Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy

Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy


Justin Derrick Basilico ’98 married Julia Lillian Austin in June 2004. Picturedare Matthew Basilico ’03, groom Justin Basilico ’98, bride Julia Austin, MarinaHillard, Briana Hillard and Peggy McClean; back row: Andrea Cantisani, GildaLozoya, Ming Zhang ’98 and Mayhew Seavey ’98. Also in attendance wereSimon Rasin ’98, Ian White ’98, and Jack and Nancy Starmer.Class of 2000, front row (left to right): Eugene Izumo, Melissa Domizio, LeslieWade, Matt Heck, Anna Bulbrook, Prue Hyman, Ashley Carter, ShannonGulliver, Molly Epstein, Rachel Feinberg, Lauren Sozio; row 2: Scott Vasquez,Kate Orchard, Brent Bucknam, Merrill Feather, Andrew Lapham, JennieBartlett, Natalia Solado, Ellen Snead row 3: Critter Gilpin, Leah Culver, MollyPerkins; row 4: Colin Fx, Dave Malkenson, Justin Ng, Josh Pressman, BenAlschuler, Drew Konove, Rob Weller, Will Connors, Dave Huoppi.Michael Rozas is working on amaster’s degree in architectureand planned to spend the summertraveling through Brazil.2000Joshua Cohen lives in JacksonHole, Wyoming, where he isteaching kids how to ski.After graduating from Yale andGeorgetown respectively, MollyEpstein and Rachel Feinbergmoved to Manhattan, where theyshare a cozy (read: small) apartmenton the Upper East Side.Rachel teaches third grade in theBronx as a member of Teach forAmerica, and Molly is a galleryassociate at a contemporary artgallery in Chelsea. They sawLauren Sozio often and were sadwhen she left New York City thissummer to return to Boston.They look forward to connectingwith others in the Class of 2000who live in New York.Matthew Heck is graduatingfrom Oberlin in 2005 with amusicology major (theory andhistory) and history minor.Daniel Weisman graduated fromEmory University in December2004 with a double major injournalism and African-American studies and a minorin history. In addition to writingfor The Sunday Paper, a weeklyAtlanta newspaper, he held anumber of DJ residencies atsome of Atlanta’s top clubs andstill runs a club promotion companytargeted at the collegecrowd. He moved back to LosAngeles in the middle ofFebruary and is working in theagent-training program atUnited Talent Agency withhopes of building a mediaempire over the next 20 years.2002Momoke Hirose is at BrownUniversity pursuing a degree ineconomics.Alison Quandt was elected cocaptainof the Boston CollegeWomen’s Ice Hockey team forthe 2005–2006 season.2003Tyler Jacobson is spending thefall 2005 semester in Paris.Taylor White spent the summerworking in Maine.2004Poornima (Katherine) Kirbycompleted her freshman year atVassar. She has been on the crewteam, is a member of the VassarShakespeare Troupe, and singswith Vassar’s mixed choir, withwhich she traveled to Italy lastyear.Deaths1926 Eleanor Lane Cluett1928 David C. Crockett1934 Katharine Reeve Draper1936 Joel C. GoldthwaitFrederick Holdsworth, Jr.1937 Cornelius C. Felton, Jr.Paul Hollister, Jr.1938 Elisha AtkinsJohn D. CrawfordCharles H. Wolfe, Jr.1941 Ethel Anderson1945 Mary Callan BaileyPrentiss Shepherd, Jr.1946 Robert C. Meisel1947 George E. Michaud1949 David Stevenson MorganRichard “Scotty” R. Stewart1953 Bradford N. Swett1956 Rollin M. Johnson1959 John C. PappasFriendsBradford Fitch Herzog, Faculty1952–1965Stay up to date with classmates.Submit and viewclass notes online!http://www.milton.edu/alumni/pages/ad/index.asp80 Milton Magazine

