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The <strong>LS</strong>PO NewsletterLincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Parents OrganizationWebsite: http://www.lsrhs.netPresident: Diane Pessalano, 978-443-0145Vice President: Donna Fraser, 978-579-9599Membership: Amy Phelps, 978-443-6905Susan DeSantis, 978-443-7357February 2004Editor: Nancy Lopez, 978-443-9961or 781-259-9527, ext. 275FAX No. 978-443-8824Dear Parents,What is most on my mind these days is the budget, and I keep hoping that some relief is somewhere on the horizon. Theeffects of three straight years of having to make reductions at L-S are cumulative, and it is painful to have to make decisions thatcompromise excellence. We demand a great deal of ourselves, just as you demand it of us, but the struggle to perform at aconsistently high level gets tougher as resources dwindle. As has been noted elsewhere, our student population has increased by68% over the past ten years, while faculty growth has been 48%. Something, as they say, has to give.—Let me remind you that many families have not yet paid the $35 Activity Fee for the year, which we have pretty muchinstituted on the honor system. We’re not barring students from activities, but the rate of return has been lower than we’d hoped.The fees go to support the Activities budget, an unfortunate necessity in this economic climate.—We have been holding a series of excellent conversations with parents about our math program, focussing on the need forclarity and effective communication about the various levels of math that are offered, how to insure that students are placed inthe appropriate level, how to insure that middle school teachers and parents are equipped to make good choices, and some of theunintended signals the school has sent as a result of our lack of clarity in describing the standards and expectations in each of thelevels. This, I am confident, is going to lead to better processes and clearer understandings.—We are altering our scheduling process slightly, so that students will no longer be making course selections by choosing notonly the course they want, but the block they want to take it in. This is a system that worked well for a long time, and allowedstudents to arrange their schedules effectively. However, in a larger school facing more constraints, we’ve found that it actuallyends up limiting options rather than expanding them. Making the change is the right thing to do under the circumstances.Finally, I hope that you are all surviving the cold. Spring is just ahead, and the new building gets readier by the day.Sincerely,John M. RitchieSuperintendent/PrincipalCourse Selection - To Parents of 9th, 10th & 11th grade studentsAs some of you have heard from your sons and daughters, we have been considering a change in the course selectionprocess. In the past, students have chosen classes both by course and by block. Over the past three years, the number ofstudents at L-S has increased, but our ability to hire new staff to keep up with that growth has been hampered by budgetconstraints. Now that we have more students and fewer classes, we have discovered some disadvantages for students with thecourse selection process that we have been using. What follows will describe in some detail what the problem is and thechanges that we are going to make to minimize the impact of the problem on students.With the course selection process that we have been using, when students sign up for a particular course in a particularblock, they may be closed out of that course entirely if that particular block is especially popular. Another student may sign upfor that same course in a less popular block and get the course without a problem. Many students have expressed frustrationand concern at being unable to get the course they want simply because of a block they “happened to choose at random.”Therefore, since students generally need particular courses, while block choice is generally a preference (rather than a need),we are going to begin scheduling students by course rather than block this year.We know that some students will be unhappy about the change -they liked the opportunity they have had to state a blockpreference. We know as well that, even with the change, not all students will get every course they want. However, weanticipate that this change in the process will allow us to better meet the academic needs of more students. That is, the numberof students closed out of courses they wish (or need) to take will decrease.This change will mean that we will begin the course selection process a little later than in past years. Students will bereceiving course selection materials in March. Students will only need to make course selections once. They will not beselecting courses again by block in late April/early May.We ask that parents work closely with their sons and daughters during the course selection process. If parents havequestions, they should feel free to contact the scheduling office or call their son/daughter’s teacher, counselor, housemaster, orthe appropriate department coordinator. Thank you. Rosemary Colson, Scheduling, ext. 236<strong>LS</strong>PO News<strong>Page</strong> 1

