Eclipse technical datasheet GB - DeguDent

Eclipse technical datasheet GB - DeguDent

Eclipse technical datasheet GB - DeguDent


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Technical Data and Clinical Overview6. Flexural Properties<strong>Eclipse</strong> resins and the layered materials provide excellentflexural properties compared to commercially available andclinically effective materials. These findings have been confirmedby independent laboratory testing.Flexural Strength of <strong>Eclipse</strong> vs. conventional AcrylicsMaterial Flexural Strength Flexural ModulusMPaGPa<strong>Eclipse</strong> Clear Base Plate Resin 123 3.3<strong>Eclipse</strong> Base Plate Resin 125 3.2<strong>Eclipse</strong> Set-Up Resin 123 3.1<strong>Eclipse</strong> Contour Resin 113 2.9Lucitone 199 ® 95 2.8Selectaplus 63 2.4Selectaplus H 74 2.67. Impact Strength<strong>Eclipse</strong> resins by themselves, as well as layered <strong>Eclipse</strong> resins,provide excellent impact properties compared to commerciallyavailable, clinically effective acrylic materials. These findingshave been confirmed by independent laboratory testing.Impact Strength of <strong>Eclipse</strong> vs. AcrylicsMaterial8. Appliance DesignUn-notched impact strengthkJ/m 2<strong>Eclipse</strong> Clear Resin 16.8<strong>Eclipse</strong> Base Plate Resin 14.7<strong>Eclipse</strong> Set-Up Resin 11.3<strong>Eclipse</strong> Contour Resin 7.3<strong>Eclipse</strong> Base Plate-Base Plate 16.3<strong>Eclipse</strong> Base Plate-Contour 9.6Lucitone 199 ® 9.8Selectaplus 1.9Selectaplus H 2.3An <strong>Eclipse</strong> appliance is essentially comprised of a layering ofthree materials: Base Plate, Set-Up and Contour Resin. Asmight be expected, the interface between the respectivematerials is critical in determining performance of a deviceconstructed in this manner. Flexural properties of layeredtest specimens are consistent with the properties of thecomponent materials and compare favorably with commondental resins. Moreover, extended hydrolytic testing (immersionin water) at elevated temperatures indicates that the layeredmaterials are stable, with no indication of delamination priorto or after destructive testing. Repairs are similarly stable andeffective.Flexural Properties – Layered <strong>Eclipse</strong>Material Combination Flexural Deflection FlexuralStrengthModulusMPa mm GPa<strong>Eclipse</strong> Base Plate/Contour 123 9.4 3.3<strong>Eclipse</strong> Base Plate/Base Plate 125 9.1 3.29. Hydrolytic StabilityHydrolytic testing shows that the flexural properties of <strong>Eclipse</strong>resins are effectively maintained upon extended periods ofimmersion in water at elevated temperatures.Flexural Properties of Hydrated <strong>Eclipse</strong>Material Water Flexural Deflection FlexuralImmersion Strength ModulusPeriod MPa mm GPa<strong>Eclipse</strong>Baseline 120 9.1 3.2Base Plate ResinHydrated for 132 9.4 3.3<strong>Eclipse</strong>15 mths at 37°Baseline 118 8.9 3.0Contour ResinHydrated for 125 9.1 3.215 mths at 37°Lucitone 199 ® Baseline 97 9.7 2.9Hydrated for 99 9.7 2.915 mths at 37°Flexural Properties of Layered Hydrated <strong>Eclipse</strong> RepairsMaterial Water Flexural Deflection FlexuralImmersion Strength ModulusPeriod MPa mm GPaBase Plate/Contour Baseline 123 9.4 3.3Hydrated for 130 9.1 3.312 mths at 37°Base Plate/Base Plate Baseline 125 9.1 3.2Hydrated for 139 9.1 3.412 mths at 37°Flexural Properties of Hydrated <strong>Eclipse</strong> RepairsMaterial Water Flexural Deflection FlexuralImmersion Strength ModulusPeriod MPa mm GPaBase Plate/ Baseline 117 9.7 3.1Base Plate RepairHydrated for 131 8.6 3.46 mths at 37°

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