
JeanPaul_Sartre_JeanPaul_Sartre_Basic_Writing JeanPaul_Sartre_JeanPaul_Sartre_Basic_Writing


Temporality165from one another but only as a temporal whole. Any atomistic account oftime that fails to recognise this will fail.Although past, present and future all are, they exist in three radicallydifferent fashions. The past belongs to that fixed, inert and passive mode ofbeing that Sartre calls being-in-itself. The present is part of the spontaneous,free, subjective, conscious, manner of being called being-for-itself. Thebeing of the future is neither being-in-itself nor being-for-itself. The futureexists as pure possibility. Nevertheless, being-for-itself has an ontologicallyprivileged role in the constitution of temporality. The past is someone’spast. The present is someone’s present and the future is someone’s future.If there were no subjective conscious beings, there would be no past, presentor future.To see this, we need to draw a sharp distinction between past, presentand future on the one hand and before, simultaneous with and after, on theother. If there is past, present and future then there is before, simultaneouswith and after but from the fact that there is before, simultaneous with andafter it does not follow that there is past, present and future. ‘Past’ means‘before now’ and ‘future’ means ‘after now’ but ‘now’ means roughly ‘whenI am’, or ‘simultaneous with this thought/utterance of “now”’. A historicalfigure, say Louis XIV, uses ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’ indexed to his time.We use them indexed to ours. ‘Before’, ‘simultaneous with’, and ‘after’ maybe used to denote an ordering that arguably obtains independently of tense.Sartre says that I am my past and I am my future, and the for-itself can bedefined in terms of presence to being. My being is therefore intimately boundup with my being temporal. I am my past because I am, so far, the totality ofmy exercised choices in situations. I am my future because that is what mypresent possibilities consist in. The being of the for-itself is present in bothsenses of ‘present’. I am present in the sense that now is when I am but Iam present in the sense of in the presence of being. In the first sense, I ampresent in a sense that contrasts with past and future. In the second sense,I am present in a sense that contrasts with absent.Sartre’s insistence that the ekstases of time are inseparable incorporatesHusserl’s distinction between ‘retention’ and ‘protention’ but Sartre rejectsHusserl’s view that subjective time may be even methodologically separatedfrom objective time.In this he endorses the Heideggerian doctrine that our being isfundamentally being-in-the world.

166Jean-Paul Sartre: Basic WritingsBEING AND NOTHINGNESSTemporalityI. The PastWhat then is the meaning of “was”? We see first of all that it is transitive. If I say,“Paul is fatigued,” one might perhaps argue that the copula has an ontological value,one might perhaps want to see there only an indication of inherence. But when we say,“Paul was fatigued,” the essential meaning of the “was” leaps to our eyes: the presentPaul is actually responsible for having had this fatigue in the past. If he were notsustaining this fatigue with his being, he would not even have forgotten that state;there would be rather a “no-longer-being” strictly identical with a “not-being.” Thefatigue would be lost. The present being therefore is the foundation of its own past;and it is the present’s character as a foundation which the “was” manifests. But we arenot to understand that the present founds the past in the mode of indifference andwithout being profoundly modified by it. “Was” means that the present being has tobe in its being the foundation of its past while being itself this past What does thismean? How can the present be the past?The crux of the question lies evidently in the term “was,” which, serving asintermediary between the present and the past, is itself neither wholly present norwholly past. In fact it can be neither the one nor the other since in either case it wouldbe contained inside the tense which would denote its being. The term “was” indicatesthe ontological leap from the present into the past and represents an original synthesisof these two temporal modes. What must we understand by this synthesis?I see first that the term “was” is a mode of being. In this sense I am my past. I donot have it; I am it. A remark made by someone concerning an act which I performedyesterday or a mood which I had does not leave me indifferent; I am hurt or flattered,I protest or I let it pass; I am touched to the quick. I do not dissociate myself from mypast. Of course, in time I can attempt this dissociation; I can declare that “I am nolonger what I was,” argue that there has been a change, progress. But this is a matter ofa secondary reaction which is given as such. To deny my solidarity of being with mypast at this or that particular point is to affirm it for the whole of my life. At my limit,at that infinitesimal instant of my death, I shall be no more than my past. It alone willdefine me. This is what Sophocles wants to express in the Trachiniae when he hasDeianeira say, “It is a proverb current for a long time among men that one cannot passjudgment on the life of mortals and say if it has been happy or unhappy, until their

166Jean-Paul <strong>Sartre</strong>: <strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Writing</strong>sBEING AND NOTHINGNESSTemporalityI. The PastWhat then is the meaning of “was”? We see first of all that it is transitive. If I say,“Paul is fatigued,” one might perhaps argue that the copula has an ontological value,one might perhaps want to see there only an indication of inherence. But when we say,“Paul was fatigued,” the essential meaning of the “was” leaps to our eyes: the presentPaul is actually responsible for having had this fatigue in the past. If he were notsustaining this fatigue with his being, he would not even have forgotten that state;there would be rather a “no-longer-being” strictly identical with a “not-being.” Thefatigue would be lost. The present being therefore is the foundation of its own past;and it is the present’s character as a foundation which the “was” manifests. But we arenot to understand that the present founds the past in the mode of indifference andwithout being profoundly modified by it. “Was” means that the present being has tobe in its being the foundation of its past while being itself this past What does thismean? How can the present be the past?The crux of the question lies evidently in the term “was,” which, serving asintermediary between the present and the past, is itself neither wholly present norwholly past. In fact it can be neither the one nor the other since in either case it wouldbe contained inside the tense which would denote its being. The term “was” indicatesthe ontological leap from the present into the past and represents an original synthesisof these two temporal modes. What must we understand by this synthesis?I see first that the term “was” is a mode of being. In this sense I am my past. I donot have it; I am it. A remark made by someone concerning an act which I performedyesterday or a mood which I had does not leave me indifferent; I am hurt or flattered,I protest or I let it pass; I am touched to the quick. I do not dissociate myself from mypast. Of course, in time I can attempt this dissociation; I can declare that “I am nolonger what I was,” argue that there has been a change, progress. But this is a matter ofa secondary reaction which is given as such. To deny my solidarity of being with mypast at this or that particular point is to affirm it for the whole of my life. At my limit,at that infinitesimal instant of my death, I shall be no more than my past. It alone willdefine me. This is what Sophocles wants to express in the Trachiniae when he hasDeianeira say, “It is a proverb current for a long time among men that one cannot passjudgment on the life of mortals and say if it has been happy or unhappy, until their

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