
JeanPaul_Sartre_JeanPaul_Sartre_Basic_Writing JeanPaul_Sartre_JeanPaul_Sartre_Basic_Writing


Politics333the total situation, are superstructures, or, in other words, groups which areconstituted in the general, permanent regroupment activity of collectives (classstructures, class against class, national and international organisations, etc.). Fromthe moment that the stage of the dialectical regroupment of dialectics has beenreached, totalising activity itself becomes a factor, a milieu and a reason for secondarygroups. They are its living determination and therefore its negation; but, at thesame time, they confine it entirely within itself, and their dialectical conflicts takeplace through it and by it. In this way, as we saw in The Problem of Method, it ispossible to study them either horizontally (and empirically) in so far as theydetermine themselves in a milieu in which the group structure is already objectivelygiven, or vertically in so far as each of them in its concrete richness expresses thewhole of human materiality and the whole historical process. Thus I need onlyconcern myself here with the fundamental fact of grouping as the conquest orreconquest of the collective by praxis.

BibliographyChronological bibliography of theprincipal works of Sartre1923‘L’Ange du morbide’ Revue sans titre (1931)1931‘Légende de la Vérité’ Bifur (1931)1936L’Imagination (Presses universitaires de France)1937‘La Transcendance de l’Ego’ Recherches Philosophiques, VI (1936–7)1938La Nausée (Gallimard)‘La Structure intentionnelle de l’image’ Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale(September, 1938)1939Le Mur (Le mur, La chambre, Erostrate, Intimité, L’enfance d’un chef)Esquisse d’une théorie des émotions (Herman et Cie)1940L’Imaginaire: psychologie phénoménologique de l’imagination (Gallimard)1943L’Etre et le Néant: Essai d’ontologie phénoménologique (Gallimard)Les Mouches (Gallimard)1944Huis Clos (Gallimard)1945Les Chemins de la Liberté, I: L’Age de Raison (Gallimard)

Politics333the total situation, are superstructures, or, in other words, groups which areconstituted in the general, permanent regroupment activity of collectives (classstructures, class against class, national and international organisations, etc.). Fromthe moment that the stage of the dialectical regroupment of dialectics has beenreached, totalising activity itself becomes a factor, a milieu and a reason for secondarygroups. They are its living determination and therefore its negation; but, at thesame time, they confine it entirely within itself, and their dialectical conflicts takeplace through it and by it. In this way, as we saw in The Problem of Method, it ispossible to study them either horizontally (and empirically) in so far as theydetermine themselves in a milieu in which the group structure is already objectivelygiven, or vertically in so far as each of them in its concrete richness expresses thewhole of human materiality and the whole historical process. Thus I need onlyconcern myself here with the fundamental fact of grouping as the conquest orreconquest of the collective by praxis.

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