The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group


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A-[fr, His angels , the Final D.y, and otherghaib matters. Belief in ai-ghalib isimportant enough that Allah considers asone <strong>of</strong> the most particular characteristics <strong>of</strong>the God-fearing people. Allah savs :This is the Btiok, wherein there ii no doubt, agu-tlanc.e to those who arc God-fearing. Whobclieve in the glaib, perform prayer, ant spcndout <strong>of</strong> what We have providcd them.2lIt is good enough reason for us tobelieve in al- ghaib as Allah, the Exalted, isthe One who has informed us about it by ttretongue <strong>of</strong> His Messenger, peace be uponhim. Consequently, he who does notbelieve in al-ghaib denies Allah and HisMessengers , peace be upon them all.<strong>The</strong> Shari'ah and the Deen<strong>The</strong> Shari'ah 22 is part <strong>of</strong> the Deen, orfaith. <strong>The</strong> application <strong>of</strong> which is an act <strong>of</strong>2l Q.2:322<strong>The</strong> d.ivine laws consisting <strong>of</strong> ordinances and acts<strong>of</strong> worship such as fasting, prayer, pilgrimage, and42

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