REPORT - The Township of Uxbridge

REPORT - The Township of Uxbridge REPORT - The Township of Uxbridge
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Appendix DPublic Submission ReviewSubmission Discussion ConclusionIssue 1: Access/Traffic1.1 Nicole Banich, 56 Apple Tree Cres.Has anyone checked “theimpact of having a street comeon to Oakside, which is up aslope and a slight bend? Thiswill be a hazard, particularlywith winter conditions..”“if there is to be constructionwhere are all the cars, trucksand vans of the workers goingto park? On Oakside andMapleBrook, making driving anightmare through that area.”The Township’s engineeringconsultants have reviewed thetraffic submissions includinginformation on sight lines andare satisfied with the proposedaccess.The issue of construction trafficcan be controlled by theTownship to minimize impactson the residents.1.2 David Pilote and Charlene Summerfield, 14 Cyril Richardson Court“The number of housesproposed are too many forsuch a small area and thetraffic onto the existing road(Oakside Drive) was notdesigned for this.”See 1.1 See 1.11.3 Eileen and Chris Ethier, 12 Cyril Richardson Court“The following issues concernus and should be fully addressbefore or if this developmentis permitted...See 1.1 See 1.1traffic/safety issueregarding proposed roadlocation”1.4 Patrick Oliver, 10 Cyril Richardson Court“Increase of traffic at least 32cars in and out daily! Theexisting street is already verybusy.See 1.1 See 1.12. Drainage2.1 Nicole Banich, 56 Apple Tree Cres.-“The city still has notaddressed the conditions of thebackyards on Apple Tree.Because the street slopes,those yards are breedingThe developer has prepared astormwater management reportwhich addresses drainage issues.The Township engineeringconsultant is satisfied with theProposed access is consideredappropriate by Township’sengineering consultant.That approval of aconstruction trafficmanagement plan be acondition of approval.The drainage issue will befurther reviewed as part ofdetailed design through theapproval of the draft plan ofcondominium.D-1

Appendix DPublic Submission ReviewSubmission Discussion Conclusiongrounds for mosquitos. Whatwill happen to the backyardsof Cyril Richardson Court andthe new development?”-“If the space to be developedis already a “damp” area, whatwill more snow do to thesurrounding area andbasements of the new homes?”information provided. However,the issue will be furtheraddressed as part of detaileddesign through the approval ofthe draft plan of condominium.2.2 David Pilote and Charlene Summerfield, 14 Cyril Richardson CourtThere are just too many issuesstacked against this proposaland the drainage issues arevery very important as theCanadian Government hasstated we must prepare for“Climate Change”. We canexpect more rain/snowvolumes and new models aresuggesting toplan for “200year” flood volumes in thenew future.”See 2.1 See 2.12.3 Eileen and Chris Ethier, 12 Cyril Richardson Court“The following issues concernus and should be fully addressbefore or if this developmentis permitted...Drainage/sewage issuesincluding possible pet feces...”See 2.1 See 2.13. Impacts on Natural Environment3.1 Nicole Banich, 56 Apple Tree Cres.“The”developer” talked abouttaking down 30 to 50 trees.Hogwash! Will they replaceold growth trees with similarold growth trees?”The LSRCA has reviewed indetail the proposed removal ofvegetation on the site andprovided the followingcomments regarding trees on thesubject site:“The LSRCA has reviewed theTree Inventory and PreservationPlan and find it acceptable. Wewould, however, recommend theretention of as much vegetationThe LSRCA has indicated thatproposed removal ofvegetation is acceptablesubject to conditions,including robustcompensation/restoration planand an edge management plan.These conditions are to beestablished as a condition ofdraft approval of the plan ofcondominium.D-2

Appendix DPublic Submission ReviewSubmission Discussion Conclusiongrounds for mosquitos. Whatwill happen to the backyards<strong>of</strong> Cyril Richardson Court andthe new development?”-“If the space to be developedis already a “damp” area, whatwill more snow do to thesurrounding area andbasements <strong>of</strong> the new homes?”information provided. However,the issue will be furtheraddressed as part <strong>of</strong> detaileddesign through the approval <strong>of</strong>the draft plan <strong>of</strong> condominium.2.2 David Pilote and Charlene Summerfield, 14 Cyril Richardson Court<strong>The</strong>re are just too many issuesstacked against this proposaland the drainage issues arevery very important as theCanadian Government hasstated we must prepare for“Climate Change”. We canexpect more rain/snowvolumes and new models aresuggesting toplan for “200year” flood volumes in thenew future.”See 2.1 See 2.12.3 Eileen and Chris Ethier, 12 Cyril Richardson Court“<strong>The</strong> following issues concernus and should be fully addressbefore or if this developmentis permitted...Drainage/sewage issuesincluding possible pet feces...”See 2.1 See 2.13. Impacts on Natural Environment3.1 Nicole Banich, 56 Apple Tree Cres.“<strong>The</strong>”developer” talked abouttaking down 30 to 50 trees.Hogwash! Will they replaceold growth trees with similarold growth trees?”<strong>The</strong> LSRCA has reviewed indetail the proposed removal <strong>of</strong>vegetation on the site andprovided the followingcomments regarding trees on thesubject site:“<strong>The</strong> LSRCA has reviewed theTree Inventory and PreservationPlan and find it acceptable. Wewould, however, recommend theretention <strong>of</strong> as much vegetation<strong>The</strong> LSRCA has indicated thatproposed removal <strong>of</strong>vegetation is acceptablesubject to conditions,including robustcompensation/restoration planand an edge management plan.<strong>The</strong>se conditions are to beestablished as a condition <strong>of</strong>draft approval <strong>of</strong> the plan <strong>of</strong>condominium.D-2

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