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P&G’s New Sustainability V<strong>is</strong>ion4 new commitments (Sept. 2010)1.Power its plants with 100% renewable energyUse 30% renewable power in its plants by 2020Reduce truck transportation by 20% by 20202.Use 100% renewable or recycled materials for all productsand packagingReduce consumer packaging by 20% by 2020Replace 25% <strong>of</strong> petroleum-based materials with sustainably sourcedrenewable materials by 20203.Have zero consumer / manufacturing waste go to landfillsReduce manufacturing waste to less than 0.5% by 20204. Design products that delight consumers while maximizingthe conservation <strong>of</strong> resourceshttp://www.pg.com/en_US/Hitachi Environmental V<strong>is</strong>ion- Towards a Sustainable Society1.Prevention <strong>of</strong> Global Warming• Reduce CO2 em<strong>is</strong>sions in energy production• Enhance energy efficiency <strong>of</strong> products2.Conservation <strong>of</strong> Resources• Collect products for reuse or recycling3.Preservation <strong>of</strong> Ecosystem• Reduce negative effect on air, water and soilEco Badge• All employees to aim for Environmental Value CreatingCompany3

Chief Sustainability OfficersGM, GE, DuPont, Owens Corning, Hilton Hotels, HSBC Bank,Dow Chemical, Home DepotHelping companies pr<strong>of</strong>it from going green / reducing GHGsvs. environmental watchdogsMixed titles“Chief” / “Vice President”“Sustainability” / “Environmental”PowerfulExplore partnerships with vendors and customersto create green productsVote on product research and advert<strong>is</strong>ing campaignsNY Times, July 3, 2007, and Pew Center on Global <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>Change</strong>Sustainability Value Chain4

Stages <strong>of</strong> Sustainability / InnovationStage 4: Developing newbusiness modelsStage 3: Designing sustainableproducts and servicesStage 2: Making value chainssustainableStage 1: Viewing complianceas opportunity3. Beyond Compliance2. Compliance5. Purpose/Passion4. Integrated StrategyEnhanced business value3.3: Sustainable governance3.2: New products, services, markets3.1: Improved supply chain conditions1. Pre-ComplianceRam Nidumolu, C.K Prahalad, and M.R Rangaswami,“Why Sustainability <strong>is</strong> Now the Key Driver <strong>of</strong> Innovation,” HBR, September 2009Connecting Businesses to Efficient,Eco-friendly Opportunities and SolutionsAnother Initiative <strong>of</strong>5

About SDBG Officially launched on 21 Aug 2009Formed as an interest group for member companiesinterested in adoption and/or commercialization <strong>of</strong>clean, efficient and green solutions spanning cleanenergy and sustainable development.It <strong>is</strong> to connect members to various industryverticals, technology partners, link them to businessleads in the clean energy and sustainabledevelopment sector and facilitate them in tappinginto available schemes, incentives, and sources forfunding for their clean energy and sustainabledevelopment plans.SDBG will work with various organizations t<strong>of</strong>acilitate members in their adoption orcommercialization <strong>of</strong> clean and green solutions inareas such as Energy Efficiency, Green Buildingand Facilities Management, EnvironmentalManagement, Waste Recycling, Green IT & DataCentre, Sustainable Water Solutions, SustainableManufacturing and Sustainable Business Practices.6

MOU PartnersSustainable EnergyAssociation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong>•Collaborate to promote energy-related initiatives/programsincluding the commercialization and adoption <strong>of</strong> clean energy,and energy efficiency solutions for a low carbon economy.<strong>Singapore</strong> WaterAssociation• Strengthen collaboration in the broad SD area, specifically insustainable water solutions which include areas like wastewatermanagement & recycling, water conservation & efficiency forgreen building, etc.Environmental ManagementAssociation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong>•Collaboration in promoting sustainable business practices in theindustry towards environmental health and encouraging the localbusinesses in the adoption <strong>of</strong> new, green and sustainabletechnologies.National University <strong>of</strong><strong>Singapore</strong>•Broad-based Collaboration on business, manpower andcapacity building programmes for companies by tapping onNUS student, faculty and alumni communities.• Also looking at testbedding and commercialization <strong>of</strong> NUStechnologies and innovations in the area <strong>of</strong> cleantech and SDNgee Ann Polytechnic•Create a platform for companies to tap on NP for knowledgesharing and technology transfer through training courses,workshops, forums, seminars or conferences relating to SD,and also facilitate project collaborations with NP in appliedresearch and technology projects on SD through its EWT COITemasek Polytechnic•To seek: (i) the establ<strong>is</strong>hment <strong>of</strong> the SBF-TP Clean EnergyTestbedding Community (CETC) (ii) business andtechnological co-operation to test bed and pilot Fuel Cell (FC)and other Clean Energy Technologies (CET) and Applicationsfor adoption.7

