NOVOstar - Microplate Reader with Liquid Handling ... - Labhoo.com

NOVOstar - Microplate Reader with Liquid Handling ... - Labhoo.com

NOVOstar - Microplate Reader with Liquid Handling ... - Labhoo.com


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The multifunctional microplate reader <strong>with</strong>advanced liquid handling for cell signalling assays<strong>NOVOstar</strong>

<strong>NOVOstar</strong><strong>NOVOstar</strong> – the modular multimodereader <strong>with</strong> advanced liquid handlingThe <strong>NOVOstar</strong> is a unique benchtop multifunctionalmicroplate reader that offers thenext generation in liquid handling for kineticcell-based assays along <strong>with</strong> the flexibility andsensitivity of a high performance plate reader.FlexibilityThe <strong>NOVOstar</strong> is a flexible and modular multifunctionalplate reader <strong>with</strong> advanced liquid handling capabilities.It offers a choice of five separate reading modes and is<strong>com</strong>pletely modular, enabling the user to purchase onlythe functions needed today and easily upgrade shouldtheir needs change in the future. Functions available are:FluorescenceLuminescence (flash and glow)Absorbance (low UV to Vis)Fluorescence PolarizationTime-Resolved FluorescenceThe <strong>NOVOstar</strong> has top/bottom reading, precise temperaturecontrol, multi-mode shaking, up to four liquid delivery eventsper well, premixing, and user-defined kinetic sampling rates.Unlike a conventional microplate reader, the <strong>NOVOstar</strong> hasa dual microplate carrier that allows the user to designateone as a reagent plate and the other as a measurement plate.An integrated transfer pipettor delivers <strong>com</strong>pounds fromthe reagent plate or from one of the three reagent stationsto the measurement plate allowing the user to prepare wellsor start kinetic events. Using this system, up to 384 <strong>com</strong>poundscan be screened in a signalling assay - virtually impossibleto do using a conventional plate reader. Additionally, two onboardreagent injectors can deliver variable volumes ofreagent to wells giving you a wide range of liquid handlingoptions, <strong>com</strong>bined <strong>with</strong> the measurement abilities of a conventionalmultifunctional microplate reader.Dual microplate carrier<strong>with</strong> reagent plate andmeasurement plateHigh performance luminescenceThe <strong>NOVOstar</strong> has been designed <strong>with</strong> two dedicated measurementsystems, one for fluorescence and one for luminescence.Eliminating the need to make a choice betweena dedicated fluorometer and luminometer. The <strong>NOVOstar</strong>offers exceptional luminescence performance in a singleinstrument package that easily fulfils Promega’s stringentDLReady TM (dual luciferase validation) criteria in 96- and 384-well plate formats.Optimized for kinetic assaysThe <strong>NOVOstar</strong> is optimized to monitor fast kinetic events, suchas calcium flux. These types of assays can easily be triggeredusing the transfer pipettor or one of the two built-in injectors.Reagent addition and measurements can be undertakenAdvanced liquid handling<strong>with</strong> one pipettor, tworeagent injectors, andthree reagent stationsconcurrently to ensure even the fastest kinetics are captured.Data can be collected at different rates <strong>with</strong>in the sameexperiment. For example, fast kinetic flux assays typicallyproduce the bulk of their data in the first few seconds afterinjection. Using the multiple kinetic window feature you cancollect data during this critical time <strong>with</strong> high resolution,as fast as 50 measurement points per second. After the peakyou can reduce the capture rate to 1 read every few secondsthus reducing your dataset and analysis time.

Advanced liquid handlingThe <strong>NOVOstar</strong> includes a unique integrated transfer pipettorand two additional syringe injectors. All three liquid dispensingdevices have direct access to the measurement position,allowing plate reading before, during, and after addition ofliquid samples. The transfer pipettor is able to aspirate, dispense,and mix precise volumes of fluids from the reagentplate or from three reagent stations. The delivery volumeis adjustable for each well from 0.5 to 100 µL, allowing youto produce dilution schemes, concentration ranges or standardcurves. The injectors can be used for adding standardreagents to selected wells in the measurement plate.Multichromatic detection modesSixteen built-in filters and fast filter switching allow sequentialdual excitation/emission measurements. This featureis important for functional cellular assays using ratiometricion indicators or voltage-sensitive FRET probes. The <strong>NOVOstar</strong><strong>with</strong> the fluorescence polarization option can even collectdata at two emission wavelengths at the same time. Thesimultaneous dual emission detection technology together<strong>with</strong> real-time ratio calculation substantially reduce plateread times and increase performance of FRET based assays.Control and evaluation softwareThe Windows TM based PC software provides an extensiverange of options for assay design and data evaluation.Control software allows users to define instrument parametersincluding injection timing, mixing, shaking, pumpspeed, etc. During a plate measurement, the current statefeature can be used to observe the progress of kinetic reactionsin all wells.Advanced graphicaldisplay tools in thecurrent state windowThe evaluation software is based on powerful Excel TMmacros. Worksheets display raw data, calculations, signalplots, and standard curves. Powerful evaluation sheets arepre-programmed to perform calculations such as %CVs,ratios, curve fitting, FP, anisotrophy, dilution factors, etc.In addition, you can create your own workbooks for specificdata evaluation.ApplicationsThe <strong>NOVOstar</strong> is a flexible multifunctional detection platformfor the most demanding assays. It is especially wellsuited to screen large numbers of <strong>com</strong>pounds in functionalkinetic cell-based assays, and its flexibility of liquid handlingenables a wide range of <strong>com</strong>pound concentrations to beassessed. Targeted applications for <strong>NOVOstar</strong> include measurementof calcium influx, membrane potential, and studiesof other intracellular ion concentrations (Na + , K + , Cl – , pH changes),as well as traditional biochemical assays.Calcium fluxMeasuring intracellular calcium by fluorescent and luminescentapproaches is a widely applicable method for functionalscreening of <strong>com</strong>pounds at G protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs) and calcium channels, which represent twoof the major target classes for drug discovery. Cell-permeablefluorescent dyes can be used to accurately detect any changesin intracellular Ca 2+ on the addition of agonists or antagonist<strong>com</strong>pounds. The <strong>NOVOstar</strong>’s evaluation is ideal forpresenting the data produced from these kinetic assays.Powerful macroshelp evaluating themeasurement dataMembrane potentialIon channels are an important class of therapeutic drugtargets because of their critical role in nerve, cardiac, andskeletal muscle tissues. An attractive and sensitive readoutfor sodium, potassium, chloride, and ligand-gated ionchannels is direct sensing of membrane potential becauserelatively small currents can cause large voltage changesif cell resistance is high. The <strong>NOVOstar</strong>’s fast measurementtimes and rapid sequential dual emission are used to capturethese prompt changes in membrane potential.Biomolecular interaction assaysA major field in basic research and drug discovery is the monitoringof biomolecular interactions using highly sophisticatedassays based on FRET technologies and time-resolvedfluorescence. The <strong>NOVOstar</strong> offers such detection modes<strong>com</strong>bined <strong>with</strong> on-board reagent injection and sequentialdual emission detection for studying receptor-ligand, proteinprotein,DNA-protein, and DNA-DNA interactions.From standard quantification, reporter gene assays, to theabove applications and many more, the <strong>NOVOstar</strong> deliversthe ideal solution for all your microplate reader needs.