School CommitteeAs I write this, we are deep in the chill of winter, a chillthat will probably last through May (I was raised in California).While school was canceled because of the bitter coldfor one day, it is our hope to conclude the school year withoutany further cancellations.The building is moving ahead as planned. For those ofyou in Sudbury with cable, I urge you to catch the video tourof the new building on the public access channel. It providesa wonderful opportunity to see the inside of the building.The building committee is discussing the possibility ofinstalling one or two “filled turf” fields (high quality "fake"turf to those of us who have been around a while), to allowfor lower field maintenance costs and more aggressive use ofthe fields by teams at the high school and in both the Lincolnand Sudbury communities.At the School Committee meeting on February 3rd wewill discuss items of interest to all of you: Public Hearing onthe Budget; Day of Graduation for 2005 and beyond (will bediscussed at February 24 meeting as well); Graduationrequirements for seniors who have not passed MCAS.The news on the budget is sobering. The Administrationand School Committee have worked hard to keep costsdown. Enrollment over the last ten years has increased 68%,while growth in the number of teachers has increased only47%. State aid, which rose significantly during the 1990’s,has been reduced to a level seen in the 1998-99 school year.Additional details will be provided at the Public Hearing.There were a number of discussions last year todetermine what day of the week was best for graduation.While no final decision has been made, the issue will bediscussed at the February 3rd meeting in advance of votingthe calendar for the 2004-2005 school year.Please join us at the meetings on February 3rd andFebruary 24th , or any School Committee meeting, to gain abetter understanding of the issues facing the school and ourstudents.Eileen Glovsky, ChairTranslation ServicesLincoln-Sudbury welcomes students and families frommany different cultures and backgrounds. We will make everyeffort to provide important notices in other languages, inaddition to English. Interpreters are always welcome atconferences and meetings. Families whose languagebackground is other than English and who need translationservices are asked to contact the Office of Student Services.Lincoln-Sudbury acoge a estudiantes y a familias deculturas y orígenes diferentes. Las noticias importantes setratan de dar en inglés y en otros idiomas. Los intérpretessiempre pueden asistir a las conferencias y a las reuniones.Las familias que no hablen inglés deberán dirigirse a la oficinade servicios estudiantiles.<strong>Page</strong> 2Important DatesSchool CouncilTuesday, February 10 at 7:30 am, Conference RmCoffee with JohnThursday, February 5 at 8:00 am, Faculty Dining RmThursday, March 11 at 8:00 am, Faculty Dining RmMonday, April 12 at 8:00 am, Faculty Dining RmThursday, May 13 at 8:00 am, Faculty Dining RmSchool Committee MeetingsTuesday, February 3 at 7:30 pm, Conference Rm; theSudbury Public Hearing on the budget will follow the meetingTuesday, February 24 at 7:30 pm, L-S Conference RmA Reminder To All Parents RegardingNo School or Delayed Openings:If Lincoln-Sudbury is canceling school or having adelayed opening, it will be on the local TV Channels. It willsay Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School - not SudburyPublic Schools or Lincoln Public Schools. There has beensome confusion in the past. If we do decide to close school orhave a delay, it will also be on the telephone voice mail.Important Reminder:Seniors and Parents of Seniors - All Z and Incomplete gradeson report cards need to be taken care of immediately becausemidyear reports (transcripts) will be forwarded to collegesprior to February vacation. Inc’s on the transcript can be apotential problem for students and may result in the transcriptnot being sent.Designer DrugsA Program for Parents of High School andMiddle School studentsWhat does it mean if your child is going to get a "kitkat",pick up a "Motorola"? What does "Georgia <strong>Home</strong> Boy"really mean to a kid?You are invited to an informative meeting to be held inthe Curtis Middle School auditorium on Tuesday, March 30,7:30-9:00 pm. The Teen Center is cosponsoring this eventalong with the Wellness Department of L-S and Curtis MiddleSchool. A similar program was held a few years ago andparents have been requesting another opportunity to receivevaluable information.The feature speaker will be Dezra Kenney who has 25years of experience as an Advanced Practice Nurse working inthe field of chemical dependency and additions. She ispresently working at Boston University Medical Center in theDepartment of Psychiatry. Please put this date on yourcalendar and watch for more information in March.Special Education PAC MeetingOn Wednesday, February 4 at 7:30 pm in the StudentServices Office, the Special Education Parent AdvisoryCouncil (PAC) will have a general meeting. The agenda willinvolve planning for the remainder of the school year and themove to the new building.<strong>LS</strong>PO News

