APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland

APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland

APPENDICES. - Electric Scotland


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BRITISH COLUMBIA 299<strong>APPENDICES</strong>.GOVERNORS AND LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS.GOVERNORS OF VANCOUVER ISLAND.FromToRichard Blanshard ..;... 1849Sir James Douglas, K. C. B. . Nov., 1851Arthur Edward Kennedy .Oct., 1864GOVERNORS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA.FromSir. James Douglas Sept., 1858Frederick Seymour Apl., 1864Anthony Musgrave, K. C. M. G. Aug., 1869LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS SINCECONFEDERATION.FromSir J. W. Trutch, K. C. M. G July 5, 1871Hon. A. N. Richards .June 27, 1876C. F. Cornwall June 21, 1881Hugh Nelson Feby. 8, 1887Hon. Edgar Dewdney Nov. i, 1892T. R. Mclnnes .Nov. 18, 1897Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere . . . .June 21, 1900LISTOF SPEAKERS.FromHon. J. S. Helmcken 1856Hon. James Trimble 1872Hon. F. W. Williams 1878Hon. J.A. Mara .1883Hon. C. E. Pooley 1887Hon. D. W. Higgins (resigned March 4, 1898) 1890Hon. J. P. Booth 1898Hon. Thos. Forster 1899Hon. J. P. Booth (died March, 1902) 1900Hon. C. E. Pooley 1902

3(.»0 BRITISH COLUMBIACOLONIAL LEGISLATURES AND EXECUTIVE COUNCILS.Legislative Assembly, Vancouver Island, First Parliament, 1855 to1859: Victoria town, James Yates and Jos. W. McKay; Esquimalt andVictoria Districts, J. S. Helmcken (i) and J. D. Pemberton; Esquimalttown, Thomas J. Skinner ;Sooke District, John Muir.( I ) Speaker.Legislative Assembly, Vancouver Island, Second Parliament, March,i860 to February, 1863 :Victoria town — First session, March, i860, to February,1861, J. H. Cary, S. Franklin; second session, June, 1861, to January,1862, J.H. Cary, S. Franklin; third session, March, 1862, to December,1862, J.H. Cary, S. Franklin; fourth session, January, 1863, to February,—1863, J. H. Cary, S. Franklin. Victoria District First session, March, i860,to February, 1861, H. P. P. Crease, W. F. Tolmie, A. Waddington; secondsession, June, 1861, to January, 1862, H. P. P. Crease (i), W. F. Tolmie,A. Waddington (2), J. W. Trutch (vice Crease), J.Trimble (vice Waddington)third session, March, 1862, to December, 1862, W. F. Tolmie,;J. W. Trutch, J. Trimble; fourth session, January, 1863, to February, 1863,W. F. Tolmie, J. W. Trutch, J. Trimble. Esquimalt town— First session,March, i860, to February, 1861, G. T. Gordon,; second session, June, 1861,to January, 1862, G. T. Gordon (3) third; session, March, 1862, to December,1862, T. Harris (4), Wm. Cocker (vice Harris); fourth session,January, 1863, to February, 1863, Wm. Cocker. Esquimalt District — Firstsession, March, i860, to February, 1861, J. S. Helmcken, James Cooper (5),R. Burnaby (vice Cooper) ; second session, June 1861, to January, 1862, J.S. Helmcken, Robert Burnaby; third session, March, 1862, to December,1862, J. S. Helmcken, R. Burnaby; fourth session, January, 1863,to February,1863, J. S. Helmcken (6), R. Burnaby. Lake District— First session,March, i860, to February, 1861, G. F. Foster; second session, June,1861, to January, 1862, G. F. Foster; third session, March, 1862 to De-

