The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group


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and the results <strong>of</strong> the tests and afflictions inthis world will become evident in the nextworld.6- <strong>The</strong> belief in Al-Qadar.Believing in Al-Qadar is one <strong>of</strong> thecentral fundamentals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islam</strong>. Allah doesnot accept any good deed frorn a personuntil he believes in the al-Qadar, even if heobserves fasting, performs prayers, andclaims to be a Muslim, because he did notmaintain sound belief in Allah. He who doesnot believe in al-Qadar, implies that Allahis incapable, unaware <strong>of</strong> the events takingplace in the universe, and impotent .Such isnot fit to be a god; for among the intrinsicattributes <strong>of</strong> Allah the Ever-living, the OneWho sustains and maintains the creatures,the Omnipotent, the All-Hearing, All-Seeing, and the rest <strong>of</strong> the attributes <strong>of</strong>perfection. Disbelieving in al -Qadarnecessitates denying Allah all <strong>of</strong> these37

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