Margaret Creighton WilliamsMargaret Creighton Williams,widow of Ralph B. Williams ’26,died on January 17, 2005, after aremarkably full 97 years.Margaret was the mother ofBenjamin Jackson Williams ’54of Beverly Farms, Sally WilliamsCasey (a Milton parent) ofGreenwich, Connecticut, and thelate Ralph B. Williams III ’51and Albert C. Williams ’60. SheRichard R. Stewart ’49Richard R. Stewart ’49Volunteer Squash Coach for Seven YearsRichard R. Stewart ’49 died June22 in his home in Ipswich,Massachusetts, the youngest ofthree brothers, Charles P. Jr. ’41and Donald McD. ’45. Theirfather was Charles P. Stewart,Sr. ’13.After Milton, Scotty, as he wasknown to his Milton friends,received bachelor’s and master’sdegrees from Trinity College inHartford and a law degree fromBoston University. He was thecaptain of the Trinity Collegesquash team, an excellent hardballplayer who won three amateurnational singles championships.A longtime resident ofSouthport, Connecticut, hecounted many Milton graduatesamong her nieces, nephews andgrandchildren. Her affection forthe School is evident in theWilliams International SquashCourts, the hockey rink, as wellas the many special funds shesupported. Milton mourns theloss of a true friend and extendsits deepest sympathy to theWilliams family.retired to Ipswich and, for thelast seven years, volunteered towork with the Milton boys’squash team, at first as an occasionalcoach and consultant,then for the most recent fiveyears as the primary coach. Hisknowledge, coaching ability andsuccess produced winning teamsand ISL championships.One of his players writes, “Hiscritiques and comments will beremembered and cherished byall the members of the squashteam; we will remember themany good times we had withour coach, and mostly, ourfriend.”Francis D. MilletPaul V. Harper ’33A Leader in the Uses of Nuclear MedicinePublished: August 13, 2005Dr. Paul V. Harper, who as anuclear medicine pioneer led aUniversity of Chicago team thatdeveloped an isotope widelyused to pinpoint and diagnosecancers, died on July 15 at a hospicein Evanston, Ill. He was 89.The cause was pneumonia, auniversity spokesman said.Dr. Harper’s team conducted itsresearch in the 1960s usingtechnetium, a radioactive elementdiscovered during the1930’s. Working with anotherresearcher, Katherine A. Lathrop,and others, Dr. Harper injectedan isotope, technetium 99m,into a patient’s bloodstream andthen traced its progress throughthe brain, the heart, the liver andother organs.The Chicago experimentsbrought about a method of scanningthe isotope to create imagesof cancers and other tumors. In1963, while using their method,Dr. Harper and his team performedthe first detailed scan ofthe brain. Their technetium isotoperemains in use and, with itsrelatively rapid disintegration,has proved to be a safer diagnostictool than isotopes developedearlier.Trained as a surgeon, Dr. Harperwas keenly interested in nuclearmedicine’s therapeutic as well asdiagnostic aspects. In the 1950s,he surgically implanted radioactivematerials in patients to treattumors of the pancreas that wereotherwise inoperable, initially byinserting radium needles. Helater implanted lengths of fineplastic tubing filled with anotherradioactive isotope, iodine 131, toshrink or even destroy cancersand tumors.Dr. Robert Beck, an emeritusprofessor of radiology atChicago, said Dr. Harper’s pathbreakingexperiments had produced“valuable methods forirradiating the pancreas and avariety of organs, and thosemethods are used today for treatingthe pituitary gland as well asthe prostate.”In 1961, working with Ms.Lathrop, Dr. Harper also devisedan efficient method of producingiodine 125, an isotope consideredsignificantly safer than iodine131. Iodine 125, used to scan theliver and the thyroid, remains acommon medical tool, Dr. Becksaid.Paul Vincent Harper was born inChicago, the grandson of WilliamRainey Harper, founding presidentof the University of Chicago.Paul Harper attended MiltonAcademy and received his undergraduateand medical degreesfrom Harvard. After training insurgery at Chicago, he became anassistant professor of surgerythere in 1953 and was named professorin 1960. In 1963, he wasmade an associate director ofArgonne Cancer ResearchHospital, at the university.Dr. Harper studied the effects ofdoses of radiation, a disciplineknown as dosimetry, and wasappointed to the InternationalCommission on Radiation Unitsand Measurements in 1975. Hereceived a presidential citationfrom the Society of NuclearMedicine in 1986.His wife, the former PhyllisSweetser, died in 1993. Theymade their home in Glencoe,Ill., a Chicago suburb.He is survived by two sons,David, of Pennington, N.J., andWilliam, of Hartford; two daughters,Stephanie Harper ofGlencoe and Cynthia Harper ofChicago; a sister, Jane Overtonof Chicago; a close friend, SyblePaden of Evanston; and twograndchildren.© Copyright 2005, The New YorkTimes. Reprinted with permission.81 Milton Magazine