BRITISH COLUMBIA'301cember, 1862, G. F. Foster; fourth session, Jantferlt 1863, to February,1863, G. F. Foster. Sooke District — First session, March, i860, to February,1861, W. J. Macdonald; second session, June, 1861, to January, 1862,W. J. Macdonald; third session, March, 1862, to December, 1862, W. J.Macdonald; fourth session, January, 1863, to February, 1863, W. J. Macdonald.Saanich District— First session, March, i860, to February, 1861,John Coles; second session, June, 1861, to January, 1862, John Coles; third"session, March, 1862, to December, 1862, John Coles; fourth session, January,1863, to February, 1863, John Coles. Salt Spring District — First session,March, i860, to February, 1861, J. J. Southgate; second session, June,1861, to January, 1862, J. J. Southgate; third session, March, 1862, to December,1862, J. J. Southgate; fourth session, January, 1863, to February,1863, J. J. Southgate. Nanaimo District— First session, March, i860, toFebruary, 1861, A. R. Green; second session, June 1861, to January, 1862,A. R. Green (7), D. B. Ring (vice Green); third session, March, 1862, toDecember, 1862, D. B. Ring; fourth session, January, 1863, to February,1863, D. B. Ring.(i) Resigned October, 1861.(2) Resigned October, 1861.(3) Resigned January, 1862.(4) Resigned September, 1862.(5) Resigned November, i860.(6) Speaker.(7) Resigned October, 1861.Executive Council of Vancouver Island, September, 1863, to September1866: Hon. William A. G. Young, acting Colonial Secretary, fromSeptember, 1863, to August, 1864 (i) ; Hon. George Hunter Gary, AttorneyGeneral, from September, 1863. to August, 1864 (2) ;Hon. Alexander Watson,Treasurer, from September, 1863, to September, 1866; Hon. Joseph D.Pemberton, Surveyor-General, from September, 1863, to October, 1864 (3) ;Hon. Henry Wakeford, acting Colonial Secretary, from August, 1864, toJune, 1865 (4) ;Hon. Thomas Lett Wood, acting Attorney-General, from

302 BRITISH COLUMBIAAugust, 1864, to September, 1866; Hon. B. W. Pearse, acting Surveyor-General, from October, 1864, to September, 1866; Hon. W. A. G. Young,Colonial Secretary, from June, 1865, to September, 1866.(i) Leave of absence.(2) Resigned.(3) Resigned.(4) Superseded by Colonial Secretary.Legislative Assembly, Vancouver Island, Third Parliament, September,1863, to August, City— 1866: Victoria First session, September, 1863, toJuly, 1864; W. A. G. Young, A. DeCosmos, L W. Powell, J. C. Ridge (i),S. Franklin (vice Ridge) ;second session, September, 1864, to July, 1865,A. DeCosmos (2), L W. Powell, S. Franklin, C. B. Young (3),A. De-Cosmos (re-elected), L. McClure (vice C. B. Young); third session, November,1865, to August, 1866, L W. Powell, S. Franklin (4), A. DeCosmos,L. McClure, C. B. Young (vice Franklin.) Victoria District— Firstsession, September, 1863, to July, 1864, E. H. Jackson, W. F. Tolmie, JTrimble; second session, September, 1864, to July, 1865, W. F. Tolmie, JTrimble, James Dickson; third session, November, 1865, to August, 1866,W; F. Tolmie, J. Trimble, James Dickson. Esquimalt town— First sessionSeptember, 1863, to July, 1864, G. F. Foster; second session, September1864, to July, 1865, J. J. Southgate; third session, November, 1865, toAugust, 1866, J. J. Southgate (5), E. Stamp (vice Southgate). EsquimaltDistrict— First session, September, 1863, to July, 1864, J. S. Helmcken(6), R. Burnaby; second session, September, 1864, to July, 1865, J. S,Helmcken, R. Burnaby; third session, November, 1865, to August, 1866, J.S. Helmcken, John Ash. Lake District— First session, September, 1863,to July, 1864, J. Duncan; second session, September, 1864, to July, 1865,J. Duncan; third session, November, 1865, to August, 1866, J.Duncan.Sooke District— First session, September, 1863, to July, 1864, J. Carswell;second session, September, 1864, to July, 1865, J. Carswell; third session.

BRITISH COLUMBIA 303November, 1865, to August, 1866, J. Carsweil. Saanich District— Firstsession, September, 1863, to July, 1864, C, Street; second session, September,1864, to July, 1865, (7) C. Street, J. J. Cochrane (vice Street) ;thirdsession, November, 1865. to August, 1866, J. J. Cochrane. Salt SpringDistrict— First session, September, 1863, to July, 1864, John T. Pidwell(8), George E. Beans (vice Pidwell); second session, September, 1864, toJuly, 1865, G. E. Deans; third session, November, 1865, to August, 1866,G. E. Deans (9), J. T. Pidwell (vice Deans.) Nanaimo District— Firstsession, September, 1863, to July, 1864, A. Bayley; second session, September,1864, to July, 1865, A. Bayley; third session, November, 1865, toAugust, 1866, T. Cunningham.(I(2(3(4(5(6(7(8(9Resigned January, 1864.Resigned February, 1865.Resigned February, 1865.Seat declared vacant April, 1866.Seat declared vacant April, 1866.Speaker.Resigned October, 1864.Unseated on petition.Unseated on petition.Legislative Council of Vancouver Island, September, 1863, to September,1866: Hon. David Cameron, Chief Justice, from September, 1863,to November, 1865 (i); Hon. D. B. Ring, acting Attorney-General, fromSeptember, 1863, to October, 1863 (2) Hon. Alexander Watson, Treasurer,;from September, 1863, to September, 1866; Hon. Roderick Finlayson,Member of Council, from September, 1863, to September, 1866; Hon. AlfredJ. Langley, Member of Council, from September, 1863, to January,1864 (3) Hon, B. W. Pearse, ; acting Surveyor-General, from October,1863, to April, 1864 (4) Hon,; George H. Gary, Attorney-General, fromOctober, 1863, to August, 1864 (5) Hon. Joseph D, Pemberton, Surveyor-;General, from April, 1864, to October, 1864 (6) Hon. Donald Eraser,;Member of Council, from April, 1864, to September, 1866; Hon. Henry

