Free Free Medical Terminology Book (pdf) - The Nutrition and Food ...

Free Free Medical Terminology Book (pdf) - The Nutrition and Food ...

Free Free Medical Terminology Book (pdf) - The Nutrition and Food ...


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dca<br />

dcbe<br />

dcbm<br />

dcc<br />

dccd<br />

dressing change<br />

duodenal cap<br />

dupuytren contracture<br />

deoxycholic acid<br />

dichloroacetate<br />

dichloroacetic acid<br />

directional coronary atherectomy<br />

double contrast barium enema<br />

double contrast barium meal<br />

day care center<br />

deleted in colon cancer<br />

dextran coated charcoal<br />

find out the correct term<br />

dicyclohexylcarbodiimide<br />

dccmp<br />

daunorubicin, cyclocytidine, 6 metacaptopurine, prednisone<br />

dcct<br />

diabetes control <strong>and</strong> complication trials<br />

dcd<br />

developmental coordination disorder<br />

dcf<br />

2 deoxycoformycin or pentostatin<br />

dcg<br />

dacryocystogram<br />

dci<br />

dichloroisoproterenol<br />

dcir<br />

dendritic cell immunoreceptor<br />

dcis<br />

ductal carcinoma in situ<br />

dcl<br />

diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis<br />

dcm<br />

dichloromethotrexate<br />

dilated cardiomyopathy<br />

dcma<br />

digital millennium copyright act<br />

dcmp<br />

daunorubicin, cytarabine, 6 metacaptopurine, prednisone<br />

dcmp deaminase<br />

deoxycytidylate deaminase<br />

dco<br />

dyschondrosteosis<br />

dcpp<br />

2 2 4 dichlorophenoxy propionic acid<br />

dcr<br />

dacryocystorhinostomy<br />

dcs<br />

dorsal column stimulation<br />

dcsa<br />

doubly committed subarterial defect<br />


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