Book 1 - Appraisal Institute of Canada

Book 1 - Appraisal Institute of Canada Book 1 - Appraisal Institute of Canada


NewsResearch and Development FundThe Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) Research andDevelopment Fund was established by the Institutein 1973 as a Registered Canadian Charitable Organizationto conduct research studies in the field of realproperty valuation techniques and procedures, withparticular emphasis on the effects of current economicdevelopment and real property value. Overthe years, the Fund was developed and maintainedthrough generous contributions from the membershipof the Institute. In recent years, greater focushas been placed on the Fund and a new mandatealong with a new committee has been establishedwith the aim of reinvigorating the program.The Fund and its work is anchored in theInstitute’s Strategic Plan, which states “new methodologiesand practices will be developed, supportedby innovative core education and continuingeducation programs, involving the principlesof value in real estate and related property.”The Fund’s research program conducts studiesin the field of real property valuation techniques andprocedures, with particular emphasis on the effectsof current economic development and real propertyvalue. The Institute encourages research thatsupports its mission to protect the public interestand support members by ensuring high standardsof professional real estate and related property advisoryservices. Consideration will be given to projectsrelated to the application of existing valuationtechniques to new areas as well as the developmentof new concepts in valuation.The Fund is overseen by the AIC Board ofDirectors. As such, the Board approves all researchprojects and authorizes the disbursement of anymonies from the fund.The Research and Development Committeeis chaired by Carole Cowper, AACI and includesmembers Keith Goodwin, AACI; Glen Power, AACI;Professor Jane Londerville, AACI (Hon) from theUniversity of Guelph; and Scott McEwen, AACI, whois the AIC Board liaison.The Research and Development Fund Committeeestablishes the R&D research agenda by identifyingpertinent research topics and issuing requestsfor proposals published with the aim of attractingBy Carole Cowper, AACI, P. App, Chair, R&D Committeequalified researchers in the field and encouragingthem to submit letters of interest. Specific funds willthen be allocated to qualifying projects.The committee has been developing a list ofcurrent topics which satisfy the Fund’s researchcriteria as outlined in the terms of reference. Ofthese, sustainable/green valuation has emerged as ahigh priority research topic in both commercial andresidential properties. The committee is interested ininitiating research which could identify and developeffective methodologies to determine the contributionof sustainable/green factors to market value.The Fund is an important research tool that canhelp the Institute to advance appraisal practice byensuring that it is state-of-the-art. Moreover, theresearch and subsequent publication resulting fromthe Research and Development Fund will be sharedwith the international community as Canada’s contributionto intellectual transfer in the appraisal field.The appraisal community and interestedresearchers are encouraged to submit topic ideas(R& that satisfy the Research andDevelopment Program’s criteria. The Research andDevelopment Fund also welcomes letters of interestfor joint research initiatives from like-mindedorganizations in Canada and abroad, where suchproposals are germane to the real property appraisalresearch field and are of mutual interest.The Research and Development Committeewill consider all proposals that meet the Researchand Development Program criteria, whether submittedby members or non-members. Proposalsfrom outside Canada will also be consideredprovided that they are written in one of Canada’sofficial languages.The research must extend the knowledgeof those in the valuation discipline and must berelevant to the practice of real estate valuationwithin Canada. Any study/paper produced willbecome the property of the AIC and will becopyrighted so that further use may be made onlyupon written permission of the Institute.Research grants will be awarded annually toindividuals or organizations whose project proposalsare recommended by the Research and DevelopmentCommittee and approved by the AIC Board.Letters of interest will be judged on their overallquality. They should have high intrinsic value andintellectual or creative merit – posing a significantquestion, exploring an important issue, addressing achallenging problem, or expressing a new idea. Theletter should also hold out the promise of makingworthwhile contributions to the profession and bewell-conceived, with achievable goals, a realisticschedule, and an estimate of budget. Proponents ofsuccessful Letters of Interest may be asked to providea more detailed research proposal before theirfunding commences.The reports resulting from approved researchprojects will be published by the Institute anddisseminated nationally and internationally.Proposals should be emailed to R&D@aicanada.caor mailed to the address noted below.Tax deductible donations to the Research andDevelopment Fund can be made payable to: TheResearch and Development Fund of the AppraisalInstitute of Canada, 403 - 200 Catherine Street,Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2K9In memoriamThe following member of the AppraisalInstitute of Canada has passed away. Onbehalf of everyone connected with theInstitute and the profession, we extendour sincerest sympathies to the family,friends and associates.Le membre suivant de l’Institut canadiendes évaluateurs sont décédés. Au nom detous ceux qui oeuvrent de près ou de loinau sein de l’Institut et de la profession,nous exprimons nos plus sincères condoléancesà le familles, amis et associés.John Kneale, Candidate RetiredSurrey, BC36Canadian Property Valuation Volume 54 | book 1 | 2010 Évaluation Immobilière au Canadaclick here to return to table of contents