304 BRITISH COLUMBIAVVakeford, acting Colonial Secretary, from August, 1864, to '.June, 1865 (7)Hon. Henry Rhodes, Member of Council, from August, 1864, to September,1866; Hon. Thomas Lett Wood, acting Attorney-General, from August,1864, to September, 1866; Hon. B. W. Pearse, acting Surveyor-General,from October, 1864, to September, 1866; Hon. W. A. G. Young, ColonialSecretary, from July, 1865, to September, 1866; Hon. Joseph Needham,Chief Justice, from November, 1865, to September, 1866 (8).(i) President. Resigned.(2) Superseded by Attorney-General.(3) Mr. Langley's name does not appear on minutes of Council afterthis date..(4) Superseded by Surveyor-General.(5) Resigned.(6) Resigned.(7) Superseded by Colonial Secretary.(8) President.Legislative Council, 1864 to July 19th, 1871 : Session 1864— The Hon.Arthur N. Birch, Colonial Secretary; Hon. Henry P. P. Crease, Attorney-General; Hon. Wymond O. Hamley, Collector of Customs; Hon. ChartresBrew, Magistrate, New Westminster; Hon, Peter O'Reilly, Magistrate,Cariboo East; Hon. E. H. Sanders, Magistrate, Yale; Hon. H. M. Ball,Magistrate, Lytton; Hon. J.A. R. Homer, New Westminster; Hon. RobertT. Smith, Hope, Yale and Lytton; Hon. Henry Holbrook, Douglas andLillooet; Hon. James Orr, Cariboo East; Hon. Walter S. Black, CaribooWest.Session 1864 to 1865— Hon. Arthur N. Birch, Colonial Secretary andPresiding Member; Hon. Henry P. P. Crease, Attorney-General; Hon.Charles W. Franks, Treasurer; Hon. Wymond O. Hamley,Collector ofCustoms; Hon. Chartres Brew, Magistrate, New Westminster; Hon. PeterO'Reilly, Magistrate, Cariboo; Hon. H. M. Ball, Magistrate, Lytton; Hon.A. C. Elliot, Magistrate, Lillooet ;Hon. John C. Haynes^ Magistrate, Osoyoosand Kootenay; Hon. J. A. R. Homer, New Westminster district; Hon.

BRITISH COLUMBIA 305Henry Holbrook, Douglas and Lillooet districts Hon. Clement F. ;Cornwall,Hope, Yale and Lytton districts; Hon. George Anthony Walkem, CaribooEast district; Hon. Walter Moberly. Cariboo West district.Session, 1866— Hon. Henry M. Ball, acting Colonial Secretary, andPresiding Member; Hon. Henry P. P. Crease, Attorney-General; Hon.Charles W. Franks, Treasurer; Hon. Joseph W. Trutch, Chief Commissionerof Lands and Works; Hon. Wymond O. Hamley, Collector of Customs;Hon. Chartres Brew, Magistrate, New Westminster; Hon. Peter O'Reilly,Magistrate, Kootenay; Hon. Andrew C. Elliot, Magistrate, Lillooet; Hon.John C. Haynes, Magistrate, Osoyoos and Kootenay; Hon. J. A. R. Homer,New Westminster district; Hon. Henry Holbrook, Douglas and Lillooet districts;Hon. Clement F. Cornwall, Hope, Yale and Lytton districts; Hon.George Anthony Walkem, Cariboo East district; Hon. Robert Smith, CaribooWest district.Session 1867^— First session after union with Vancouver Island. Hon.Arthur N. Birch, Colonial Secretary and Presiding Member; Hon. HenryP. P. Crease, Attorney-General; Hon. William A. G. Young, acting duringsession as Treasurer; Hon. Joseph W. Trutch, Chief Commissioner of Landsand Works Hon.; Wymond O. Hamley, Collector of Customs ;Hon. ThomasLett Wood, acting during session as Solicitor-General Hon. ;Henry M. Ball,Magistrate, Cariboo West; Hon. Chartres Brew, Magistrate, New Westminster;Hon.- George W. Cox, Magistrate, Cariboo E^st; Hon. WilliamPI. Franklyn, Magistrate, Nanaimo; Hon. William J. Macdonald, Magistrate,Victoria; Hon. Peter O'Reilly, Magistrate, Kootenay; Hon. EdwardH. Sanders, Magistrate, Yale and Lytton; Hon. Amor DeCosmos, Victoria;Hon. J. S. Helmcken, Victoria; Hon. Joseph D. Pemberton, Victoria district;Hon. John Robson, New Westminster; Hon. Robert T. Smith, ColumbiaRiver and Kootenay Hon. Joseph ; J. Southgate, Nanaimo ;Hon. EdwardStamp, Lillooet; Hon. Geo. A. Walkem, Cariboo; Hon. Francis J. Barnard,.Yale and Lytton.