Counseling DepartmentAs the new semester begins, counselors would like totake this opportunity to remind you of our role at Lincoln-Sudbury. We are available to listen to and discuss anyconcerns you or your son or daughter may have includingacademics, future plans, or personal issues (family problems,sexuality, depression, stress and anything else regarding yourson or daughter which you may want to discuss). We oftenhave information and resources which we will be glad to sharewith you.You may contact counselors by calling them to talk byphone or to make an appointment to talk in person. If thesituation is urgent, please tell the house assistant who willmake sure that the counselor contacts you as quickly aspossible. Students may see us by signing up for anappointment on our schedules which are located outside eachof our office doors. They may also alert the house assistant ifthe situation is urgent. If you are unsure about who your sonor daughter’s counselor is, please call the house assistant inyour student’s house and they will let you know. Counselorsare as follows:Christine Valutkevich (West House)Marjorie Neiman Callahan (West House)David Fredrickson (South House)Muriel Stern Riseman (South House/DepartmentCoordinator)Bill Snow (North House)Maria Creonte Meisner (North House)on maternity leaveLillie Davis (North House)John Flynn (East House)Sue Leichtman (Clinical Counselor)Counseling GroupsThe Counseling Department works with otherdepartments to sponsor a number of group experiences forstudents including:*Parent Groups and Student Support and FriendshipGroups, contact Sue Leichtman, Clinical Counselor, ext. 265*Support and Socialization Groups, contact LynnCarlson, School Psychologist, ext. 250 or Jennifer Reen,Clinical Counselor, ext. 397.*New student support groups, contact Sue Leichtman,ext. 265*Communication skills, Sue Leichtman, contact ext. 265*Support group for self-identified gay, lesbian, bisexual,and transgender youth, contact Sue Leichtman, ext. 265 orVirginia Blake, ext. 339Juniors and their parentsIt’s that time! Counselors are beginning to workformally with juniors to help them clarify their post highschool plans. Counselors will be meeting with each juniorindividually and/or in groups from now through June.Parents are invited to attend Junior Night, which isscheduled for Monday, March 8 at 7:00 pm in theauditorium at L-S. Snow date is Monday, March 15.That evening, Paul Lynskey, a consultant for theCollege Board and former admissions representative/financialaid officer will present information regarding the collegeadmissions process. Your son/daughter's counselor will also<strong>Page</strong> 4be available. Be sure you know the name of your son/daughter's counselor so you can pick up his/her transcript andother materials. Also, encourage your junior to attend thismeeting with you!American College Test and College BoardsMany juniors take their first ACT or SAT I and SAT IISubject Tests in the spring of their junior year. Most collegesrequire scores from the SAT I or the comparable ACT inorder to make an admissions decision.The ACT’s are approximately three hours long and aredivided into four sections: English, math, reading and sciencereasoning. We have samples of these tests available in theCareer Center and in counselors’ offices. An increasingnumber of students are taking this test in addition to or in lieuof the SAT. Juniors may want to consider taking this test onceduring the late spring of the junior year.Some colleges also require SAT II Tests. These arehour-long exams in a particular subject area and are offered inmany different subjects including Writing, Math, AmericanHistory, European History, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew,Chemistry, Biology, Physics and some others. Counselorshave a complete list of when the SAT II’s are offered. SomeSAT II’s are offered only on certain dates. If a collegerequires SAT II testing, it generally requires that a studentcomplete three SAT II’s by the middle of the senior year andusually requests SAT II’s in writing, math and a third of thestudent’s