Green Policy adoptedAt its October Board meeting, the AppraisalInstitute of Canada (AIC) affirmed itscommitment to minimizing the environmentalimpact of the association’s activities throughcontinuous improvement in environmentalperformance. In its delivery of programs andpolicy development, AIC will seek to ensurean environmentally responsible approach foroperations and initiatives.The Board recognized that, in pursuingthe Institute’s strategic objectives, there isopportunity to play a positive role and make acontribution towards a greener environment.By exercising proper control over its activities,the Institute will promote the use of sustainableresources and discourage wasteful or damagingpractices.Guiding Principles1. Compliance with LegislationWe will comply with relevant environmentallegislation2. Resource and Energy ConservationWe will conserve our use of natural resourcesand energy to the extent practicable.3. Waste and Pollution Preventionand ManagementWe will reduce to the extent practicable thequantity and degree of hazard of the wasteswe generate from our operations, and handlethem in a safe, legal, and responsible way tominimize their environmental effects.We will also reduce to the extent practicablethe direct and indirect emissions of greenhousegases and other harmful air pollutantsfrom our operations and travel.4. Reduction of Supply Chain ImpactsWe will work with others in our supply chainto help ensure adverse environmental impactsand risks associated with our operationsare reduced and properly controlled, andenvironmental benefits optimized.5. CommunicationsWe will promote awareness and understandingof environmental issues among staff,volunteers, and the membership.Some of the initiatives will include:• An increase in the use of technology enabledvirtual meetings and a reduction in in-personmeetings.• Continued use of eInvoices for annual membershipdues sent out each August.• Availability of online membership duesreceipts for convenient member accessthrough their member profile.• Contingent on budget approval, the DistanceLearning Professional Practice material will beprovided online in 2011.Advisory Council 2010The Advisory Council is the Appraisal Institute of Canada’s primary advisory resource on current andemerging needs in the public and private sectors for real estate appraisal and related services. Itincludes senior representatives from the public and private real property industry sector. The Instituterelies on the annual Advisory Council meetings for advice in these areas, and with respect tothe Institute’s new and ongoing initiatives, products and services. The advice from Advisory Councilmembers supports and assists the Institute in its efforts to develop, establish and improve professionalpractice standards for the appraisal profession. The Advisory Council meets once each yearin the form of a round-table discussion on topics of mutual interest. So far this year, the AdvisoryCouncil met in Toronto on January 25, 2010 with representation from the private sector as follows:Altus GroupLAWPROREALpacMunicipal Property Assessment CorporationNationwide Appraisal ServicesCentractFNF CanadaGenworth Financial CanadaRoyal Bank of CanadaSolidifi Inc.The Advisory Council public sectormeeting is scheduled for the fall.CRITICAL DATESFebruary 26, 2010 – Online registrationavailable for AIC Annual Conference in VictoriaApril 16, 2010 – Deadline for articlesubmission for next issue of CanadianProperty Valuation magazineJune 2-5, 2010 – AIC Annual Conference,Victoria, BCFriday, June 4, 2010 – AIC AGMVictoria, BC, 3:15 pmMid-August, 2010 – Dues eInvoicesemailed to members by AICMid-November, 2010 – InsuranceeInvoices emailed to members by MMR(Martin, Merry & Reid)click here to return to table of contentsCanadian Property Valuation Volume 54 | book 1 | 2010 Évaluation Immobilière au Canada 37