306 BRITISH COLUMBIASession 1868— The Hon. W. A. G. Young, acting Colonial Secretaryand Presiding Member; Hon. Henry P. Pellew Crease, Attorney-General;Hon. Robert Ker, acting during session as Treasurer; Hon. Joseph W.Trutch, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works; Hon. Wymond O. Hamley,Collector of Customs; Hon. Henry M. Ball, Magistrate, New Westminster;Hon. George W. Cox, Magistrate, Columbia and Kootenay; Hon.Thomas Elwyn, acting during session as Magistrate for Cariboo; Hon. Wm.J. Macdonald, Magistrate, Victoria; Hon. Peter O'Reilly, Magistrate, Yaleand Lytton; Hon, Warner R. Spalding, Magistrate, Nanaimo; Hon.Thomas Lett Wood, Magistrate, Victoria; Hon. Amor DeCosmos, Victoria;Hon. John S. Helmcken, Victoria; Hon, Joseph D. Pemberton, Victoriadistrict; Hon. John Robson, New Westminster; Hon, Robert T. Smith,Columbia and Kootenay; Hon. Edward Stamp, Lillooet; Hon. Geo. A.Walkem, Cariboo; Hon, Francis JonesBarnard, Yale and Lytton,Session 1868-69 — The Hon, W. A. G. Young, actingColonial Secretaryand Presiding Member; Hon, Henry P, Pellew Crease, Attorney-General;Hon. Joseph W. Trutch, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works ;Hon. Wymond O. Hamley, Collector of Customs; Hon, Arthur T,Bushby,acting Postmaster-General; Hon, Edward G. Alston, J. P, ; Hon. Henry M.Ball, J. P. ; Hon, Henry Holbrook, J. P, ;Hon. Peter O'Reilly, J. P. ;Hon.A, F, Pemberton, J. P.; Hon, Edward H, Sanders, J. P, ;Hon, GeorgeAnthony Walkem, J, P, ;Hon, Thomas Lett Wood, J, P, ;Hon, Robert W.W. Carrall, Cariboo; Hon, John C, Davie, Victoria district; Hon, M, W. T,Drake, Victoria City; Hon, Henry Havelock, Yale; Hon, John S.Helmcken,Victoria City; Hon, Thomas B, Humphreys, Lillooet; Hon. David B. Ring,Nanaimo ;Hon, John Robson, New Westminster,1870— Session The Hon, Philip J, Hankin, Colonial Secretary andPresiding Member; Hon, Henry P. Pellew Crease, Attorney-General; Hon,Joseph Wm. Trutch, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works; Hon.Wymond O, Hamley, Collector of Customs; Hon. Arthur T. Bushby, acting

