REPORT - The Township of Uxbridge

REPORT - The Township of Uxbridge REPORT - The Township of Uxbridge
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Appendix BTownship Official Plan ReviewPolicy Discussion Conclusionwetland and Uxbridge Brook.2.3.14 Zones of Influence are to beidentified within 120 metres of a wetland inan Environmental Constraint Area as part ofrequired studies submitted as part of anydevelopment application in accordance withSection 2.7 of the Plan. Any developmentor site alteration will only be permittedsubject to specific criteria.Section 2.4 Community Design Strategy2.4.2.1 Streets and Streetscapes - regardshall be had to streetscape design, as well astransportation planning considerations, inreviewing proposals for new roads as wellas the relationship between the street andthe abutting development2.4.2.3 Street System – New DevelopmentAreasi) “Street patterns in new development areaswill be designed to reflect an interconnectedstreet system with a modified grid patternor other approaches that facilitatecontinuous and direct movement within thedevelopment area, and between thedevelopment area, abutting areas and theexisting community.”ii) “New development areas shall beconnected to the existing communitywhenever possible through roadconnections, as well as bicycle andpedestrian links. to ensure the communityfunctions in an integrated fashion. Theselinkages will be developed in a mannerwhich is sensitive to the character of theexisting areas, while promotingcommunication between all parts of thecommunity. In addition, street patterns innew development areas shall provide forfuture connections into abuttingundeveloped areas, whether or not suchareas are designated for development.However, the provision for possible futureconnections is not to be construed ascommitting abutting lands for futuredevelopment.” Streetscape Design to ensure that: buildings and structure oriented tostreetThe EIS and an EIS addendum reportsconcluded that there were no wetlandcommunities within the area proposedfor development. There is a wetlandcommunity in the EnvironmentalConstraint Area and the separationdistance (a minimum of 5 metres)between the edge of the developmentand the wetland was considered asufficient buffer.This section provides general designpolicies applicable to the subject lands.The proposed concept plan generallyaddresses the policies as follows:1. Streetscape Design and Landscaping buildings oriented to street; there is no public open space; garages are not dominant; landscaping can be used to definethe street although no details areprovided at this conceptual level;and, information on lighting is notprovided at this conceptual level.2. Street System connects to existing existingstreet will allow closure of access toMain Street North;3. Views The proposed developmentprovides views for the majority ofthe homes into the valley. Significant public views into thevalley are and will continue to beprovided from Main Street North,Oakside and Maple Brook.6. Safe Community Design The proposed road design createsa small community with goodvisibility from the proposedhomes; Other elements such as lightingwill form part of detailed design.This policy has beenaddressed and the detailswill be established as partof detailed designapprovals.The design concept ascurrently proposedgenerally satisfies, or hasthe potential to satisfy atthe detailed design stage,the design policies.B-3

Appendix BTownship Official Plan ReviewPolicy Discussion Conclusion significant areas of unobstructed roadfrontage adjacent to open space,environmental constraint andinstitutional areas garages are not the dominant feature inthe streetscape landscaping provides for features suchas the definition of the street, framingof views and focal points, direction ofpedestrian movement and demarcationof areas of different functionlighting provides suitable illuminationfor vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists2.4.2.5 Views i) “New development shallbe designed to preserve existing views ofthe surrounding rural area from thecommunity existing at the date of adoptionof the Plan. New development shall also bedesigned to preserve, enhance and/or createviews of the following features:a) natural features including woodlots andwatercourses;b) important institutional or other buildings;c) parks and open space;d) surrounding rural area.” Landscape Design – “The Townshipshall ensure that appropriate landscaping isprovided in all new development to:i) maintain and enhance the existingdeveloped areas;ii) allow the creation of strong landscapedfeatures in new development areas; and,iii) provide for features such as thedefinition of public open space, framing ofviews or focal points, direction ofpedestrian movement and demarcation ofareas with different functions.” Safe Community Design – is to bepromoted by a range of measures includingclear unobstructed views of parks and openspaces from adjoining streets, appropriatelighting, landscape elements, and designwhich precludes entrapment.Section 2.5 Land Use Strategy2.5.3 Land Uses Permitted in AllDesignationsThis policy identifies land uses permitted inall land use designations in the SecondaryPlan except for the EnvironmentalConstraint and Forest Area designationsStormwater management facilities arepermitted in all land use designationsother than Environmental Constraintand Forest Area. In EnvironmentalConstraint and Forest Areas they arepermitted subject to the policies forProposed stormwatermanagement facilityconforms with policyprovided that it is zonedEP.B-4

Appendix B<strong>Township</strong> Official Plan ReviewPolicy Discussion Conclusion significant areas <strong>of</strong> unobstructed roadfrontage adjacent to open space,environmental constraint andinstitutional areas garages are not the dominant feature inthe streetscape landscaping provides for features suchas the definition <strong>of</strong> the street, framing<strong>of</strong> views and focal points, direction <strong>of</strong>pedestrian movement and demarcation<strong>of</strong> areas <strong>of</strong> different functionlighting provides suitable illuminationfor vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists2.4.2.5 Views i) “New development shallbe designed to preserve existing views <strong>of</strong>the surrounding rural area from thecommunity existing at the date <strong>of</strong> adoption<strong>of</strong> the Plan. New development shall also bedesigned to preserve, enhance and/or createviews <strong>of</strong> the following features:a) natural features including woodlots andwatercourses;b) important institutional or other buildings;c) parks and open space;d) surrounding rural area.” Landscape Design – “<strong>The</strong> <strong>Township</strong>shall ensure that appropriate landscaping isprovided in all new development to:i) maintain and enhance the existingdeveloped areas;ii) allow the creation <strong>of</strong> strong landscapedfeatures in new development areas; and,iii) provide for features such as thedefinition <strong>of</strong> public open space, framing <strong>of</strong>views or focal points, direction <strong>of</strong>pedestrian movement and demarcation <strong>of</strong>areas with different functions.” Safe Community Design – is to bepromoted by a range <strong>of</strong> measures includingclear unobstructed views <strong>of</strong> parks and openspaces from adjoining streets, appropriatelighting, landscape elements, and designwhich precludes entrapment.Section 2.5 Land Use Strategy2.5.3 Land Uses Permitted in AllDesignationsThis policy identifies land uses permitted inall land use designations in the SecondaryPlan except for the EnvironmentalConstraint and Forest Area designationsStormwater management facilities arepermitted in all land use designationsother than Environmental Constraintand Forest Area. In EnvironmentalConstraint and Forest Areas they arepermitted subject to the policies forProposed stormwatermanagement facilityconforms with policyprovided that it is zonedEP.B-4

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