Fostering Business & Technological CooperationTo Testbed and Pilot Clean Energy SolutionsA Joint Initiative Betweensupported by8

<strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability DirectoryObjectives: Make essential industry contact and startupinformation Allow companies a marketingcommunication tool to help penetrate globalmarkets Help create awareness & recognition<strong>of</strong> related products & services Help increase company’s pr<strong>of</strong>ile andincrease ex<strong>is</strong>ting networks and sparknew collaborations.Scope Covering i) Clean/Renewable Energy ii)Energy Efficiency iii) Green Computing /IT iv) Green Log<strong>is</strong>tics & Supply Chain v)Green Manufacturing vi) Green Services &Retail vii) Green Finance viii) SustainableBusiness Practices9

SDBG Online (http://sdbg.sbf.org.sg)10

SDBG ActivitiesSeminar &ConferenceSSA AwardsBusinessFacilitationTrade FairOverseas M<strong>is</strong>sionNetworking EventOverseas Business M<strong>is</strong>sion – Clean & GreenSector Opportunities in China (14 – 19 Sep 09)• From 14 – 19 Sep 09, SBF led a business m<strong>is</strong>sion under the Sustainable Development Business Group(SDBG) to Tianjin Eco-city and China International New Energy Expo at Wuxi.• Supported by SEAS and SingCham, and IE <strong>Singapore</strong>’s IMAP funding, the m<strong>is</strong>sion trip was to allow<strong>Singapore</strong> companies to explore clean, efficient and green opportunities in China, especially in theSino-<strong>Singapore</strong> Tianjin Eco-city, in Baoding, Wuxi and Hangzhou, and Wuxi.• The m<strong>is</strong>sion compr<strong>is</strong>ed 23 delegates from 18 <strong>Singapore</strong> companies• Feedback – Obtained >300 contacts with $3.5 mil worth <strong>of</strong> sales under negotiation and another $15 milworth <strong>of</strong> sales expected over the next 12 months.11

SBF Cleantech Business M<strong>is</strong>sion to Israel(27 Jun – 1 Jul 10)•The m<strong>is</strong>sion was supported under IE <strong>Singapore</strong>’s IMAP funding and jointly organized with the Economic andTrade Department from the Embassy <strong>of</strong> Israel•15 delegates from 13 companies participated including govt agency rep from SPRING <strong>Singapore</strong>•Highlights included participation in Israel’s Cleantech 2010 conference and exhibition, various site v<strong>is</strong>its,1-to-1business matching and joint Israel-<strong>Singapore</strong> Networking Session on Energy & Environment•Based on feedback gathered, delegates garnered > 120 contacts as a result <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>is</strong>sion trip.Close to S$125 million worth <strong>of</strong> sales leads are under negotiation or expected for the next 12 months.12

Overseas Business M<strong>is</strong>sion – MOU-Signing <strong>of</strong>Hangzhou-<strong>Singapore</strong> Eco-Park (23 – 26 Nov 09)• The trip was supported by <strong>Singapore</strong> infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) and Sustainable EnergyAssociation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> (SEAS), and was also supported under the IE <strong>Singapore</strong>’s IMAP funding.• Altogether 18 companies and 19 participants joined the m<strong>is</strong>sion.• MOU Signing <strong>of</strong> Hangzhou-<strong>Singapore</strong> Eco-Park (HSEP) between Hangzhou Qianjiang Economic DevtZone (HQEDZ) Management Committee and CleanTech Partners (CTP) from <strong>Singapore</strong>• MOU Signing on Green ICT Adoption Initiative & Joint Collaboration between Hangzhou Qianjiang EconomicDevt Zone (HQEDZ) Management Committee and CleanTech Partners from <strong>Singapore</strong>• Based on feedback gathered, delegates garnered > 300 contacts as a result <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>is</strong>sion trip.>S$300 million worth <strong>of</strong> sales leads are under negotiation or expected for the next 12 months.13

