The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group

The Principles of Islam - PDF - Islam 114 Dawah Group


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Alatr says:O, you who bclieve fasting is prescribedto you as it was prcscribed to those before you,that you may anain piety.Fasting was prescribed to previousnations too as a means <strong>of</strong> purification andhelp against life's inconveniences, becausefasting requires patience, and patience is one<strong>of</strong> the strongest means for acquiring thehappiness in the Hereafter.AUatr says:nnd seck Allah's help throughpcrseverancc and prayer.s- Hajj :T}lre Hajj is the fifth pillar <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islam</strong>.This pillar has the same objectives like those<strong>of</strong> the other pillars <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islam</strong> . <strong>The</strong> H aj jtrains self-restraint, endurance, resistinghunger, enduring patiently the hardship <strong>of</strong>the journey, leaving the family behind, andother desirous things. <strong>The</strong> Hajj like the7akat, has a financial aspect. It also sharesl9

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