Introduction to HSPICE

Introduction to HSPICE Introduction to HSPICE
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• Sources:Components & SourcesVoltage sourceHead charactersDevices representedV (DC=)+ (AC=),Ex. Vgs g s DC=2V+ AC=1V,180Current sourceI (DC=)+ (AC=),Ex. I1 in gnd AC=1A,0*Transient Analysis source:PU, SIN, EXP, PWL, SFFM, AMV SIN(+ ,,, )Ex. Vgs g s DC=2V+ AC=1V,180 SIN(0V,1mV,1MHz,0ns)EE2270 Microelectronic Circuits LaboratoryEFGHIVVCVSCCCSVCCSCCVSCurrent SourceVoltage Sourcem9763518 Cho, Wei-Han

Components & Sources• Input line format:• Upper and lower case are ignored, exceptin quoted filenames.CodeMeaning1t 1E+12 10 121g 1E+09 10 9• Names:– Names must begin with an alphabetic character.• Delimiters:– Tab, blank, comma, equal sign (=), andparentheses“( )”.• Nodes:1x/1meg 1E+6 106 – Leading zeros are ignored in node numbers.1k 1E+3 10 3 – Trailing alphabetic characters are ignored in1m 1E-3 10 -3node numbers.1u 1E-6 10 -6 • Numbers:1n 1E-9 10 -9– Numbers can use exponential format or1p 1E-12 10 -12 engineering key letter format, but not both (1e-1f 1E-15 10 -1512 or 1p, but not 1e-6u).EE2270 Microelectronic Circuits Laboratorym9763518 Cho, Wei-Han

Components & Sources• Input line format:• Upper and lower case are ignored, exceptin quoted filenames.CodeMeaning1t 1E+12 10 121g 1E+09 10 9• Names:– Names must begin with an alphabetic character.• Delimiters:– Tab, blank, comma, equal sign (=), andparentheses“( )”.• Nodes:1x/1meg 1E+6 106 – Leading zeros are ignored in node numbers.1k 1E+3 10 3 – Trailing alphabetic characters are ignored in1m 1E-3 10 -3node numbers.1u 1E-6 10 -6 • Numbers:1n 1E-9 10 -9– Numbers can use exponential format or1p 1E-12 10 -12 engineering key letter format, but not both (1e-1f 1E-15 10 -1512 or 1p, but not 1e-6u).EE2270 Microelectronic Circuits Labora<strong>to</strong>rym9763518 Cho, Wei-Han

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