International Cleantech Network (ICN)Objectives:• Network between the world’s leading cleantech cluster organizations. Initiated in 2009 by Copenhagen Capacity, who <strong>is</strong> a partner inCopenhagen Cleantech Cluster V<strong>is</strong>ion <strong>is</strong> to create a strong, international collaborative platform whichwill contribute to the value optim<strong>is</strong>ation between the world’s leadingproactive cleantech clusters. Help increase company’s pr<strong>of</strong>ile and increase ex<strong>is</strong>ting networks andspark new collaborations.ICN Members CCC (Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster) www.cleantechcph.com ORREC (Oslo renewable energy and environment cluster)www.orrec.no Colorado Clean Energy Cluster www.coloradocleanenergy.com Research Triangle Regional Partnership www.researchtriangle.org ECO WORLD STYRIA www.eco.at <strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability Alliance14

Activities:International Cleantech Network (ICN)• Knowledge and information sharing between clusters to give stakeholders anoverview <strong>of</strong> possible international cleantech markets and collaborators.• Developing and publ<strong>is</strong>hing market analyses that give a mutual overview <strong>of</strong>framework conditions, business opportunities, networks and cooperation.• Matchmaking tours for companies, universities, public authorities and othercleantech stakeholders, in order to build relations and form partnerships bycreating forums where stakeholders can meet across clusters.• Exchange programs for students, employees, scient<strong>is</strong>ts and company staff.• Establ<strong>is</strong>hing a cross border dialogue where the cluster organizations can shareknowledge and best practice on e.g. tools, services and approaches.• Developing a tool for benchmarking differences and strengths within thecleantech clusters and hereby create international awareness.• Easier access to clusters and networks by clear communication and mapping<strong>of</strong> networks and projects within the participating cleantech clusters.<strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability AllianceOverview A network <strong>of</strong> government agency, industry vertical, business chamber, NGOpartners, <strong>Singapore</strong>-based companies and academic institutions and researchcentres with interests in sustainability.Hosted by SBF Sustainable Development Business Group (SDBG) as thesecretariat, founder members include Sustainable Energy Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong>(SEAS), Waste Management & Recycling Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> (WMRAS) and<strong>Singapore</strong> Water Association (SWA).Providing a platform that allows all partners and stakeholders across thesustainability cluster to meet either bi-monthly or quarterly for regular dialogue andd<strong>is</strong>cussion on the <strong>is</strong>sues and opportunities <strong>of</strong> sustainability.Targeting at various aspects <strong>of</strong> sustainability, such as the commercialization <strong>of</strong>sustainability solutions and the adoption <strong>of</strong> sustainable business practices to allowcompanies to benefit from the green and sustainable urban solution opportunitieslocally and internationallyCluster encompasses clean energy and energy efficiency, environmentalmanagement, green IT, sustainable manufacturing, sustainable supply chain &log<strong>is</strong>tics, sustainable water solutions, waste management & recycling, sustainablebusiness practices, etc.A member <strong>of</strong> International Cleantech Network (ICN)15

