The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group


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which he has no choice, just like othercreatures.This inclusive law to whicheverything submits, is rhe work <strong>of</strong> Allah,the Majestic King, ro Whom belong thecreation and the authority. Both <strong>of</strong> theupp-er and the lower worlds submit willinglyto the Creator, the Capable King.Due to the fact that the linguisticmeaning <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islam</strong> is submission, andadherence without objection, <strong>Islam</strong>, fromthis point <strong>of</strong> view, is rhe faith <strong>of</strong> theuniverse. Man in this sense, does not differfrom the other creatures. Since Allah, is theCreator and the Provider, He has given manthe freedom <strong>of</strong> choice, and has shown himboth, the path <strong>of</strong> guidance, and the path <strong>of</strong>deviation through the Messengers that Hesent to mankind throughouthe ages; the last<strong>of</strong> whom is Muhammad, peace be upon themall. <strong>The</strong>refore, he who chooses the path <strong>of</strong>guidance <strong>of</strong> his own free will, and futfillsthe duties with which he is charged, and

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