choice.Requirements vary among different colleges and fordifferent majors vary greatly. We recommend that youcarefully check requirements at a particular college and for aparticular major!ACT, SAT I and II tests will be offered this spring onthe following dates:March 27 (SAT I only) register by February 20(March 4/late fee)February 7 (ACT) register by January 2(January 16/late fee)April 3 (ACT) register by February 27(March 12/late fee)May 1 (SAT I or II) register by March 25(April 7/late fee)June 5 (SAT I or II) register by April 29(May 12/late fee)June 12 (ACT) register by May 7 (May 21/late fee)Reminder: L-S is not a college admissions testingcenter. Students will need to register to take the CollegeBoards and ACT’s at other local test centers which are listedin the test registration bulletins.(Many parents and students ask about “SAT Prep”courses. Counselors have information about a number ofcourses and tutors in our area and will be glad to discuss thepros and cons of such a program for your son or daughter.)APPLICATIONS FOR THE SAT’s and ACT’s AREAVAILABLE FROM COUNSELORS AND IN THECAREER CENTER AND SHOULD BE MAILED BYSTUDENTS DIRECTLY TO EDUCATIONAL TESTINGSERVICE IN NEW JERSEY OR ACT IN IOWA.<strong>LS</strong>PO News

Extended Time ACT/College Board TestingSome students may be eligible for extended time testing(ACT/SAT I & II) under certain circumstances. For example,students are eligible when they have an IndividualizedEducational Plan that states the nature and effect of theirhandicap that necessitates extended time testing and themodified testing arrangements required. (If the handicap istemporary, Educational Testing Service recommends thatstudents register for a later test date unless an admissionsapplication deadline requires immediate action.)In order to register for extended time testing, studentsmust see their counselor to make certain that they are eligible,to determine any other necessary special arrangements, and tocomplete the separate application form. These forms are to bereturned directly to the counselor. Students who have met withtheir counselor and are taking extended time tests should notmail anything directly to ACT in Iowa or Educational TestingService in Princeton, NJ.The Career CenterA calendar of events will be posted on the wall outsidethe Career Center. Please encourage your son/daughter to signup for these valuable programs!College NewsSeniors and their parents: Important reminder-All Z’sand Inc (incomplete grades) need to be taken care ofimmediately because midyear reports to colleges will beforwarded prior to February vacation. Transcripts are usuallynot sent with Inc’s and colleges cannot accept students if theydo not have their transcripts!Some seniors have already been accepted to the collegeof their choice and are feeling a little more relaxed. Collegeswhich have already accepted L-S students include: Ithaca,Adelphi, University of Tampa, Colgate, Vanderbilt, OhioUniversity, Rollins , Old Dominion, Bay Path, Penn State,Cazenovia, George Washington, Bard, University of Pittsburgh,Oberlin, Brown, Hiram, St. Bonaventure, Washington College,Western New England, St. Michaels, Quinnipiac, University ofMassachusetts - Dartmouth, Emerson, Loyola, University ofNew Hamphire, Boston University, University of Connecticut,Wittenberg, Yale, Washington and Lee, Tulane, Newbury,Becker, Saint Josephs, Holy Cross, Emmanuel, Bridgewater,University of Hartford, Colby, Boston College, Princeton,Beloit, Tufts, Assumption, Hampshire, Bryant, ColoradoCollege, Providence, Arizona State, University of Arizona,Regis University, Mass College of Liberal Arts, Harvard,University of Vermont, MIT, Wake Forest, University ofMichigan, University of Wisconsin, Cornell, University ofColorado, Roger Williams, West Point, Guilford, University ofPennsylvania, University of Rochester, Gettysburg, EastCarolina University, Colby-Sawyer, Trinity (CT), FranklinPierce, and Indiana University.Most seniors are presently finishing their collegeapplications or finalizing their plans for “life after L-S.”Please ask your son or daughter to share with you the packet ofmaterial recently distributed by counselors regarding secondsemester and college admissions. Colleges are still lookingclosely at prospective and accepted students. Colleges will askfor third quarter grades if a student is wait-listed and those<strong>LS</strong>PO Newsgrades will be a significant factor in admission from the waitlist.L-S is required to forward a final transcript and proof ofgraduation to the college a student chooses to attend. Pleasebe aware that colleges accept prospective students with theunderstanding that acceptance is contingent upon continuedgood academic achievement. A college has the right towithdraw or alter an offer of admission if a prospectivestudent’s grades