The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group


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Allah has passed the laws andordinances, sent the Messengers, andrevealed His Books to preserve the deen,and guard it against deviation, and todedicate all acts <strong>of</strong> worship to Allah alone.He has prescribed the Jihad in order to keepHis Word supreme, .and to efface thebarriers that bar men from worshippingtheir Rubb.2- <strong>The</strong> Intellect<strong>Islam</strong> prohibits everything thatincapacitates the intellect whether it is food,drink, or the like. Allah says:Verily, the liquor, gambling, the idols, anddivining arrows are only abomination <strong>of</strong>Satan's work.243- <strong>The</strong> Individual<strong>Islam</strong> prohibits too, everything thatdestroys the individual. A person is notallowed to inflict any harm upon himself, or24 Q.5:944

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