The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group


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with the prayer many physical aspects suchas Tawaf,Saee,ro and moving from oneritual site to another. It includes as well, thetalbiyah,n the dthikr rz and the like. Hence,the Hajj is act an <strong>of</strong> worship involving thefinancial, physical, and those aspects relatedto prayer. Like congregational prayer, Hajjalso is an occasion for congregating theMuslims in one place at one time, with onemone distinction, that is , all Muslims thenwear the same outfit regardless <strong>of</strong> theirheterogeneity, home lands, 'tongues, orclasses. <strong>The</strong> H a j j, in its generall0 Th" Sa'ee, walking back and forth seven rimesbetwccn the two hills <strong>of</strong> As-Safa and Marwah. Onc<strong>of</strong> the rites <strong>of</strong> Pilgrimage both Umrah and Flajj, andis perfurmcd immediately after the circumambularion<strong>of</strong> the Ka'bah.I I Thc recitation <strong>of</strong> the words: LabbaikallahummaLabbaik. etc. meaning: Herc am I. O Allah! Here amI. Hcre am I dcclaring no associates with You.Surely, praise and blessings, and dominion areYours. I associate none with You.12 <strong>The</strong>rcmembrance <strong>of</strong> Attah as an acr <strong>of</strong> worship.2n

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