11. NEXT MEETINGThe next ordinary meeting for the <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> Meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 TH August<strong>2012</strong> at 12:30 in the <strong>Elliston</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Chambers.12. CLOSEThe meeting closed at 2:20pm after the Chairman thanked all for attending.Page 4

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