BRITISH COLUMBIA 307Postmaster-General ;Hon.Edward G. Alston, J. P. ; Hon. Henry M. Ball,J. P. ;Hon. Henry Holbrook, J. P. ;Hon. Peter O'Reilly, J. P. ;Hon. AugustusF. Pemberton, J. P. ;Hon. Edward H. Sanders, J. P. ;Hon. George A.Walkem, J. P. ;Hon. Thomas Lett Wood, J. P. ;Hon. Francis Jones Barnard,Yale ;Hon.Robert W. W. Carrall, Cariboo ;Hon.Amor DeCosmos,Victoria district; Hon. Edgar Dewdney, Kootenay district; Hon. M. W. T.Drake, Victoria City; Hon. John Sebastian Helmcken, Victoria City; Hon.Thomas B. Humphreys, Lillooet; Hon. David B.Robson, New Westminster.Ring, Nanaimo; Hon. JohnSession 187 1— The Hon. Philip J. Hankin, Colonial Secretary (Speaker); Hon. George Philippo, Attorney-General ; Hon. Joseph W. Trutch(i).Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works; Hon. Wymond O. Hamley,Collector of Customs ;Hon. Augustus F. Pemberton, J. P. ;Hon. EdwardG. Alston, J. P. ;Hon. Henry Nathan, Victoria City ;Hon. John S. Helmcken,Victoria City; Hon. Amor DeCosmos, Victoria district; Hon. ArthurBunster, Nanaimo; Hon. Hugh Nelson, New Westminster; Hon, ClementF. Cornwall, Hope, Yale and Lytton ; Hon. Thomas B. Humphreys, Lillooetand Clinton; Hon. Robert W. W. Carrall, Cariboo; Hon. Robert J. Skinner,Kootenay.(i) On February 14th, 1871, the Hon. P. O'Reilly was appointed amember of the Legislative Council, vice the Hon, J. W, Trutch, absent fromthe ColonyPROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATIONS,THE MC CREIGHTMINISTRY.Hon. J. F. McCreight, Q. C, Premier and Attorney-General fromDecember 1871, to December 23, 1872.Hon. A. R. Robertson, Q. C, Provincial Secretary from January, 1872,to December, 1872.Hon. Henry Holbrook, Lands and Works, from November, 187 1, to

308 BRITISH COLUMBIAJanuary 15, 1872, and President of Council from January 15to December20, 1872.Hon. George A. Walkem, Q. C, Lands and Works, from January 12 toDecember 20, 1872.This Ministry resigned on December 23, 1872.THE DE COSMOS-WALKEM MINISTRY.Hon. Amor De Cosmos, Premier and President of Council, December 23,1872, to February 11, 1874. (Resigned.)Hon. G. A. Walkem, Q. C, Attorney-General from December 23, 1872,to February 11, 1874, and Premier from February 11, 1874, to January 2^,1876.Hon. Robert Beaven, Lands and Works, from December 23, 1872, toJanuary 27, 1876.Hon. Dr. John Ashe, Provincial Secretary, from December 23, 1872,to January 27, 1876.Hon. W. J. Armstrong, Member of the Cabinet, without portfolio,from December 23, 1872, to February 23, 1873, ^^^ Finance and Agriculture,from February 28, 1873, to January 27, 1876.-Ministry resigned January 2y, 1876.THE ELLIOTMINISTRY.Hon. A. C. Elliot, Premier, Attorney-General and Provincial Secretary,from February i, 1876, to June 25, 1878.Hon. Forbes G. Vernon, Lands and Works, from February i, 1876, toJune 25, 1878.Hon. T. B. Humphreys, Finance and Agriculture, from February i, 1876,to September 11, 1876. (Resigned.)Hon. William Smithe, Finance and Agriculture, from August 10, 1876,to June, 1878.

BRITISH COLUMBIA 309Hon. E. B. Davie, Provincial Secretary, from May, 1877, to August.1877.Ministry resigned June, 1878.THE W^ALKEM MINISTRY.Hon. J. Walkem, Premier, Attorney-General, Lands and Works, andPresident of the Council, from June 26, 1878, to June 12, 1882. (AppointedJudge.)Hon. T. B. Humphreys, Provincial Secretary and Minister of Mines, fromJune 26, 1876, to June 13, 1882. (Resigned.)Hon. Robert Beaven, Finance, from June 26, 1876, to June 13, 1882.THE BEAVENMINISTRY.The Ministry in powerfrom the dissolution of the third Parliament toJanuary, 1883,was as follows :Hon. Robert Beaven, Premier, Lands and Works, Finance, Agriculture,and President of Council, from June 13, 1882, to January 30, 1883.Hon. T. B. Humphreys, Provincial Secretary and Minister of Mines,,from June 13, 1882, to August 23, 1882. (Resigned.)Hon. J. R. Hett, Attorney-General, from June 13, 1882, to January 30.1883.Hon. W. J. Armstrong, Provincial Secretary, from August 23, 1882, toJanuary 30, 1883.THE SMITHE MINISTRY.Hon. William Smithe, Premier, Lands and Works, from January 29,1883, to March 29, 1887.Hon. A. B. Davie, Attorney-General, from January 29, 1883.Hon. John Robson, Provincial Secretary, Finance and Agriculture, fromJanuary 29, 1883.Hon. M. W. T. Drake, Q. C, President of Council, from January 29,1883, to December 8, 1884. (Resigned.)Hon. Simeon Duck, Finance and Agriculture, from March 21, 1885.