<strong>NOVOstar</strong> - Technical SpecificationsDue to the modularity of BMG LABTECH‘s instruments, all or <strong>com</strong>binations of the features below can be installedat purchase or upgraded at any time. Please contact your local representative for more details or a quote.Detection ModesMeasurement Modes<strong>Microplate</strong> Formats<strong>Microplate</strong> CarrierLight SourceDetectorsOptical FiltersSpectral RangeFluorescence Intensity - including FRETFluorescence PolarizationLuminescence (flash and glow)Time-Resolved Fluorescence - including DELFIA ®UV/Vis absorbanceTop and bottom readingEndpoint and Kinetic measurementsSequential Multi Excitation measurementsSequential Multi Emission measurementsSimultaneous Dual Emission measurementsRatiometric measurementsWell Scanning6 to 384-well plates, user-definableAc<strong>com</strong>odates two plates: one reagent plate and onemeasurement plateHigh energy xenon flashlampSide window photomultiplier tubeExcitation and emission filter wheels for 8 filters each240 to 740 nm or 240 to 900 nmSensitivity FI < 1 fmol / well FluoresceinFP< 5 mP standard deviation at 1 nM fluoresceinTRF< 70 amol/well EuropiumLUM< 30 amol/well ATPDLReady certifiedABSDynamic range: ±0.000 - 4.000 ODReproducibility: ±0.010 OD for 0 - 2 OD rangeRead Times Flying mode: 14 s (96), 27 (384)Reagent InjectionUp to 2 built-in reagent injectorsInjection at measurement position (6 to 384-well)Individual injection volumes for each well (3 to 350 µL)Variable injection speed up to 420 µL / sUp to four injection events per wellReagent back flushingPipettor System Injection volume: 0.5 µl - 100 µlIndividual injection volumes for each wellVariable injection speedPlate-to-plate transfer + 3 reagent stations + washing stationShakingLinear, orbital, and double-orbital <strong>with</strong> user-definable time andspeedGas VentSystem to inject an atmosphere or to pull a vacuum into the readerIncubation +5°C above ambient up to 45°C or 60°CSoftwareLicense-free software package including <strong>Reader</strong> Control and MARSData Analysis SoftwareDimensionsWidth: 78 cm, depth: 53 cm, height: 30 cm; weight: 55 kgTHERMOstarFiltersUpgradesSensitivity is calculated according to the IUPAC standard: 3(SD blank)/slopeSpecifications are subject to change <strong>with</strong>out noticeAccessories<strong>Microplate</strong> Incubator and ShakerOptimized for dyes, fluorophores and specific assaysFilters for all applications from UV to NIRCustomized filters available upon requestUpgrades to include options such as additional detection modes,reagent injectors, etc. are available. Please contact your localrepresentative for more information.HeadquartersGermanyBMG LABTECH GmbHHanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 1077656 OffenburgTel. +49 781 96968-0Fax +49 781 96968-67germany@bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>AustraliaBMG LABTECH Pty. Ltd.2/24 Carbine WayMornington 3931VictoriaTel. +61 3 59734744Fax +61 3 59734711australia@bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>ChinaBMG LABTECH Co. Ltd.RM2-201, Hua Fu Jing YuanNO11. An Ding Men Wai AvenueDongcheng DistrictBeijing, P.R. China 100011Tel. +86 10 84110632Fax +86 10 84129679china@bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>FranceBMG LABTECH SARL7, Rue Roland Martin94500 Champigny s/MarneTel. +33 1 48862020Fax +33 1 48864707france@bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>JapanBMG LABTECH JAPAN Ltd.2FT.S.-1 Building1-6-2, Shimo-cho, Omiya-kuSaitama-city 330-0844Tel. +81 48 6477217Fax +81 48 6477218japan@bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>UKBMG LABTECH Ltd.P.O. Box 73Aylesbury Bucks HP20 2QJTel. +44 1296 336650Fax +44 1296 336651uksales@bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>USABMG LABTECH Inc.13000 Weston ParkwaySuite 109Cary, NC 27513Tel. +1 877 264 52 27Fax +1 919 678 16 40usa@bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>www.bmglabtech.<strong>com</strong>12/2009

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