Introduction to HSPICE

Introduction to HSPICE Introduction to HSPICE
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Simulation Environment Setup• .LIB: To use the technology files provided by TSMC/UMC.Syntax. .LIB ‘(\)’ Example. .LIB ‘.\NOTHING.l’ TT• .PROT(ECT)/.UNPROT(ECT): Indicate parts notshown in listing files (.lis).Syntax.Example..PROT(ECT) and .UNPRT(ECT).PROT.LIB ‘.\NOTHING.l l’ TT.UNPROT• .INCLUDE: Include other files.Syntax. .INCLUDE ‘(\)’Example. .INCLUDE ‘.\EMPTY.sp’• .MODEL: Create a new model with parameters you provided.Syntax..MODEL + Example..MODEL nch NMOS LEVEL=1+ VT=1.2 KP=200u LAMBDA=0.04EE2270 Microelectronic Circuits Laboratorym9763518 Cho, Wei-Han

Simulation Environment Setup• .PARAM: Declare a new variable with initial value you gives.Syntax. .PARAM =pvalueor .PARAM =or .PARAM =‘’Example. .PARAM RL1=20Kor .PARAM RL2=RLor .PARAM RL3=‘2*RL1’• *.GLOBAL: Assign a node name globallySyntax. .GLOBAL …Example. .GLOBAL vdd vss※ Initially ‘0’, ‘gnd’, ‘gnd!’, ‘ground’ are global l node name as ground.EE2270 Microelectronic Circuits Laboratorym9763518 Cho, Wei-Han

Simulation Environment Setup• .LIB: To use the technology files provided by TSMC/UMC.Syntax. .LIB ‘(\)’ Example. .LIB ‘.\NOTHING.l’ TT• .PROT(ECT)/.UNPROT(ECT): Indicate parts notshown in listing files (.lis).Syntax.Example..PROT(ECT) and .UNPRT(ECT).PROT.LIB ‘.\NOTHING.l l’ TT.UNPROT• .INCLUDE: Include other files.Syntax. .INCLUDE ‘(\)’Example. .INCLUDE ‘.\EMPTY.sp’• .MODEL: Create a new model with parameters you provided.Syntax..MODEL + Example..MODEL nch NMOS LEVEL=1+ VT=1.2 KP=200u LAMBDA=0.04EE2270 Microelectronic Circuits Labora<strong>to</strong>rym9763518 Cho, Wei-Han

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