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Name___________________________The Things They Carried and the Vietnam WarA <strong>WebQuest</strong>PBS created a website that focuses on both sides’ experiences during the VietnamWar. Before introducing you to the author, Tim O’Brien, you will learn about theVietnam War from other resources. Please write complete sentences for yourresponses.‣ Open Internet Explorer and access the webpage providedhttp://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/vietnam/1. Who produces the PBS website?2. Please list the eight tabs provided at this site.3. What is the main government city in South Vietnam and the target ofVietcong attacks?4. What side of Vietnam did the United States support during the War? Inferhow this support effects modern culture.5. What four leaders represented their sides in the Vietnam War? Predict whytheir leadership was important.6. What was so controversial about the My Lai Massacre? Summarize how theAmericans responded to news of this event.7. What is the North Vietnamese capital? Infer why this location is so important.

8. What images haunt Khanh Truong from the War? How does he feel aboutwar?9. Define “Charlie” in your own words.10. Summarize how President Johnson justified America’s involvement in theWar.‣ Now you will view actual photos taken during the Vietnam War. Please goto http://www.vietnampix.com/11. Find the rock and roll soldier under “Hippies” and infer what this image saysabout the time period.12. Under “Life & Sorrow” find the image that expresses a battlefield memorial.Connect the image to a contemporary emotional or social message. Is thismessage based on experiential, general, or textual information? Explain.13. Go to “Faces” and find the soldier who won the Purple Heart. Then, predictwhat caused this soldier to convey such strong emotion.14. Summarize what is happening in the image of a M113 Armored PersonnelCarriers. Make sure your summary includes the main idea.

15. Find the militiaman under “Faces” and infer what this shows about theVietnam War.‣ At this point, you should be ready to meet the author of The Things TheyCarried. His webpage is http://illyria.com/tobhp.html16. Summarize Tim O’Brien’s childhood.17. Based on O’Brien’s book titles, what can you infer about his feelings on war?18. Besides being an author, what is O’Brien’s current profession?19. What is the first line of Tim O’Brien’s current project? Predict what thisbook will be about.20. What else would you like to learn about this time period?

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