Justin Derrick Basilico ’98 married Julia Lillian Austin in June 2004. Picturedare Matthew Basilico ’03, groom Justin Basilico ’98, bride Julia Austin, MarinaHillard, Briana Hillard and Peggy McClean; back row: Andrea Cantisani, GildaLozoya, Ming Zhang ’98 and Mayhew Seavey ’98. Also in attendance wereSimon Rasin ’98, Ian White ’98, and Jack and Nancy Starmer.Class of 2000, front row (left to right): Eugene Izumo, Melissa Domizio, LeslieWade, Matt Heck, Anna Bulbrook, Prue Hyman, Ashley Carter, ShannonGulliver, Molly Epstein, Rachel Feinberg, Lauren Sozio; row 2: Scott Vasquez,Kate Orchard, Brent Bucknam, Merrill Feather, Andrew Lapham, JennieBartlett, Natalia Solado, Ellen Snead row 3: Critter Gilpin, Leah Culver, MollyPerkins; row 4: Colin Fx, Dave Malkenson, Justin Ng, Josh Pressman, BenAlschuler, Drew Konove, Rob Weller, Will Connors, Dave Huoppi.Michael Rozas is working on amaster’s degree in architectureand planned to spend the summertraveling through Brazil.2000Joshua Cohen lives in JacksonHole, Wyoming, where he isteaching kids how to ski.After graduating from Yale andGeorgetown respectively, MollyEpstein and Rachel Feinbergmoved to Manhattan, where theyshare a cozy (read: small) apartmenton the Upper East Side.Rachel teaches third grade in theBronx as a member of Teach forAmerica, and Molly is a galleryassociate at a contemporary artgallery in Chelsea. They sawLauren Sozio often and were sadwhen she left New York City thissummer to return to Boston.They look forward to connectingwith others in the Class of 2000who live in New York.Matthew Heck is graduatingfrom Oberlin in <strong>2005</strong> with amusicology major (theory andhistory) and history minor.Daniel Weisman graduated fromEmory University in December2004 with a double major injournalism and African-American studies and a minorin history. In addition to writingfor The Sunday Paper, a weeklyAtlanta newspaper, he held anumber of DJ residencies atsome of Atlanta’s top clubs andstill runs a club promotion companytargeted at the collegecrowd. He moved back to LosAngeles in the middle ofFebruary and is working in theagent-training program atUnited Talent Agency withhopes of building a mediaempire over the next 20 years.2002Momoke Hirose is at BrownUniversity pursuing a degree ineconomics.Alison Quandt was elected cocaptainof the Boston CollegeWomen’s Ice Hockey team forthe <strong>2005</strong>–2006 season.2003Tyler Jacobson is spending thefall <strong>2005</strong> semester in Paris.Taylor White spent the summerworking in Maine.2004Poornima (Katherine) Kirbycompleted her freshman year atVassar. She has been on the crewteam, is a member of the VassarShakespeare Troupe, and singswith Vassar’s mixed choir, withwhich she traveled to Italy lastyear.Deaths1926 Eleanor Lane Cluett1928 David C. Crockett1934 Katharine Reeve Draper1936 Joel C. GoldthwaitFrederick Holdsworth, Jr.1937 Cornelius C. Felton, Jr.Paul Hollister, Jr.1938 Elisha AtkinsJohn D. CrawfordCharles H. Wolfe, Jr.1941 Ethel Anderson1945 Mary Callan BaileyPrentiss Shepherd, Jr.1946 Robert C. Meisel1947 George E. Michaud1949 David Stevenson MorganRichard “Scotty” R. Stewart1953 Bradford N. Swett1956 Rollin M. Johnson1959 John C. PappasFriendsBradford Fitch Herzog, Faculty1952–1965Stay up to date with classmates.Submit and viewclass notes online!http://www.milton.edu/alumni/pages/ad/index.asp80 <strong>Milton</strong> Magazine

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