or course selection declines significantly.While this situation rarely occurs, we hope that students willbe fully aware of this situation. Please try to review thispacket with your senior son or daughter.Reminder to seniors:Please let your counselor know when you hear from acollege (acceptance, rejection, deferral, wait-list). If you arewait-listed, we may be able to forward additional informationwhich may be helpful to you!Information about a great many scholarships (some forspecific schools, careers, religions, or other groups; othersmore general ) is now available in the Career Center. Pleasedrop by to look through this material. Information andapplications for annual local Sudbury, Lincoln and METCOscholarships will be available in February and early Marchthrough the principal’s office, the Career Center, and theMETCO Office. FAFSA forms are available in the CareerCenter and the counselors’ offices.A reminder to seniors: please watch for the L-SScholarship Fund information thatwill be in your mailboxes in early March !<strong>Jamaica</strong> <strong>Jammin</strong>' 2004The plans for this years all-night graduation celebrationare in full swing. L-S will be transformed into a Caribbeanparadise Friday, May 28. Thanks to the many people whohave already volunteered to help and/or have sent donations.However, we still need more volunteers to help with set-up 2days before, decorations, chaperoning, and parents of seniors tohelp with cleanup on Saturday morning. To volunteer, contactPaula Shortell (pmshorty@comcast.net) or Heather McQuillin(earflappin@comcast.net). Also, ticket sales only cover about25% of the cost, so please consider supporting this event with atax-deductible donation. Mail your check to TreasurerMarianne Oteri at 512 North Rd, Sudbury, 01776.Once again, we have awesome L-S Polar Fleece Blanketson sale for only $40. They are big (60x72), warm and makegreat graduation gifts and are perfect for dorm rooms andoutdoor sporting events. Blankets can be personalized byGraphic Connection in Sudbury. Contact Libby Hamill, 978-443-0412, libola@comcast.net. All proceeds from the blanketsales support <strong>Jamaica</strong> <strong>Jammin</strong>'.Please join us for our next meeting on Thursday,February 5 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room. Futuremeeting dates are same time/place on March 18, April 29,May 13 and May 20. Contact Co-Chairs Berne Webb, 978-443-9460 and Cindy Rodrigues, 978-443-7826 with questions.<strong>Page</strong> 5

AthleticsAthletic/Activity Parent ForumThere will be an athletic forum for any interestedparents on Tuesday, February 3, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in theAthletic/Activity office. Such forums are geared to clarifyphilosophies and procedures of the athletic and activityprograms. Ms. O’Neil, Athletic/Activity Director, conductsthese forums in an effort to increase communication with thecommunity. The agenda is open, and all parents are welcome.Athletics During April VacationThe Dual County League provides student-athletes andtheir families some flexibility over the April vacation, fromFriday, April 16 through Tuesday, April 20. There are nocontests scheduled from the Friday before the vacationthrough the Tuesday of the vacation. Practices during thistime period are optional. Games may be scheduled, startingon Wednesday of the vacation. Please note that studentathleteswho are most prepared for competition, however,may receive more playing time. Ninth grade teams do nothave any required obligations over the April vacation. If aninth grader makes a junior varsity or varsity team, however,there may be responsibilities during this time period. If youhave further questions, please call Nancy O’Neil, 978-443-9961, ext. 247.Spring Sports begin on Monday, March 15. Studentsinterested in trying out for a spring team must register in theathletic office, beginning on March 1. At this time, proof of aphysical (dated 5/15/03 or after) and a $135 user fee must beprovided. Spring sports offered at L-S include: Boys'Varsity, JV, and 9th Grade Lacrosse; Girls' Varsity, JV, and9th Grade Lacrosse; Boys' Varsity and JV Volleyball; VarsitySailing (coed); Boys' Varsity, JV, and 9th Grade Baseball;Girls' Varsity, JV, and 9th Grade Softball; Boys' and Girls'Varsity and JV Spring Track; Boys' Varsity and JV Tennis;and Girls' Varsity and JV Tennis.Continuing Challenges.....With the ongoing new building project, spring teamswill continue to face a number of logistical challenges. Thefollowing athletic facilities have been removed from the highschool due to construction: all tennis courts, the softball field,all lacrosse fields, and all baseball diamonds. In turn, thefollowing adjustments have been made:Varsity Softball will play at Feeley FieldJV/9th Grade Softball will play at Featherland