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We have a dictator when the unlimited powers of a totalitariangovernment are deposited with the executive or an executive council.No one will admit that he wants a dictator in Washington. Butthere are many who say with complete frankness that they want thecentral government to have whatever power is necessary to carry outits will—to have absolute power, some are willing to admit. Ofcourse they do not advocate the abolition of the bill of rights protectingthe citizens against abuses by the central government. Butno less a person than Vice-President Wallace has expressed the fearthat we have put too much emphasis on "bill-of-rights" democracy.There is a powerful school in Washington that wants to makegreat fundamental changes in the structure and powers of our federalgovernment which will remove if not all, at least all of theimportant, restrictions upon its powers. They will not call the productof these changes a totalitarian government. But that is what itwill be. They wish to endow the central government with vastpowers over every phase of our social and economic life. A dictatorshipis a totalitarian government in which all the powers of sovereigntyare centered not in a balanced government but in a singleman. Our fascist-minded "democrats" want a totalitarian government.No one will admit he wants those powers lodged with a singleman—a dictator. Nevertheless, they play even with that fire.2. THE NEW ORDERWhen our government was formed, the great tyrant was thetyrant state. Its founders had seen the tyrant state operated by anabsolute monarch like Louis XIV and XV or a parliamentary monarchylike England. They were determined to make an end of thetyrant state in America.But a state must have power. How endow it with power and yetprevent it from becoming despotic through the abuse of that power?The problem was solved by splitting up the powers of the state andlodging those fractional parts in different agencies. Each agency, thefounders rightly believed, could be depended on to guard with jealousvigilance their several possessions of power. The federal governmentwould have a fraction. That fraction would be divided among the*3i

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