APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland

APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland

APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland


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BRITISH COLUMBIA 313sworn in September 3, 1901, as Provincial Secretary. Mr. McBride resignedfrom the Cabinet in consequence of the calHng in of Mr. Brown. On goingback for re-election, Mr. Brown was defeated and resigned his portfolio.Mr. McBride's place was filled by the appointment of Hon. E. G. Prior,February 26, 1902.Mr. Dunsmuir resigned November 21, 1902, and Mr. Prior was calledon toform a Government.THE PRIORMINISTRY.November 21, 1902— June i, 1903.Hon. Edward G. Prior, Premier and Minister of Mines.Hon. D. McE. Eberts, Attorney-General.Hon. James D. Prentice,Minister of Finance and Agriculture.Hon. Denis Murphy, ProvincialSecretary.Hon. W. C. Wells, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works.Hon. W. W. B. Mclnnes, President of the Council.Messrs. Wells and Murphy were appointed November 22, and Messrs.Eberts and Mclnnes, November 25. Mr. Murphy relinquishedoffice withina few days, and Mr. Mclnnes was appointed Provincial Secretary and Ministerin Charge of Education, December i, 1902, having been President ofthe Council for one week.On May 26, 1903, it was announced that Premier Prior had requestedthe resignation of Mr. Eberts and Mr. Wells. On May 27 Mr. Mclnnesresigned, in order, he explained, to facilitate an appeal to the country onparty lines. The House re-assembled, after an adjournmentof some weeks,May 27.The adjournment took place in order to afford a special committeeopportunity to take evidence in regard to the Columbia and Western railwayland grants, and the position of officials of the C. P. R. in that affair. Whenthe House re-assembled, Premier Prior stated that he had formed the opinionthat it was impossible for the Government to be carried on effectively with

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