FieldTennis teams will use Feeley and FeatherlandBaseball will use Haskell and FeeleyGirls' Lacrosse teams will play at HaskellBoys' Varsity Lacrosse will play at the MaynardStadium field on the corner of Rts. 117 and 27Boys' JV & 9th Lacrosse will play at the MaynardGreen Meadow School field (off of rte 117)Track discus and javelin events will be held on theleeching field behind the school. Other events will,hopefully, be held at the track.Also, practice times for some teams will have tooccur later in the day. In turn, parents will play an important<strong>Page</strong> 6role in providing transportation support to some of the off-sitepractices and events. This past fall, the parents did a phenomenaljob assisting student-athletes with transportation - HUGETHANKS FOR THAT! As well, the athletic program has threevans thanks to the generosity of the Booster Club. These vanswill be used to address off-site transportation needs. We areexploring other options and will do our very best to providequality programs for the athletes. Please feel free to call NancyO’Neil , 978-443-9961, ext. 247 if you have any questions.Foreign LanguagesNational Language Contest Tests:Foreign Language students at L-S will be taking NationalLanguage Contest tests in March. Spanish will be on March4, French on March 10 and Latin during the second weekof March. German students have already taken the NationalGerman test in December. In order to participate, students hadto have preregistered in December. Results will be announcedin a future issue.French Club:French Club is planning a trip to the Museum of FineArts to see the ticketed show, Gauguin in Tahiti. The showoriginated in Paris and is the most highly attended ticked showin the history of the Grand Palais. Boston is its only US venue.A trip to the MFA for this show would also be a good familyouting. The dates for the show are February 29 - June 20.During the month of December, French Club memberssold holiday and note cards made by Haitian orphans to benefittheir feeding programs. For the 16th year, members sold cardsin the L-S cafeteria during lunches and at three Sudburychurches. Special thanks to Gerald McElroy, Liz Fell, LilyKarian and Madeline Welch who organized the church sales.We raised a total for $2,839. The club thanks all those whosupported the sale.Language Clubs:French, German and Spanish Clubs are planning a MardiGras evening at L-S with traditional Mardi Gras foods, festivedancing (Cajun two step, Salsa, and Alpine knee-slappingdance), mask contest and much merriment. Students shouldattend club meetings in February for more information.German Club:The German Club is now working together with the L-SRecycling Club to provide some eye-catching bilingual(German and English) publicity. It is hoped that the brightyellow posters displayed around school will raise awarenessabout recycling cans, bottles and paper at L-S.Preparations are underway for the next L-S/HerdeckeExchange. Students from Herdecke will arrive in Boston onMarch 31 and will attend classes at L-S from April 1-16.Anyone interested in becoming involved in the Exchange cancontact Mrs. Campbell, ext. 322.Language Students:Are you interested in furthering international understandingand learning more about other cultures. Consider being astudent ambassador and living with a family in another countrythis summer. The Student Exchange Committee offers a$1000.00 stipend to assist the student selected to be this year'sambassdor. Applications are available in the LanguageDepartment Office and are due by March 1.<strong>LS</strong>PO News

Musical NotesThe L-S Music Department ended 2003 with La Nuit de Jazz on December 5. Performing at this cabaret style concertwere the Jazz Band, the Select Jazz Band, and Casey Gruttadauria's Small Jazz Ensemble. Katie McTyre, Jamie McTyre,and Ben <strong>Page</strong> also sang vocal solos. The audience had the chance to relax, hear wonderful jazz performances, munch on tastysweets, and even dance! If you missed this event, be sure to attend next time.January started with the Northeast Senior Districts Music Festival concert on January 10. The concert, held at LowellHigh School, was inspiring, with each performing group receiving a standing ovation. Students were chosen by audition toparticipate in the festival. The following L-S students performed: Orchestra: Sam Adams, Gowri Aragam, Nick Avgerinos,Maya Bloom, Tina Chen, Vicki Chen, Will Chen (concertmaster), Chris Cheng, Jessica Majno, Megan McPhee, KristanPalmer, and Jason Thumma (principal string bass). Band: John Besemer, Lisa Duke, Peter Kim, Katie Palmer, and EricThumma. Chorus: Maggie Arnold, Audrey Collins, Jack Darcey, Mieke Debeuckelaer, Rachel Haberman, CatherineMcTyre, and Ben <strong>Page</strong>.Based on their Northeast Senior District audition