Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy

Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy


The Performing ArtsAwardPresented by the Performing ArtsDepartment for outstanding contributionsin production work,acting, speech, audiovisuals, anddance throughout his or herMilton career.Jessica Catherine GiannoneAmy Ginette KurzweilAndrew George PinkhamCharles Emerson RiggsLee SeymourCourtney Alex StockAmy Elizabeth UngerThe Kiki Rice-Gray PrizeAwarded for outstanding contributionsto Milton PerformingArts throughout his or hercareer in both performance andproduction.Julia Salber KingsdaleMatthew Smith MillerThe Priscilla BaileyAwardTo a senior girl who has been amost valuable asset to MiltonAcademy athletics and to theMilton Academy Community—an athlete who has demonstratedexceptional individualskills and teamwork, as well astrue sportsmanship.Lindsay Elizabeth McNamaraThe Henry WarderCarey PrizeTo members of the First Class,who, in Public Speaking andOral Interpretation, have shownconsistent effort, thoroughnessof preparation, and concern forothers.Samuel Barnes Stone38 Milton Magazine

The Robert L. Daley PrizeCreated by his students of 1984in his memory and honor, thisprize in Classics is awarded tothe student from Latin 4 orbeyond who best exemplifies Mr.Daley’s love of languages.Jessica Ashley HeitmanThe Richard LawrenceDerby Memorial AwardTo an outstanding student of theSecond Class in Mathematics,Astronomy, or Physics.Seo Hyung KimOliver Alan PechenikThe Alfred ElliottMemorial TrophyFor self-sacrifice and devotion tothe best interests of his teams,regardless of skill.Ryan Christopher WalshThe Gorham PalfreyFaucon PrizeEstablished in 1911 and awardedto members of Class I for demonstratedinterest and outstandingachievement in history and socialscience.Jonathan Michael GarrityNoah Joshua LawrenceCharles Emerson RiggsJulia Elizabeth SchlozmanKatherine Wang WhitmanThe Benjamin FosdickHarding Latin PrizesAwarded on the basis of aseparate test at each prize level.Level 5: Caitlin Barry-HeffernanLevel 4: Elizabeth RegardStarkLevel 3: Nathaniel StetsonThe Modern LanguagesPrizesAwarded to those students who,in the opinion of the Department,most exhibit the qualitiesof academic excellence, enthusiasticparticipation, and supportof fellow students, both in classand outside.M. Ross BloomCatherine Diane BuzneyJulia Cohen ChapmanSara Leslie PulitEmma Marie SandoRaphel Stephen MarinoVaglianoThe Milton Academy ArtPrizesAwarded for imagination andtechnical excellence in his or herart and for independent and creativespirit of endeavor.Mae Diana RyanRandolph Jonathan RyanEmma Marie SandoAdam Simonsen Walker39 Milton Magazine

The Robert L. Daley PrizeCreated by his students of 1984in his memory and honor, thisprize in Classics is awarded tothe student from Latin 4 orbeyond who best exemplifies Mr.Daley’s love of languages.Jessica Ashley HeitmanThe Richard LawrenceDerby Memorial AwardTo an outstanding student of theSecond Class in Mathematics,Astronomy, or Physics.Seo Hyung KimOliver Alan PechenikThe Alfred ElliottMemorial TrophyFor self-sacrifice and devotion tothe best interests of his teams,regardless of skill.Ryan Christopher WalshThe Gorham PalfreyFaucon PrizeEstablished in 1911 and awardedto members of Class I for demonstratedinterest and outstandingachievement in history and socialscience.Jonathan Michael GarrityNoah Joshua LawrenceCharles Emerson RiggsJulia Elizabeth SchlozmanKatherine Wang WhitmanThe Benjamin FosdickHarding Latin PrizesAwarded on the basis of aseparate test at each prize level.Level 5: Caitlin Barry-HeffernanLevel 4: Elizabeth RegardStarkLevel 3: Nathaniel StetsonThe Modern LanguagesPrizesAwarded to those students who,in the opinion of the Department,most exhibit the qualitiesof academic excellence, enthusiasticparticipation, and supportof fellow students, both in classand outside.M. Ross BloomCatherine Diane BuzneyJulia Cohen ChapmanSara Leslie PulitEmma Marie SandoRaphel Stephen MarinoVaglianoThe <strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> ArtPrizesAwarded for imagination andtechnical excellence in his or herart and for independent and creativespirit of endeavor.Mae Diana RyanRandolph Jonathan RyanEmma Marie SandoAdam Simonsen Walker39 <strong>Milton</strong> Magazine

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