Strategic Thrusts<strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability AllianceThe Alliance will have strategic thrusts across voice representation,capacity building and business facilitation in sustainability clusterIn voice representation, the Alliance will participate in policydevelopment through advocating the business case forsustainability by giving inputs to public policyIn capacity building, the Alliance will tap on various incentive andass<strong>is</strong>tance schemes to help members and companies buildbusiness, manpower and technology capacity in the adoption <strong>of</strong>sustainable business practicesIn business facilitation, the Alliance will provide a platform forleading companies & senior-level dec<strong>is</strong>ion-makers to regularlyd<strong>is</strong>cuss cross-sectoral business & technology collaborations as wellas local and overseas project opportunities.Programs will be member-led and member-driven, and able todemonstrate business progressEmphas<strong>is</strong> on peer-to-peer communication, learning and sharingSDBG and Supported Events for 2011Date6 JanEvent TitleNetworking Session on Green and Sustainable Urban Solution Opportunities inIndia13 Jan Nanjing Delegation Study V<strong>is</strong>it to <strong>Singapore</strong> and Meeting with SDBG Company16 – 18 Jan First <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>Change</strong> Summit for Asia's Insurance Industry17 JanInaugural NCCS-SBF Series <strong>of</strong> “Business Leaders Speak on <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>Change</strong> <strong>Issue</strong>sand Opportunities”21 Jan Sustainable Manufacturing Seminar by SPRING and SIMTech8 – 14 FebSBF Business M<strong>is</strong>sion to International Engineering and Technology Fair (IETF)Targeting at Energy, Environment & Sustainability Sector <strong>of</strong> India21 Feb “UK Renewable Energy – Business Opportunities” jointly organized with UKTI21 Feb Asia Green IT Seminar with JEITA and Green IT Promotion Council <strong>of</strong> Japan8 MarEnd MarQuarterly <strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability Alliance Session – International CleantechNetwork and Eco-city opportunitiesCarbon Footprint & D<strong>is</strong>closure Seminar with FCO <strong>of</strong> UK, ASrIA and <strong>Singapore</strong>Compact for CSR16

<strong>Singapore</strong>SustainabilityAwardsSustainableBusinessAwardsGreen ITAwards17

Sustainable Business Awards (SBA)Judging CriteriaJudging Panel for SBA Awards 2010• Mr. Inderjit Singh, Member <strong>of</strong> Parliament Ang Mo KioGRC and Adv<strong>is</strong>or <strong>of</strong> EcoWorld Adv<strong>is</strong>ory Committee(Chief Judge)• Mr. Tan Wah Yeow, Head <strong>of</strong> Adv<strong>is</strong>ory (R<strong>is</strong>k &Compliance, Performance & Technology), KPMG<strong>Singapore</strong>• Mr Ted Tan, Deputy CEO, SPRING <strong>Singapore</strong>• Mr Yew Sung Pei, Ass<strong>is</strong>tant CEO, InternationalEnterpr<strong>is</strong>e (IE) <strong>Singapore</strong>• Mr. Victor Tay, COO, <strong>Singapore</strong> Business Federation18

Judging Panel for Green IT Awards 2010• Mr. Shivaji Das, Director, Growth Consulting Services, Frost &Sullivan• Ms. Foo Yan Nuen, Executive, Services Product Group(Infrastructure Services), IBM Global Technology Services,Asean (Alternate judge: Mr. Alex Tay, Regional Consultant forBusiness Continuity & Resiliency Services and Site Facilities,IBM ASEAN)• Mr Kong Chee Seng, Director <strong>of</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Engineering, <strong>Institute</strong><strong>of</strong> Technical Education College East• Mr. Victor Tay, COO, <strong>Singapore</strong> Business Federation• Mr. Thian Tai Chew, Group Director, Technology Business,International Enterpr<strong>is</strong>e <strong>Singapore</strong>• Mr. Ian Tolond, Country Manager, Excom Education19