scores, the following students have been recommended to audition forthe Massachusetts All-State Music Festival: Sam Adams, Gowri Aragam, Tina Chen, Vicki Chen, Will Chen, MiekeDebeuckelaer, Jessica Majno, Megan McPhee, Catherine McTyre, Ben <strong>Page</strong>, Kristan Palmer, Eric Thumma, and JasonThumma.On January 17, auditions were held for the Northeast Junior District Music Festival. The L-S freshmen who auditioned:Darren Agarwal (Band - Baritone Saxophone), Greg Avgerinos (Orchestra - Cello), Prithvi Balaram (Band - Alto Saxophone),Chris Donovan (Chorus - Bass), Clare Engler (Chorus - Alto), Shelley Fang (Chorus - Alto), Christina Leonelli(Chorus - Soprano), Kevin Liu (Orchestra - Violin), Alison McLellan (Orchestra - Violin), Brooke Tocci (Chorus - Alto), andMeaghan Trefry (Chorus - Soprano).Please remember that the Music Department website is now up and running. Be sure to visit it for details on upcomingevents and other music department information. The next Friends of Music meeting will take place on Monday, February 9 at7:00 pm in the music room. All parents of music students are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions or want to offeryour assistance but cannot attend the meeting, please call Karen Palmer, Acting Chair and Treasurer, 978-443-7648.Upcoming Events: Monday, February 9 - Friends of Music meeting 7:00 pm; Wednesday, March 3 - Choral Concert;Tuesday, March 9 - Joint Concert with Curtis (Instrumental and Choral)CampFairSudbury’s Second Annual Summer Camp Fair, presented by the Loring PTO, will be held on Saturday, February 7,11 am to 3 pm at the Curtis Middle School. Snow Date is Sunday, February 8. Admission is free!Resourceful students and parents will be able to talk to representatives from dozens of camps with programs featuringsports, martial arts, equestrian skills, arts and crafts, academic enrichment, travel, and more. Camp Fair is also a great opportunityfor counselors to start a summer job search. Questions? Contact campfair@speedwork.com or website:www.sudburycampfair.netFE<strong>LS</strong> NewsFE<strong>LS</strong>, (Foundation for Educators at Lincoln Sudbury), would like to thank all of the L-S families that have contributed toour annual appeal. All of the money received will be used to fund grants submitted by our faculty. We are proud to have fundedso many innovative and exciting projects by faculty in many departments.In November, FE<strong>LS</strong> topped last years total pie sales by over 30%! We sold equal numbers of pumpkin, pecan and applepies. FE<strong>LS</strong> is excited to be a part of a wonderful Thanksgiving tradition.Please mark May 8 on your calendars; this is the day of the Second Annual FE<strong>LS</strong> Flea Market. More information will beforthcoming on how to reserve a table or make a donation. This is a great way to clean out your attic!The FE<strong>LS</strong> Board is very pleased to announce the addition of several new members of the faculty to our Board. We arevery happy to welcome Erin Eggers, Science Department, Anne Walker, Art Department, and Casey Riley of the EnglishDepartment. In addition several parents of L-S students have joined the FE<strong>LS</strong> Board. A hearty welcome to Laurie Nee,Reingard Nathanson and Anne Streisand. We are looking forward to our next granting cycle in March. Faculty may submitby February 13, 2004. If you have any questions please contact Helaine Cohen , 978- 443-7743.<strong>Jamaica</strong> <strong>Jammin</strong>' 2004L-S POLAR FLEECE BLANKETS (60x72)Great gift for only $40L-S is embroidered on one corner and you can personalize it with your childs name, year of graduation,and favorite sports at Graphic Connection in Sudbury.To order, contact Libby Hamill, 978-443-0412 or libola@comcast.net<strong>LS</strong>PO News<strong>Page</strong> 7

<strong>Jamaica</strong> <strong>Jammin</strong> 2004 is Friday, May 28HELP WANTED1. Decorations and set up . . . . . .Wed, May 26 (evening)Thurs, May 27 (evening)Friday, May 28 at 12:302. Chaperone . . . . . . . . . . Friday, 28 from 9pm 1am or 1am 5am3. Clean Up . . . . . . . . . . . Parents of Seniors on Saturday, 29 at 7amTo volunteer, email Paula Shortell (pmshorty@comcast.net) orHeather McQuillin (earflappin@comcast.net).Join us at our next meeting on Thursday, Feb.5, 20047:30pm in the Conference Room<strong>Jamaica</strong> <strong>Jammin</strong> 2004DONATION FORMName______________________________ Amount $____________Students Name &Grade___________________________________________________Please make your tax deductible check payable to: L-S Senior Safe Night, Inc.Mail to: Marianne Oteri, Treasurer, 512 North Road, Sudbury, MA 01776Thank you for your generous donation!<strong>Page</strong> 8<strong>LS</strong>PO News

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