Book 1 - Appraisal Institute of Canada

Book 1 - Appraisal Institute of Canada Book 1 - Appraisal Institute of Canada


PGCV gradsenhance career opportunitiesSince 2003, the Appraisal Institute ofCanada (AIC), with its education partner,the Real Estate Division, Sauder School ofBusiness, University of British Columbia, has offeredthe UBC Post-Graduate Certificate in Real PropertyValuation (PGCV) leading to AIC’s AACI designation.This program presents a unique opportunity forgraduates who hold a business degree, or a degreewith a business focus from a Canadian university toearn a prestigious post-graduate certificate in realproperty valuation, while fulfilling the educationalrequirements for designation by AIC.For more information on admission andrequirements for the UBC/AIC post-graduatecertificate in Real Property Valuation, visit AIC’swebsite at or UBC’s website at UBC/AIC Post-Graduate Certificate in Real Property ValuationThis year we congratulate 48 graduates ontheir achievements:What prompted you to pursue the PGCV?I knew early on that I wanted to be in the realestate field. I decided to pursue a career inappraisal and was pleasantly surprised to findout that my BBA degree from Schulich School ofBusiness was going to be a great stepping stone.PGCV gave me an opportunity no other universityor college program was able to provide.- Oksana Vialykh-Patti, BBAAfter returning to appraisal after many years inasset management, the educational requirementsto the AACI had changed. The PGCV is agreat, concise program that recognized my businessdegree, gave me credits for courses taken andprovided a clear path to an AACI designation.- Sandra FrankeKristy Lee AllisonSohaib AnsariDean BauckSimon CarlesenMarilyn CarrJohn CarterJimmy CheungEng DallasAdam G. DickinsonGlen William DollMartin DuranceauSheila A. FitzpatrickSandra R. FrankeGord FrenchAndrew GarrettDarren GibbonsJordan GillespiePhilippe HebertMichael HeffernanDavid HornDanielle HouleJonathan KamNelson KarpaSheena KereliukComments from recent graduatesONABBCBCONONONSKNBABQCNBBCBCONABABONABABSKABMBABI am an engineer who was appraising industrialprojects before immigrating to Canada. Once in thiscountry, I wanted to get back into my professionand I saw this program as an opportunity for provingmy credentials to Canadian employers- Sohaib AnsariMy decision to pursue the PGCV coincided with mydecision to pursue a career in real estate appraisal.When I learned about the PGCV, I had just completeda commerce degree and was looking to changecareers. I found that appraisal was a good matchwith my previous experience as a land surveyorand education in finance and economics. The PGCVallowed me to make a quick transition into appraisal,while also leading towards a professional designation.- Dallas EngNatalia KurantAdam LawrensonTiffany LeePaul LimacherPhilip LoganAndrew MacleodArdeane MaharajJonathan MatthewsNicholas John MirskyPatrick NeptuneMaura E. O’MelinnMarcel A.D. ParsonsAndy PhamErika PopovicsRobert C. RivingtonTrevor RobertsonKenneth R. RutherfordJason M. SchellenbergSally SetoMaria SurinaCurtis A. TravisOksana Vialyka-PattiMark WojcichowskyMeng Mandy ZhaoQCBCBCABBCABBCBCBCONBCNSBCABONSKABMBONONONONABBCNow that you have completed the program,do you feel it was a good decisionfor your career in the property industry?I think the materials and projects are first rate. Theprojects give you an excuse to interact with otherreal estate practitioners and gain valuable insights.PGCV has helped me transition into a role were I amresponsible for analysis of several real estate assetclasses across Canada.- Andrew GarrettAbsolutely. It allowed me to capitalize on skillsacquired through my business background, such aseconomics and finance, and gave me the necessaryknowledge to understand and apply real principlesof value in the workplace.- Adam Lawrenson32Canadian Property Valuation Volume 54 | book 1 | 2010 Évaluation Immobilière au Canadaclick here to return to table of contents