Key SSA Awards PartnersSBA AwardsStrategic PartnersInternational Enterpr<strong>is</strong>e <strong>Singapore</strong>SPRING <strong>Singapore</strong><strong>Singapore</strong> Environment CouncilNational University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong>Knowledge PartnerKPMG<strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability AwardsEducation & Technical Partner: <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Technical EducationSupported by:Building and Construction Authority (BCA)Infocomm Development Authority <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> (iDA)National Environment Agency (NEA)Association <strong>of</strong> Small & Medium Enterpr<strong>is</strong>es (ASME)<strong>Singapore</strong> Chinese Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce & Industry(SCCCI)<strong>Singapore</strong> Malay Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce & Industry(SMCCI)<strong>Singapore</strong> Indian Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce & Industry(SICCI)<strong>Singapore</strong> International Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce (SICC)Australian Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce (AustCham)Brit<strong>is</strong>h Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce (BCCI)Green IT AwardsStrategic PartnersIBMInternational Enterpr<strong>is</strong>e <strong>Singapore</strong>SPRING <strong>Singapore</strong><strong>Singapore</strong> infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF)Knowledge PartnerFrost & SullivanEuropean Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce (EuroCham)<strong>Singapore</strong>an-German Chamber <strong>of</strong> Industry& Commerce (SGC)Environmental Management Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> (EMAS)Real Estate Developers Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> (REDAS)<strong>Singapore</strong> Contractors Association (SCAL)<strong>Singapore</strong> Compact for CSR (SC)<strong>Singapore</strong> National Employers Federation (SNEF)IT Management Association (ITMA)<strong>Singapore</strong> Water Association (SWA)Sustainable Energy Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> (SEAS)Waste Management & Recycling Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong>(WMRAS)SBA Winners 2010SBA AwardsEnterpr<strong>is</strong>eSMEEnterpr<strong>is</strong>e Green AdoptersEnterpr<strong>is</strong>e Green Service/Technology EnablerSME Green AdoptersSME Green Service/Technology EnablerCity Developments LtdSamwoh Corporation Pte LtdSenoko Energy Pte LtdTetra Pak Jurong Pte Ltd20

Green IT Awards Winners 2010Green IT AwardsEnterpr<strong>is</strong>e Green IT AwardSmall & Medium Business Green IT AwardIRASLTATrusted Hub Ltd21

Benefits <strong>of</strong> Participation in Awards1. Gaining new insights into the adoption <strong>of</strong> sustainablebusiness practices through participation2. Feedback by local and international panel <strong>of</strong> judges3. Benchmarking against other leading companies insustainable business practices4. Benefitting the brand image and positioning <strong>of</strong> thecompany with the growing worldwide attention onsustainability5. Induction into SSA Awards Club with regular updateson the latest sustainability-related news, events andtrainings, etc.Benefits <strong>of</strong> Participation in Awards6. D<strong>is</strong>counted access to Certified Sustainable DevelopmentPr<strong>of</strong>essional (CSDP) and other sustainability trainings andworkshops7. Special invitation <strong>of</strong> award winners and participants to joinas speakers at CEO Roundtable or other local andinternational business events to share their experience andsuccess stories8. Special invitation <strong>of</strong> award winners and participants to befeatured in exhibitions and showcase9. Winner can have endorsed SSA logos on their namecardsand marketing collaterals10. Winner will become one <strong>of</strong> the featured case studies in the<strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability Awards Winners Case StudiesBook23

Source forSponsorshipTimeline for SSA 20116 Oct 2010Launch <strong>of</strong> SSA 2011during GES 201031 Mar 2011Closure <strong>of</strong> applicationsfor SSA 2011Apr - Jun 2011-Final presentation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> SustainabilityAwards 2011-Launch <strong>of</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability Directory2011 & SSA Commemorative Book-Coincide with <strong>Singapore</strong> Sustainability Summit &NCCS-SBF <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>Change</strong> D<strong>is</strong>tingu<strong>is</strong>hedBusiness Speaker SeriesMarketing effortsa) Partners- Strategic Partners & roles- Knowledge Partners & roles- Media Partners & roles- e-flyers, print collateralsb) Publicity- BizQ featuring winners- Route to OSA- Marketeers (Multinine)c) Incentives andRecognition- Free SDBG membership- Free advertorialLaunch <strong>of</strong> SSA 2011 at GES 2010 Opening Reception24

SSA Awards Websitehttp://sustainabilityawards.sgFor Further EnquiriesPatrick ChanDirector, Industry Development<strong>Singapore</strong> Business FederationTel: (65) 6827-6882, Email: patrick.chan@sbf.org.sgJoanne WongSenior Executive, Industry Development<strong>Singapore</strong> Business FederationTel: (65) 6827-6838, Email: joanne.wong@sbf.org.sg25

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