APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland

APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland

APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland


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316 BRITISH COLUMBIA1880— Nov. 26. The Hon. Alexander Rocke Robertson, Puisne Judge.Died Dec. ist, 1881.1882— May 23. The Hon. George Anthony Walkem, Puisne Judge.Retired Nov. loth, 1903.1889— August 14. The Hon. Montague William Tyrwhitt Drake,Puisne Judge. Retired August 14th, 1904.1895 — Feb. 23. The Hon. Theodore Davie, Chief Justice, succeedingSir Matthew Baillie Begbie. Died March 7th, 1898.1896— Oct. 13. The Hon. Angus John McColl, Puisne Judge. August23rd, 1898, appointed Chief Justice, succeedingDied Jan. i6th, 1902.the Hon. Theodore Davie.1897 — Dec. 18. The Hon. Paulus ^milius Irving, Puisne Judge.1898— Sept. 12. The Hon. Archer Martin, Puisne Judge. AppointedLocal Judge in Admiralty in the room and stead of Hon. Angus John McColl,deceased March 4th, 1902.1902— March 4. The Hon. Gordon Hunter, Chief Justice, succeedingthe Hon. Angus John McColl.1904— Feb. 26. The Hon. L. P. Duff, Puisne Judge.1904— Sept. 28. The Hon. Aulay Morrison, Puisne Judge.CHIEF JUSTICES OF VANCOUVER ISLAND AND BRITISHCOLUMBIA.Hon. David Cameron, from Dec. 2, 1853, to Oct. 11, 1865.Hon. Mr. Justice Needham, from Oct. 11, 1865, to Marcli 29, 1870.Hon. Matthew Baillie Begbie, from Sept. 2, 1858, to June 11, 1894.Knighted Nov. 26, 1874.14, 1881.Hon. Theodore Davie, from Feb. 23, 1895, to March 7, 1898.Hon. Angus John McColl, from Oct. 13, 1896, to Jan. 16, 1902.Hon. Gordon Hunter, from March 4, 1902.COUNTY COURT JUDGES.Augustus F. Pemberton, Victoria, from Sept. 23, 1867, to Jan. 14, 1881.Edward H. Sanders, Lillooet and Clinton, from Sept. 18, 1867, to Jan.

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