The PGCV is well rounded and comprehensive programthat not only trained me to become efficientin valuation services, but also real estate investmentanalysis. The PGCV’s multi-disciplinary approachwill help me become a leader in many facets withinthe real estate industry, and I am pleased to havecompleted the program.- Darren S. GibbonsCompleting the PGCV has been beneficial to mycareer right from the beginning of the program.Enrolling in the program and commencing withthe coursework enabled me to get into my firstappraisal position. The coursework gave me theknowledge to advance in my position and completingthe program opened even more opportunities.After only three years since I began the program, Iam right where I want to be in my career.- Dallas EngWould you recommend thisprogram to other business graduates?I have recommended this program to every businessgraduate that has shown an interest in the realestate sector or employment at Cadillac Fairview.Many people tell me they are interested in realestate, but have nothing on their résumé to supportthat interest. I let grads know that having thisprogram on their résumé demonstrates they have abody of real estate knowledge that is more comprehensivethan a CFA or other business designations.- Andrew GarrettIf real estate valuation is of interest to you, and youalready have a degree in business, this program isdefinitely the next logical step. In just two years,you can complete the program at a reasonable pacewhile working full-time, or you can finish sooner ifyou have the spare-time and the drive.- Adam LawrensonI would recommend the program to anyone witha finance/commerce/accounting background whohas a passion for the value of property and thedevelopment process, and as a bridging program forthose who have foreign valuation credentials andexperience.- Ardeane MaharajWhether you intend to pursue an appraisal designationor not, you will gain valuable knowledgeof real property valuation; applicable to manyprofessionals in the industry. The program bringstogether all aspects of a commerce degree andapplies them toward real estate. A commercedegree has more value once focused towards aspecialization.- Dallas EngDo you feel that adding the PGCVto your professional credentials hasenhanced your career opportunities?I have found that the PGCV is not widelyrecognized in the real estate industry outside ofthe appraisal profession. Perhaps because it isa relatively new qualification. I don’t think thePGCV credential enhances career opportunitiesin its own right beyond offering a short cut toAACI designation. Like all qualifications, its truevalue will be through effective application downthe road.- Philip LoganThe PGCV has enhanced my career opportunitiesin the sense that the program is industry-focusedon property valuation, but, at the same time,educates potential property valuers about specializedopportunities in the field, e.g., appraisalreview, hotel valuation, agricultural valuation,etc.- Ardeane MaharajWith specific reference to the appraisal industry,I do not believe my career opportunities havebeen broadened by completing the PCGV.Obtaining designation is what employers seekonce you have field experience. However, forrecent graduates with no experience in theproperty industry, enrolling in the PGCV programis likely to make you attractive to prospectiveemployers.- Gord FrenchEven if I were not pursuing the AACI designation,the PGCV alone has ensured me a career in thereal estate industry.- Dallas EngAre there any other commentsconcerning this program that youwould like to share with the AppraisalInstitute or prospective PGCV students?This program allows individuals to meet all the necessaryeducational requirements for the AACI designationby taking one-third the course load. It assumesthe student has a basic knowledge of economicsand finance and is structured to provide the meatand bones of valuation – including residential andcommercial – while giving students the flexibility tochoose electives that suit their individual needs.- Adam LawrensonIn an era where the quantity and perhaps quality ofaccredited members is declining in many professions,I believe that the program can play a significant rolein mitigating the impact of this trend in valuation. Iwould advise prospective students to have a genuineinterest and commitment in property before enrollingbecause the program is immersive and assumes thatstudents are doing this for a career, and not a hobby.- Ardeane MaharajPGCV is a very well developed program. It offersaccelerated access to AIC designations, which I woulddefine as ‘intensive accelerated access.’ My advice toall prospective PGCV students is to stay focused duringthe studies, follow through all the assignments, readall the materials provided by the course, and enjoy theknowledge you gain through each course. The bestpart of the program that it is very interesting, wellwritten and challenging. I am grateful to AIC and toSauder School of Business for giving me the possibilityto reach my ultimate career goal in a short period oftime and for the extensive support that was providedto me during the course of my studies.- Natalia KurantMy biggest complaint with full-time studies whileworking on my commerce degree was not being ableto apply the knowledge learned right away. On manyoccasions throughout my applied experience program,the knowledge learned through PGCV was immediatelyapplied in real estate reports, which was verygratifying. In turn, this process enhanced my learningexperience.- Darren S. Gibbonsclick here to return to table of contentsCanadian Property Valuation Volume 54 | book 1 | 2010 Évaluation Immobilière au Canada 33