310 BRITISH COLUMBIATHE DAVIE MINISTRY.Hon. A. E. B. Davie, Premier and Attorney-General, from April, 1887,to August, 1889. (Died August, 1889.)Hon. John Robson, Provincial Secretary, Finance and Minister of Agriculture,to July, 1887.Hon. F. G. Vernon, Lands and Works, from April i, 1887.Hon. Robert Dunsmuir, President of Council to August 8, 1887. (Deceased.)Hon. J. H. Turner, Finance and Agriculture, from August, 1887.THE ROBSON MINISTRY.Hon. John Robson, Premier, Provincial Secretary and Minister ofMines, August 3, 1889, to June, 1892.Hon. F. G. Vernon, Lands and Works, August 3, 1889, to June, 1892.Hon. J. H. Turner, Finance and Agriculture, August 3, 1889, to June,1892.Hon. Theodore Davie, Q. C, Attorney-General, August 3, 1889, toJune, 1892.Hon. C. E. Pooley, Q. C, President of Council, August 3,1889, to June,1892.Ministry dissolved June,1892, bydeath of Premier.THE DAVIE MINISTRY.Hon. Theodore Davie, Premier, Attorney-General and Provincial Secretary,July 2, 1892, to March, 1895.Hon. F. G. Vernon, Mines and Agriculture, July 2, 1892, to March 4,1895-Hon. Lieut.-Col. James Baker, Education and Immigration, May 28,Provincial Secretary, September 8, 1892, to March 4, 1895.

BRITISH COLUMBIA 311Hon. C. E. Pooley, Q. C, President of Council, July 2,1892, to March4, 1895.Ministry resigned March, 1895.THE TURNER MINISTRY.March 4, 1895— August 8, 1898.Hon. J. H. Turner, Premier, Finance and Agriculture.Hon. C. E. Pooley, Q. C, President of Council.Hon. Colonel Baker, Provincial Secretary, Minister of Mines, Educationand Immigration.Hon. G. B. Martin, Lands and Works.Hon. D. M. Eberts, Q. C, Attorney-General.Ministry dismissed August 8, 1898.THE SEMLIN MINISTRY.August 12, 1898— February 27, 1900.Hon. C. A. Semlin, Premier and Minister of Public Works and Agriculture.Hon. Joseph Martin, Attorney-General and Acting Minister of Education.Hon. F, L. Carter-Cotton, Finance Minister.Hon. J.Fred Hume, Provincial Secretary and Minister of Mines.Hon. R. McKechnie, President of the Executive Council,without portfolio.On March 10,1899, changes were made in the distribution of portfolios.Mr. Semlin retired from the Chief Commissionership of Lands and Worksand undertook the duties of the Provincial Secretaryship,Mr. Hume resigningthat, but continuing to be Minister of Mines, while Mr. Carter-Cottonbecame Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works in addition to hisoffice asMinister of Finance and Agriculture. Mr. Martin continued to hold theAttorney-Generalshipand Dr. McKechniethe Presidency of the Council.

312 BRITISH COLUMBIAOn July 27, at the request of the Premier, Mr. Martin resigned and wassucceeded August 7, 1899, by Mr. Alex. Henderson. On February 27, 1900,Lieutenant-Governor Mclnnes dismissed the Ministryand called on Mr.JosephMartin toform a Government.THE MARTIN MINISTRY.March i, 1900—^June 14, 1900.'Hon. Joseph Martin, Premier and Attorney-General.Hon. C. S. Ryder, Minister of Finance.Hon. Smith Curtis, Minister of Mines.Hon. J. Stuart Yates, Chief Commissioner Lands and Works.Hon. George W. Beebe, Provincial Secretary.In April, 1900, Mr. Ryder retired and Mr. J.C. Brown became Ministerof Finance.Mr. Martin appealed to the country, and, in consequenceof theelections, resigned office June 14, 1900. Mr. Dunsmuir was called on toform a cabinet. Another result of the elections was the dismissal fromoffice of Lieutenant-Governor Mclnnes, June 21, 1900.THE DUNSMUIR MINISTRY.June 15, 1900—^November, 1902.Hon. James Dunsmuir, Premier and President of the Council.Hon. D. McE. Eberts, Attorney-General.Hon. J.H. Turner, Minister of Finance and Agriculture.Hon. Richard McBride, Minister of Mines.Hon. W. C.Wells, Chief Commissioner Lands and Works.Hon. J.D. Prentice, Provincial Secretary and Minister of Education.The Premier and Messrs. Eberts and Turner were sworn in June 15,but Messrs. Wells, McBride and Prentice not tillJune21. Mr. Turner resignedSeptember 3, 1901, to accept position as Agent-Generalin London.Mr. Prentice became Finance Minister and Mr. J. C. Brown, M. L. A., was