NewsResearch and Development FundThe <strong>Appraisal</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> (AIC) Research andDevelopment Fund was established by the <strong>Institute</strong>in 1973 as a Registered Canadian Charitable Organizationto conduct research studies in the field <strong>of</strong> realproperty valuation techniques and procedures, withparticular emphasis on the effects <strong>of</strong> current economicdevelopment and real property value. Overthe years, the Fund was developed and maintainedthrough generous contributions from the membership<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>. In recent years, greater focushas been placed on the Fund and a new mandatealong with a new committee has been establishedwith the aim <strong>of</strong> reinvigorating the program.The Fund and its work is anchored in the<strong>Institute</strong>’s Strategic Plan, which states “new methodologiesand practices will be developed, supportedby innovative core education and continuingeducation programs, involving the principles<strong>of</strong> value in real estate and related property.”The Fund’s research program conducts studiesin the field <strong>of</strong> real property valuation techniques andprocedures, with particular emphasis on the effects<strong>of</strong> current economic development and real propertyvalue. The <strong>Institute</strong> encourages research thatsupports its mission to protect the public interestand support members by ensuring high standards<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional real estate and related property advisoryservices. Consideration will be given to projectsrelated to the application <strong>of</strong> existing valuationtechniques to new areas as well as the development<strong>of</strong> new concepts in valuation.The Fund is overseen by the AIC Board <strong>of</strong>Directors. As such, the Board approves all researchprojects and authorizes the disbursement <strong>of</strong> anymonies from the fund.The Research and Development Committeeis chaired by Carole Cowper, AACI and includesmembers Keith Goodwin, AACI; Glen Power, AACI;Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jane Londerville, AACI (Hon) from theUniversity <strong>of</strong> Guelph; and Scott McEwen, AACI, whois the AIC Board liaison.The Research and Development Fund Committeeestablishes the R&D research agenda by identifyingpertinent research topics and issuing requestsfor proposals published with the aim <strong>of</strong> attractingBy Carole Cowper, AACI, P. App, Chair, R&D Committeequalified researchers in the field and encouragingthem to submit letters <strong>of</strong> interest. Specific funds willthen be allocated to qualifying projects.The committee has been developing a list <strong>of</strong>current topics which satisfy the Fund’s researchcriteria as outlined in the terms <strong>of</strong> reference. Ofthese, sustainable/green valuation has emerged as ahigh priority research topic in both commercial andresidential properties. The committee is interested ininitiating research which could identify and developeffective methodologies to determine the contribution<strong>of</strong> sustainable/green factors to market value.The Fund is an important research tool that canhelp the <strong>Institute</strong> to advance appraisal practice byensuring that it is state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art. Moreover, theresearch and subsequent publication resulting fromthe Research and Development Fund will be sharedwith the international community as <strong>Canada</strong>’s contributionto intellectual transfer in the appraisal field.The appraisal community and interestedresearchers are encouraged to submit topic ideas(R& that satisfy the Research andDevelopment Program’s criteria. The Research andDevelopment Fund also welcomes letters <strong>of</strong> interestfor joint research initiatives from like-mindedorganizations in <strong>Canada</strong> and abroad, where suchproposals are germane to the real property appraisalresearch field and are <strong>of</strong> mutual interest.The Research and Development Committeewill consider all proposals that meet the Researchand Development Program criteria, whether submittedby members or non-members. Proposalsfrom outside <strong>Canada</strong> will also be consideredprovided that they are written in one <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>’s<strong>of</strong>ficial languages.The research must extend the knowledge<strong>of</strong> those in the valuation discipline and must berelevant to the practice <strong>of</strong> real estate valuationwithin <strong>Canada</strong>. Any study/paper produced willbecome the property <strong>of</strong> the AIC and will becopyrighted so that further use may be made onlyupon written permission <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>.Research grants will be awarded annually toindividuals or organizations whose project proposalsare recommended by the Research and DevelopmentCommittee and approved by the AIC Board.Letters <strong>of</strong> interest will be judged on their overallquality. They should have high intrinsic value andintellectual or creative merit – posing a significantquestion, exploring an important issue, addressing achallenging problem, or expressing a new idea. Theletter should also hold out the promise <strong>of</strong> makingworthwhile contributions to the pr<strong>of</strong>ession and bewell-conceived, with achievable goals, a realisticschedule, and an estimate <strong>of</strong> budget. Proponents <strong>of</strong>successful Letters <strong>of</strong> Interest may be asked to providea more detailed research proposal before theirfunding commences.The reports resulting from approved researchprojects will be published by the <strong>Institute</strong> anddisseminated nationally and internationally.Proposals should be emailed to R&D@aicanada.caor mailed to the address noted below.Tax deductible donations to the Research andDevelopment Fund can be made payable to: TheResearch and Development Fund <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Appraisal</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>, 403 - 200 Catherine Street,Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2K9In memoriamThe following member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Appraisal</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> has passed away. Onbehalf <strong>of</strong> everyone connected with the<strong>Institute</strong> and the pr<strong>of</strong>ession, we extendour sincerest sympathies to the family,friends and associates.Le membre suivant de l’Institut canadiendes évaluateurs sont décédés. Au nom detous ceux qui oeuvrent de près ou de loinau sein de l’Institut et de la pr<strong>of</strong>ession,nous exprimons nos plus sincères condoléancesà le familles, amis et associés.John Kneale, Candidate RetiredSurrey, BC36Canadian Property Valuation Volume 54 | book 1 | 2010 Évaluation Immobilière au <strong>Canada</strong>click here to return to table <strong>of</strong> contents

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