PGCV gradsenhance career opportunitiesSince 2003, the <strong>Appraisal</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Canada</strong> (AIC), with its education partner,the Real Estate Division, Sauder School <strong>of</strong>Business, University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia, has <strong>of</strong>feredthe UBC Post-Graduate Certificate in Real PropertyValuation (PGCV) leading to AIC’s AACI designation.This program presents a unique opportunity forgraduates who hold a business degree, or a degreewith a business focus from a Canadian university toearn a prestigious post-graduate certificate in realproperty valuation, while fulfilling the educationalrequirements for designation by AIC.For more information on admission andrequirements for the UBC/AIC post-graduatecertificate in Real Property Valuation, visit AIC’swebsite at or UBC’s website at UBC/AIC Post-Graduate Certificate in Real Property ValuationThis year we congratulate 48 graduates ontheir achievements:What prompted you to pursue the PGCV?I knew early on that I wanted to be in the realestate field. I decided to pursue a career inappraisal and was pleasantly surprised to findout that my BBA degree from Schulich School <strong>of</strong>Business was going to be a great stepping stone.PGCV gave me an opportunity no other universityor college program was able to provide.- Oksana Vialykh-Patti, BBAAfter returning to appraisal after many years inasset management, the educational requirementsto the AACI had changed. The PGCV is agreat, concise program that recognized my businessdegree, gave me credits for courses taken andprovided a clear path to an AACI designation.- Sandra FrankeKristy Lee AllisonSohaib AnsariDean BauckSimon CarlesenMarilyn CarrJohn CarterJimmy CheungEng DallasAdam G. DickinsonGlen William DollMartin DuranceauSheila A. FitzpatrickSandra R. FrankeGord FrenchAndrew GarrettDarren GibbonsJordan GillespiePhilippe HebertMichael HeffernanDavid HornDanielle HouleJonathan KamNelson KarpaSheena KereliukComments from recent graduatesONABBCBCONONONSKNBABQCNBBCBCONABABONABABSKABMBABI am an engineer who was appraising industrialprojects before immigrating to <strong>Canada</strong>. Once in thiscountry, I wanted to get back into my pr<strong>of</strong>essionand I saw this program as an opportunity for provingmy credentials to Canadian employers- Sohaib AnsariMy decision to pursue the PGCV coincided with mydecision to pursue a career in real estate appraisal.When I learned about the PGCV, I had just completeda commerce degree and was looking to changecareers. I found that appraisal was a good matchwith my previous experience as a land surveyorand education in finance and economics. The PGCVallowed me to make a quick transition into appraisal,while also leading towards a pr<strong>of</strong>essional designation.- Dallas EngNatalia KurantAdam LawrensonTiffany LeePaul LimacherPhilip LoganAndrew MacleodArdeane MaharajJonathan MatthewsNicholas John MirskyPatrick NeptuneMaura E. O’MelinnMarcel A.D. ParsonsAndy PhamErika PopovicsRobert C. RivingtonTrevor RobertsonKenneth R. RutherfordJason M. SchellenbergSally SetoMaria SurinaCurtis A. TravisOksana Vialyka-PattiMark WojcichowskyMeng Mandy ZhaoQCBCBCABBCABBCBCBCONBCNSBCABONSKABMBONONONONABBCNow that you have completed the program,do you feel it was a good decisionfor your career in the property industry?I think the materials and projects are first rate. Theprojects give you an excuse to interact with otherreal estate practitioners and gain valuable insights.PGCV has helped me transition into a role were I amresponsible for analysis <strong>of</strong> several real estate assetclasses across <strong>Canada</strong>.- Andrew GarrettAbsolutely. It allowed me to capitalize on skillsacquired through my business background, such aseconomics and finance, and gave me the necessaryknowledge to understand and apply real principles<strong>of</strong> value in the workplace.- Adam Lawrenson32Canadian Property Valuation Volume 54 | book 1 | 2010 Évaluation Immobilière au <strong>Canada</strong>click here to return to table <strong>of</strong> contents

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