BRITISH COLUMBIA 313sworn in September 3, 1901, as Provincial Secretary. Mr. McBride resignedfrom the Cabinet in consequence of the calHng in of Mr. Brown. On goingback for re-election, Mr. Brown was defeated and resigned his portfolio.Mr. McBride's place was filled by the appointment of Hon. E. G. Prior,February 26, 1902.Mr. Dunsmuir resigned November 21, 1902, and Mr. Prior was calledon toform a Government.THE PRIORMINISTRY.November 21, 1902— June i, 1903.Hon. Edward G. Prior, Premier and Minister of Mines.Hon. D. McE. Eberts, Attorney-General.Hon. James D. Prentice,Minister of Finance and Agriculture.Hon. Denis Murphy, ProvincialSecretary.Hon. W. C. Wells, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works.Hon. W. W. B. Mclnnes, President of the Council.Messrs. Wells and Murphy were appointed November 22, and Messrs.Eberts and Mclnnes, November 25. Mr. Murphy relinquishedoffice withina few days, and Mr. Mclnnes was appointed Provincial Secretary and Ministerin Charge of Education, December i, 1902, having been President ofthe Council for one week.On May 26, 1903, it was announced that Premier Prior had requestedthe resignation of Mr. Eberts and Mr. Wells. On May 27 Mr. Mclnnesresigned, in order, he explained, to facilitate an appeal to the country onparty lines. The House re-assembled, after an adjournmentof some weeks,May 27.The adjournment took place in order to afford a special committeeopportunity to take evidence in regard to the Columbia and Western railwayland grants, and the position of officials of the C. P. R. in that affair. Whenthe House re-assembled, Premier Prior stated that he had formed the opinionthat it was impossible for the Government to be carried on effectively with

314 BRITISH COLUMBIAacute differences of opinion existing between its members. He had acquaintedthe Lieutenant-Governor with the situation,and had been promised'a dissolution as soon as the supplies had been voted. Subsequentlythe Premiermoved the adjournment of House, and the motion was voted down by17 to 14. A'fter discussion, a motion, by the Opposition, to adjourn wasalso voted down, and subsequently a motion to adjourn, made by the Premier,was agreedto. On May 28, Colonel Prior asked the House to vote thesupplies necessary until the new House was elected. This request was refusedby a vote of 19to 16. Mr. Curtis moved for a committee to investigatea. newspaper charge that Colonel Prior had improperly secured a contractto his firm from a department of which he was at the time Acting Minister.He concurred in Mr. Curtis' motion. On the committee reportingthe evidence, Col.Prior acknowledged that he had been indiscreet, but deniedthat he had been dishonest.On June i, the Lieutenant Governor dismissed the Prior Ministry andcalled on the Hon. Richard McBride to form a government,which he succeededin doing,as follows :THE MC BRIDE MINISTRY.June I, 1903.Hon. Richard McBride, Premier and Chief Commissioner of Landsand Works.Hon. A. E. McPhillipa, Attorney-General.Hon. R. G. Tatlow, Minister of Finance and Agriculture.Hon. Charles Wilson, President of the Council.Hon. Robert F. Green, Minister of Mines and Minister inEducational Department,Chargeof theHon. A. S. Goodeve, Provincial Secretary..Messrs. McPhillips and Goodeve were both defeated on going back for

..BRITISH COLUMBIA 315re-election and subsequently resigned. On November 5, the Ministry wasreconstructed as follows :Hon. R. McBride, Premier, Minister of Mines and Provincial Secretary.} },JHon. R. G. Tatlow, Minister of Finance and Agriculture.Hon. Charles Wilson, K. C, Attorney-General.Hon. R. F. Green, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works.Hon. F. J.Fulton, K. C, President of the Council.On May 18, 1904, Hon. F. J. Fulton was appointedProvincial Secretaryand Minister in Charge of the Educational Department, and on June 6,Mr. Francis C. Carter-Cotton was sworn in and appointed President of theCouncil.BRITISHCOLUMBIA JUDICIARY.THE SUPREME COURT.The Supreme Court of British Columbia iscomposed of a Chief Justiceand four Puisne Judges. Prior to the passing of the Act 42 Vict. (B. C),Chap. 20 (1878), the Court was composed of a Chief Justice and two PuisneJudges.The Court was originally called " The Supreme Court of Civil Justiceof British Columbia," and was constituted by proclamation having the forceof law, issued by the Governor of the Colony of British Columbia, on the 8thof June, 1859. The followingis a list of Judges appointed from the outset :1870— March 11. The Hon. Henry Pering Pellew Crease, first PuisneJudge. Received knighthood January ist, 1896. Retired January 20th,1896. Mr. Justice Crease was appointed Deputy Judge in Admiraltyof theExchequer Court of Canada for the AdmiraltyDistrict of British Columbia,November 27th, 1893. ^^ was succeeded by Hon. Angus McColl.1872 — July 3. The Hon. John Hamilton Gray, Puisne Judge. DiedJune 5th, 1889.1880— Nov. 26. The Hon. John Foster McCreight, Puisne Judge. RetiredNov. 17th, 1897.

