Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy

Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy

Fall 2005 PDF - Milton Academy


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In its three to four annual issues, TheAsian focuses on Asia, Asian culture andAsians in America.In <strong>2005</strong>–2006, Kathy Han, of San Jose,California, and Ross Bloom, of Boston,will co-edit the publication for the secondyear. The Class I students see the publicationas a forum for everything Asian.“We also want to help non-Asians becomemore aware of Asian culture and identity,”Kathy says. The editors hold shatteringstereotypes and refining perceptions ontheir to-do list. “We want to give peoplemore information so that they can re-thinktheir ideas about what Asian culture is,”Ross says.“Asia is more and more important in theworld,” Ross says. “We want to expressthat by showing not telling,” adds Kathy.They look at macro and micro issues, suchas including South Asians in general conversationabout Asia, as well as howchanges in the School’s residential lifeprogram might affect the Asian studentpopulation. They also include first-personessays such as one by recent graduateMatt Miller on his trip to Vietnam. The coeditorsare also asking alumni to contributestories or essays as guest writers.“We started in the early 1990s as an offshootof the Asian Society, with Ivan Ting’92 as the driving force,” says advisor andmodern languages faculty memberMichael Murray.Kathy Han and Ross Bloom, Class of 2006, co-editors of The AsianThe now graphics-rich publication handlestopics as varied as street fashion, Koreanwar art, the new prevalence of plastic surgeryin Asia to Ramen noodle-eating in<strong>Milton</strong>’s residential houses. The Asian hasevolved into a glossy 24-page periodicalwith features on Asian art, fashion, foodand literature. With approximately 60 percentof the world’s population living inAsia, infinite material and perspectiveinform the publication.The Asian:Broadening Understanding of the World’s Majority33 <strong>Milton</strong> Magazine

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