316 BRITISH COLUMBIA1880— Nov. 26. The Hon. Alexander Rocke Robertson, Puisne Judge.Died Dec. ist, 1881.1882— May 23. The Hon. George Anthony Walkem, Puisne Judge.Retired Nov. loth, 1903.1889— August 14. The Hon. Montague William Tyrwhitt Drake,Puisne Judge. Retired August 14th, 1904.1895 — Feb. 23. The Hon. Theodore Davie, Chief Justice, succeedingSir Matthew Baillie Begbie. Died March 7th, 1898.1896— Oct. 13. The Hon. Angus John McColl, Puisne Judge. August23rd, 1898, appointed Chief Justice, succeedingDied Jan. i6th, 1902.the Hon. Theodore Davie.1897 — Dec. 18. The Hon. Paulus ^milius Irving, Puisne Judge.1898— Sept. 12. The Hon. Archer Martin, Puisne Judge. AppointedLocal Judge in Admiralty in the room and stead of Hon. Angus John McColl,deceased March 4th, 1902.1902— March 4. The Hon. Gordon Hunter, Chief Justice, succeedingthe Hon. Angus John McColl.1904— Feb. 26. The Hon. L. P. Duff, Puisne Judge.1904— Sept. 28. The Hon. Aulay Morrison, Puisne Judge.CHIEF JUSTICES OF VANCOUVER ISLAND AND BRITISHCOLUMBIA.Hon. David Cameron, from Dec. 2, 1853, to Oct. 11, 1865.Hon. Mr. Justice Needham, from Oct. 11, 1865, to Marcli 29, 1870.Hon. Matthew Baillie Begbie, from Sept. 2, 1858, to June 11, 1894.Knighted Nov. 26, 1874.14, 1881.Hon. Theodore Davie, from Feb. 23, 1895, to March 7, 1898.Hon. Angus John McColl, from Oct. 13, 1896, to Jan. 16, 1902.Hon. Gordon Hunter, from March 4, 1902.COUNTY COURT JUDGES.Augustus F. Pemberton, Victoria, from Sept. 23, 1867, to Jan. 14, 1881.Edward H. Sanders, Lillooet and Clinton, from Sept. 18, 1867, to Jan.

BRITISH COLUMBIA 317Warner R. Spalding, Nanaimo and Comox, from Sept. 28,1867, to Jan.14, i88i.'Henry M, Ball, Cariboo, from Sept. 18, 1867, to Jan. 14, 1881.Peter O'Reilly, Yale, from Sept. 18, 1867, to Jan. 14, 1881.Arthur T. Bushby, New Westminster, to May 18, 1875.Eli Harrison (i). Cariboo, from April 25, 1884, to Aug. 2, 1889.William N. Bole, New Westminster, from Sept. 19, 1889.Clement F. Cornwall, Cariboo, from Sept. 18, 1889.Eli Harrison, Nanaimo, from Aug. 3, 1889.William Ward Spinks, Yale, from Sept. 19, 1889.John Andrew Forin, Kootenay, from Nov. 27, 1896. (Also LocalJudge, S. C.)Alexander Henderson, Vancouver, from June 6, 1901. (Also LocalJudge, S.C.)Andrew Leamy (died 1905), Kootenay, from June 13, 1901.Andrew Leamy (died 1905), Yale, from Oct. 31, 1901.H. W. P. Clement, Yale, from August 24, 1905.Peter Secord Lampman, Victoria, from June 14, 1905. (Also LocalJudge, S.C.)Frederick McBain Young, Atlin, from June 14, 1905. (Also LocalJudge, S.C.)Peter Edmund Wilson, Kootenay, Oct. 17, 1905. (Also Local Judge,S. C.)Note— Judge Harrison transferred to the County Court of Nanaimo,August 3, 1889.

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